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Let's make predictions for 2023!


Oct 4, 2010
Crazy Mountain
Hi all, long time no see :0)

After we passed 2019 life is full of surprises! But I believe lots of you guys are lots smarter than me and able to see clearly when things are coming, cfc is filled with lots of awesome people with vision!

Anyway, 2023 is coming, let's play a game and let's make predictions of what will happen and later on you can all come back and see how accurate your or others' observation regarding the predictions.

I mean, there are lots of accidents waiting to happen in 2023; the war in Ukraine, the China-Taiwan conflict, Iran Nuclear development, Korean nuclear flirting, the conflict in US, global inflation, environmental and climate crisis, and the list goes on and on.

My prediction is a tiny and the most irresponsible one because I can't defend my prediction, I'm sorry but it is what it is, my prediction is inflation in 2023 goes harder than many peoples predict, the magic of fiat currency got questioned in global scale, it's not anymore a regional crisis but it's a global one, it's the verge of the end not only crypto but also fiat currency and peoples start to flip back to the previously Dinosaurs currency: gold and silver, and the price of those two will be blow up in 2023. 2023 is not the time that fiat money will end, but it's the time when the magic is lifted and people realised how overpriced dollars (and other currencies) are. I'm glad if anyone can prove me wrong in this because I don't have much gold myself, most of my investments are in fiat money sitting in my bank, devaluing itself.

How about you guys, what are your predictions?
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@haroon will realise how much he was missed and return to regularly gracing these pages.

After disastrous local elections next May the usurper Rishi will be deposed and the king in exile Bojo will return to lead the tories to a near total wipeout at the next GE
I wish I could predict that the NDP will win the provincial election next year, but we're not guaranteed to even have one. Apparently the BS!C nutcase currently occupying the Premier's office doesn't have to call one until 5 years after the previous one even though it's customarily every 4 years. If she takes that extra year, this province won't be fit to live in (it's barely fit now).

Corruption, thy name is Danielle Smith, and the whole entire UCP.
In 2023:
  • Trump gets indicted multiple times.
  • Biden does not run for re-election.
  • Inflation in US fades as an issue.
  • Stock market in the first half of the year is wobbly but noticeably improved over year end 2022.
  • Republican House investigations produce no meaningful results.
  • By June 2023 we see additional Ukrainian war gains and at least one once "major city" now under Russian control is retaken.
  • Russian army in Ukraine continues to fail.
@haroon will realise how much he was missed and return to regularly gracing these pages.

After disastrous local elections next May the usurper Rishi will be deposed and the king in exile Bojo will return to lead the tories to a near total wipeout at the next GE

I've missed a lot of you as well 😄

Things will go from bad to worse.

It really seems we are going that way, I feel like watching this huge wave from interstellar marching toward us. Are we able to solve the upcoming food crisis as well? That's really tough.

In 2023:
  • Trump gets indicted multiple times.
  • Biden does not run for re-election.
  • Inflation in US fades as an issue.
  • Stock market in the first half of the year is wobbly but noticeably improved over year end 2022.
  • Republican House investigations produce no meaningful results.
  • By June 2023 we see additional Ukrainian war gains and at least one once "major city" now under Russian control is retaken.
  • Russian army in Ukraine continues to fail.

You are surprisingly quite positive Bird, I honestly surprise by your prediction regarding inflation will fade in the US, how exactly did you come to that conclusion?
You are surprisingly quite positive Bird, I honestly surprise by your prediction regarding inflation will fade in the US, how exactly did you come to that conclusion?
I do not think that that underlying forces that push inflation up are as prominent now as they have been. Supply chain issues are diminishing; pent up covid demand is lessening; Unskilled and semiskilled labor wages that had big gains in the past two years have been worked into the economy and prices readjusted. The $7/hr worker is now making $15 and the $12 lunch now cost $19. Crypto has collapsed; The labor markets are settled. A divided Congress will get less done. After a decade of minimal interest rates, the higher rates we are seeing now are still way below what we've seen over the past 50 years. If all you've ever seen is a 3% mortgage rate, then seeing a 6% rate looks pretty scary. I remember refinancing a 10% rate to 7% and feeling pretty good. In the US our worst inflation was in the late 70s and lasted a few years. I think we have learned since then and while "soft landings" are still difficult, we are better at it now than in the past. I expect slow economic growth and no recession in the next 6-8 months. :duuno: We'll see though. As companies adjust to the new pandemic laden world with climate change overlays, they will find ways to fit in or fade away. In the same way that war improves weaponry, global changes in the economy, changes business and forces adaptation even if the transitions are not fun.
Things will go from bad to worse.
A bit vague but hard to argue.

They're probably be lots of riots this summer over various things thruout the world.

Life expectancy in the US will decrease for the 4th straight year

Would be cool if mdma assisted psychotherapy would be finalized and legalized (in us) but probably not til 2024.
I'll just quote my earlier prediction:
My prediction for second half of 2022 and 2023:
Russian economy will shamble on like a zombie, decaying but not collapsing due to influx of oil and gas money from the west, until the spring of 2023, when it will crash as the fuel needs drop after winter and west will be able to obtain fuel from more reliable sources. On the heels of collapse will come diminishing of the Russian sphere of influence and perhaps diminishing of RF itself. The central Asian and Caucasian countries will seek out new markets and new allies as the Russian economy won't be sufficient to maintain the current level of trade, not to mention that dealing with Russia will be considered dangerous due to instability. Some central Asian countries will fall into Chinese sphere of influence, others will drift more toward the west, often using Turkey as intermediary. Several RF members, most likely starting with Chechnya and Dagestan, will attempt to declare independence, exploiting the military and economic exhaustion of RF. This will allow retaking of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Georgia, and Transnistria by Moldova.
There will likely be a recession in the UK.

This will really be because the credit companies, the energy companies and landlord classes are taking so
much out of the real economy, the majority of the people will have much less residual spending power.

And people will variously blame the consevative party, Brexit and Vlad Putin regarding Ukraine and gas etc.
There will likely be a recession in the UK.

This will really be because the credit companies, the energy companies and landlord classes are taking so
much out of the real economy, the majority of the people will have much less residual spending power.

And people will variously blame the consevative party, Brexit and Vlad Putin regarding Ukraine and gas etc.

Glad you highlight the recession in UK. I don't know if the recession is a prediction or not, because from where I'm now looking at the news it seems the recession and food crisis already happening there. Talking with cfc friend who is living in UK he said that many peoples lives in a way that they have to choose between food and electricity, hence so many peoples eat at the food bank while food banks have a very limited food supply as well. But thank you for the contribution.
The year will consist of 365 days
Each day will stubbornly cling to the ancient paradigm of sunlight/darkness
Children will continue to be born. People of all ages will continue to die...but rock n'roll will never die.
things will go from worse to worst .
The economy will be slightly less crappy.
And people will variously blame the consevative party, Brexit and Vlad Putin regarding Ukraine and gas etc
Yep, yep and nope respectively. My parents are small business owners so it's hard to ignore the first two ;)

Anyhow. Knowing the future is a fool's game, so I'm just going to say I hope it's better than I fear it'll be.
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