Leader cutscenes

can someone make up to date leader cutscene videos in alphabetical order

This includes Meetings, Agendas, War, Defeats, Denouncing and even pep talks (the dialogue in civilopedia entries for the leader)

If I knew how to record and make Youtube videos, I would.
I don't trigger all the Agenda scenes (I've never seen any of Philip II's cutscenes, because he fails to found a religion in my games, or doesn't even attempt to convert me if he does), or conquer every Civ though.
Denouncing is voiceless though, with exaggerated movements.
This YouTuber has videos of leader interactions for everything. Not sure if it's the entire leaders but I'm sure someone else has at least posted them on YouTube.


This partially covers what you seek.. i guess you can ask YT user for other animations and offer him/her some cash for the job. Hell i'll do it.. 100$ per leader per cutscene paid upfront..;)
I do agree with the general request for a chronological ordering of *all* of each leader's portrayals, rather than splicing it up into multiple videos covering (separately) agenda reactions, greetings, etc. Civ V videos of the leaders were entertaining because you got to see them tradition from friendly greetings to indignant laughing and sputtering when the player declared war (in real time, which alas, Civ VI leader interactions don't really have--they favor cutscene cinematics instead).

For whatever reason though, Civ VI leaders seem not to have attracted as much YouTube video activity compared to Civ V's, which even had their rare peace treaty reactions recorded in a video. Maybe it's because they are harder to capture (due to the way agendas work).
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