Is communication allowed? I guess not or it should be trivial.
The director of a prison offers 100 death row prisoners, who are numbered from 1 to 100, a last chance. A room contains a cupboard with 100 drawers. The director randomly puts one prisoner's number in each closed drawer. The prisoners enter the room, one after another. Each prisoner may open and look into 50 drawers in any order. The drawers are closed again afterwards. If, during this search, every prisoner finds their number in one of the drawers, all prisoners are pardoned. If even one prisoner does not find their number, all prisoners die. Before the first prisoner enters the room, the prisoners may discuss strategy — but may not communicate once the first prisoner enters to look in the drawers. What is the prisoners' best strategy?
You'd be surprised to see the different ways maths are taught in different countries. In France you'd probably not see numbers in term of symmetry on the real axis as a basic skill for 10 to 15 year olds.For the first one, wouldn't you anyway (for school stuff) be expressing those properties on the real line? In which case, afaik in secondary school (particularly if they are not taught vectors yet) "-a" is defined as the symmetrical point of a with the axis of symmetry being y (and as mentioned, a being on the x axis). x-a, accordingly, is the symmetrical point of a-x, ie afaik in secondary school "-" is only defined in the context of symmetry.
For the second one, are you asking about a way to link those formulas to calculus? It is a Δx, which afaik they will use (typically without insight, however) to solve some basic questions in secondary school physics.
In Greece that is how the books present them - at least the current/almost current booksYou'd be surprised to see the different ways maths are taught in different countries. In France you'd probably not see numbers in term of symmetry on the real axis as a basic skill for 10 to 15 year olds.
This is the BBC bit about it, which is pretty much their silabus. The sort of way they solve it is illustrated in this picture:For the first one, unfortunately I haven't really done maths (or more importantly taught maths) in english so I can't help.
For the second one I assume it's linked to the study of sequences (arithmetic, geometric, arithmetico-geometric etc), where in your example you can see that U(0) = 2, U(n+1) = U(n) + 2n + 1. So if you're looking for the general term (the forumla) you tend to study that recurrence relation, and U(n+1) - U(n) (because U(n) is the sum of U(k+1) - U(k) for k = 0 to n-1).
I do not think I ever really learned this in terms of symmetry. Talking about the difference in terms of the real line makes sense, a region of the line compared to a motion along it.For the first one, wouldn't you anyway (for school stuff) be expressing those properties on the real line? In which case, afaik in secondary school (particularly if they are not taught vectors yet) "-a" is defined as the symmetrical point of a with the axis of symmetry being y (and as mentioned, a being on the x axis). x-a, accordingly, is the symmetrical point of a-x, ie afaik in secondary school "-" is only defined in the context of symmetry. Functions will be presented to some extent in the second year (the obvious ones, for proportional, inversely proportional relations, maybe the hyperbola and f(x)=x+b) but there "-" again would be taught by symmetry, now as a line or linear segments instead of points.
I did have a look at wiki, but the only proof there that (supposedly) doesn't use the pythagorean theorem is on 3d forms... Can you provide a proof of this where it is obvious the PT is never used?Wikipedia does list some proofs that do not use the Pythagorean theorem explicitly.
OTOH, the geometrically most useful definition of the cosine I know, using the unit circle, directly implies this theorem.
As for your second question, I think that basically it is equivalent to asking if a more general theorem needs a more specialized one to make sense. IMHO, to this question the answer is no, meaning yes to your question.
The best I can offer is the one via three altitudes: It uses the definition of a cosine on the unit circle.Can you provide a proof of this where it is obvious the PT is never used?
The obvious answer is quadratic relationships.How would you define, generally, the type of problem that implies a parabolic function? Eg inverse proportionality is tied to the hyperbola, proportionality to a linear function that goes through where the two axis meet, etc.