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LC's Deity LP #1(China, Standard, Pangaea)

Light Cleric

ElCee/LC/El Cid
Feb 5, 2011
Well I've finally caved and attempting to get over my nerves to do some LPs. There's apparently a big hunger for Deity LPs since the Fall patch so I thought I'd chip in.

I'm starting off with one of my favorite civs, China. Hopefully I'll be able to continue this series to get into other civs. I have a few others in mind (Persia, Bablyon, etc.). If anyone has any requests, you can make them, but I won't make any promises. :D
I apologize for the first video a bit: It's a combination of nerves and being my first actual LP video ever. There was an editing issue I missed and the sound is a bit loud; it's adjusted for the 2nd video and is much better. My nerves have also caused me to talk faster than usual, hopefully that will sort out as well. :lol:

720p HD is available. Note: If you get an error about "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available", Youtube is being a pain. Click here and choose "Leave the HTML5 trial". You may want to go back to it afterwards.

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5 idk why this one goes black for a moment, the source doesn't :crazyeye:
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Pretty hardcore start, i must say. ;) Good watch, nice commentary. Hope to see how it develops. If i may make a strange request: if you could stick to one zooming level, that'd be superb.

And no, i don't think you're imagining things in regard to ballistas. I saw ridculous AI cheating on Deity with 3 Carthaginian pikes teleporting 3 tiles over a river and attacking me on the same turn. Need some nerve to play Deity :D.
Yeah, I misread the damage log; the one time damage stuck around for more than 2 seconds in this game it was to confuse me @_@ I had suspicions because I HAVE been shot by Ballistas(e.g. in DC #7) where it was literally impossible for them to have shot me, but this was not one of those cases. :lol:

I understand the camera zoom thing, could probably cause seasickness :crazyeye:
Dude... that's seriously crazy. Like Turn 28 triple DOW crazy.

And that Alex... it's like his always got off the wrong side of bed every time I'm his neighbor too :crazyeye:

It's all great stuff I'm enjoying so far. Is this going to be like in DC7 with rough fighting the Persians, Austrians and Romans?
Was waiting for a deity LP for a while now. I really enjoyed it, your play is good and you have a good voice for it. Keep them flowing! Thanks!
Great stuff so far. Thank you for posting it ^^. Although, I'm not sure why you took so many aggressive lines early on. That seems a bit silly in Deity. Like, settling your initial Settler just seems like a massive mistake to me. Those clearly weren't your lands :<. What you should have done was gone bravely exploring for the land of milk and honey!
Thanks for the feedback guys, good motivation :)

I'm gonna do some tweaking before Episode 4 to see if I can deal with some of the "tearing" issues; it may be something to do with Fraps. I've tried CamStudio but it's not playing nice with my audio. :( I'll also try to break my habit of zooming/moving so fast.

Great stuff so far. Thank you for posting it ^^. Although, I'm not sure why you took so many aggressive lines early on. That seems a bit silly in Deity. Like, settling your initial Settler just seems like a massive mistake to me. Those clearly weren't your lands :<. What you should have done was gone bravely exploring for the land of milk and honey!

Post-patch Deity has made me a much more aggressive player, I've found so many times that the answer was to be more aggressive :p

The only reason I settled that city was because of the terrain. That mountain completely blocked off one point of attack, any flank would have to go around it and over a hill, any frontal attacks would have to go into a hill to even get set up, and I was already prepped for a lot of fighting as soon as I saw Rome. It was settle there or go one-city for a long time. If that terrain had been less favorably defensively then it would have been quite dangerous.
The only reason I settled that city was because of the terrain. That mountain completely blocked off one point of attack, any flank would have to go around it and over a hill, any frontal attacks would have to go into a hill to even get set up, and I was already prepped for a lot of fighting as soon as I saw Rome. It was settle there or go one-city for a long time. If that terrain had been less favorably defensively then it would have been quite dangerous.

I was referring to your initial Settler, not the one that you bought ^^.

(I.e. I was just trolling around :p.)
I was referring to your initial Settler, not the one that you bought ^^.

(I.e. I was just trolling around :p.)

Oh, I gotcha. Yeah, when you said "land of milk and honey" I figured it was pretty clear you were just joking around :lol:
Damn it LC, quit wasting your time posting on the boards and bring us our next fix.
Well, Episode 4 is processing. This map has somehow gotten nuttier :crazyeye:

Also, I think the issue with the map going "blurry" is during the conversion process, either on my computer or by Youtube. The actual Fraps recordings don't do that distortion at ALL. Does anyone have any good recommendations for video converters? Movie Maker isn't very good, but the other few I've tried have absolutely TRASHED the video quality. Thanks for any suggestions. :)
Well, I've uploaded episodes 6 & 7 which are about as long as 1 episode because I had some editing issues(again).

Good news, though, my irl friend is being awesome and letting me play around with his copy of Sony Vegas. I did a few test clips with disabling resampling and they seem to have come out much much better, although I still need to figure out a way to make the file sizes not be gargantuan :crazyeye:

Thanks to everyone who's stuck around and put up with all these issues :p
Watching ep6 now... that citadel placement was just pure evil dude

Yeah, kind of craziness that reminds me early versions of vanilla with its endless and pointless DoWs.

Yeah it's just sad. Like throwing-thousands-of-lemmings-repeatedly-into-some-meatgrinder kind of sad. I'm hoping this gets fixed with BNW's focus on lategame diplo and trade revamp, but then again I don't think the devs worry too much about balancing high diffs...
Really, LC, really? You remove one piece of the road and leave the other one? :D
You remind me of me. And I don't necessarily mean that as a compliment. :D

Yeah it's just sad. Like throwing-thousands-of-lemmings-repeatedly-into-some-meatgrinder kind of sad. I'm hoping this gets fixed with BNW's focus on lategame diplo and trade revamp, but then again I don't think the devs worry too much about balancing high diffs...
And they shouldn't, not matter how frustrating it is for some of us. The good thing though, you don't see this kind of ridiculousness too often now, unlike in early vanilla. When you could just meet a guy and instead of 'Hi' he'd scream 'DIE!' in your face. And never sent any units in your direction. :crazyeye: But, still happens sometimes. It took Rome a very long time to bring a semi substantial force to the front. :rolleyes:
Really, LC, really? You remove one piece of the road and leave the other one? :D
You remind me of me. And I don't necessarily mean that as a compliment. :D

And they shouldn't, not matter how frustrating it is for some of us. The good thing though, you don't see this kind of ridiculousness too often now, unlike in early vanilla. When you could just meet a guy and instead of 'Hi' he'd scream 'DIE!' in your face. And never sent any units in your direction. :crazyeye: But, still happens sometimes. It took Rome a very long time to bring a semi substantial force to the front. :rolleyes:

No clue what you're talking about :mischief:

And yes, the AI in this game is psychotic even for Deity. It's like being the craziest guy in an asylum. Harald is being his usual trustworthy self but I suspect even he may come after me at some point. :(

Also, Hiawatha hitting Industrial on t125 :crazyeye:
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