ljNES - Nessos Universalis

Khymbhat // Abaddon
Brief Description: Farmer/trader/fisherfolk happily splashing around in the mud!
Fishermen an farmers in the khambat area, serfs to a merchant class of sailers/pirates who have tied up all movement on the wester coast of India and into the Persian areas. Brutal and blood thirstly. Multiple small gods. Several trade posts in additon to nation as the pirates/sailers begin to expand, either forcefully or buying up busnesses. Some growth by ric merchants from other Coastal cries buying or marrying into my nation. Nestled in a quiet bay, a nation was founded upon the basis of good fishing and soils. Several tribes banded together to form the nation of Khambhat. Their base beliefs were that God had destined them this paradise from which they would grow and trade with other people of the world (they assume others have other such bays to start off their existance in)
Description: Fisher folk turned into a nation!
economic data : Trade and fishing based. They move stuff around for other tribes, making money this way
military data : Little land units, but ships are advanced/troops good at amphibious and naval warfare
cultural data : Little cultural strength, nomadic traders of the sea, bound by their trade.
agricultural data : Few if any land agriculture.. but advanced in fishing with breeding ponds on floodplains (river mouths are the few parts the nation settles upon)
obscure customs, rites etc : Babies are "baptized" in the sea. they are sat in the shallows and considered "weak" if they do not cry out and fight this. "silent" males are castrated and live out their lives in religion (They are judged to be the calmest in the water and thus closer to god)
Priorities: Expand along the coast in both directions, fuel birth of other nations as trade between different tribes is facilitated by our ships. Amas a large number of ships.
Sorry about the update yesterday, I fell asleep half-way. (It also resulted in an amusing tale of morning dehydration, school lateness and forgetting to put on a t-shirt under your jacket for school.) I don't have time for doing the remainder today, I have just done half an hour of work, but I'll throw in an incomplete Eastern Mediterranean map clip to show that I am doing progress.

And stop talking as if this was dead. It is very much alive. :) I imagine I can take the remainder on Friday, or tomorrow if I get time. I will get some work done Thursday night, but not enough to post this.

So, you wanted the map?

Did you?


Spoiler Barbarians at the gates! :
Encouraging new! :D
The sky is blue.
Actually, the sky is a bleached white. It's the nature of the atmosphere that makes it appear blue to human eyes

I'm going to withdraw. This is the third NES I've dropped out of and I feel bad but it's better I drop out now rather than later when this actually starts. My life is becoming increasingly unmanageable. Sorry lord_joakim.
Name: Amazônia.
Location: Amazon Jungle
Details coming later.

Culture name: Amazônia
Culture history: Migrated from the North, incorporating Central American cultures on the way.
Values: Survival is the only thing that matters.
Individual values: To contribute to the tribe as a whole, with nobody having individual rights.
Family values: Women do everything, men are kept as slaves and occasionally forced to have sex with the women to stop the tribe from dying out.
Government values: Chieftessdom. Big struggle whenever the chieftess dies.
Economy: Exotic fruits and animals (such as monkeys, snakes and mangoes) are eaten, fishing is also done, but less commonly – Gold from the shores of the Amazon river is often collected and used for bragging rights.
Creativity: The most creativity is in the form of ways to collect gold the best, ways to hunt, and ways to make small piles of gold in various forms, shapes, places etc.
Religion: The almighty Goddesses rule over them. The ancestors help with this, and are revered as well, though with not as many sacrifices.
(Damnit, this NES isn't dead. I'm barely on CFC at the moment; if I was active without touching the NES, it'd be dead. My best friend just got a severe case of sepsis, and there's been a homework influx coincidentally on the same time, but it's nothing that time won't solve. I don't want to let this NES die, or rather, I'll choose these words: I still want to do this. I like working on the update about fifteen minutes a day or what I manage to get hold of. So in short: Don't worry. :) )
Oh, good to know. :D

Go yell at Cull, he's the one who told me that this NES was dead.
Oh, I'll have the final laugh...

Nice to know you're still around lj! Condolences on your friend. Hope he recovers if he hasn't.
Aw Im sorry to hear about your friend. Well keep it up I'm still waiting for it.
(Which of the aboves? The submitted culture or the "Dangit, this NES is dead"? :p)
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