ljNES - Nessos Universalis

I think I am going to settle with 3,000-2,000 years BC. Especially as Europe, as usual, has been pushed. :p Which is fine; but the European cultures should really watch themselves. It's tough up there.

Update Zero is going to be posted Sunday. The first turn will last a couple of hundred years.
Stick me in Taiwan

Culture name: Hoanya
Culture history: The Hoanya are divided in many tribes (plains tribes and hill tribes) there has been no great conqueror of island although many wish too.

Individual values: Men are expected to provide for their family and find good husbands for their daughters or even sisters; women are expected to raise a family and look after the families spiritual needs
Family values: Men are expected to lead their family and they have the final say in family matters, unless it’s a religious or spiritual ceremony where the women of the family organise everything .Men are fighters, fishermen and farmers. Women primarily look after the children and the home but often help with farming.
Government values: The warchiefs family stands separate from traditional life, they do not need to farm or hunt instead their time is taken up with rulership and organising war bands
Economy: Fish, rice and wild boar (and other wild animals) are the staples of the diet. Trading with outsiders is almost unheard of.
Creativity: After a successful headhunting raid they like to strip the skull and decorate it or paint, although this typically left to the warchief who wants to draw attention to his strength in battle, others are content with just the skull.
Religion: Polytheism
I think I am going to settle with 3,000-2,000 years BC. Especially as Europe, as usual, has been pushed. :p Which is fine; but the European cultures should really watch themselves. It's tough up there.

Update Zero is going to be posted Sunday. The first turn will last a couple of hundred years.

Hey, bro, I totally made an accurate description of life in 4,000 BC. At least I don't have schools! :mischief:
Oh if we are moving it up to 3000 then metal would probably be in use... I claim discovery!
Hey, bro, I totally made an accurate description of life in 4,000 BC. At least I don't have schools! :mischief:

You did well. Your nation was fun to paint on the world map.

Oh if we are moving it up tow 3000 then metal would probably be in use... I claim discovery!

I'm assuming that most nations have bronze at this point. Whether it is common, I'm not exactly sure. You can have the discovery, along with some randomly chosen East Asian nation. ;)

I've updated the rules a bit. Please comment on the military system and the updated Culture stat, and the interconnectivity.

I've also begun to work on update 0 and the map, and the stats, and nation plotting etc. I can't work more on it today though, got homework to do. On that, however, I have a question for the players. I have prematurely given most nations potentially problematic situations to make the game interesting, especially for those guys in Europe and people that are far away from others - as with Adrogans, for example, I've tweaked his 'loose confederation' a little bit beyond his description[1] to give him a hopefully very interesting starting scenario. What do people think about this philosophy?

[1] Do remember that all descriptions you presented are vague, I wasn't 100% sure on how to implement the 'loose confederation', so I did it a (to me) innovative way.
No worries, I'll work with it. And honestly I imagine most issues for a while at least will be internal and more to do with uncivilized tribes and raids.

PS - That is kind of why I designed it like that since almost all civs were still in the process of centralizing if they ever did.
I have prematurely given most nations potentially problematic situations to make the game interesting, especially for those guys in Europe and people that are far away from others - as with Adrogans, for example, I've tweaked his 'loose confederation' a little bit beyond his description[1] to give him a hopefully very interesting starting scenario. What do people think about this philosophy?

This is definitely the best way to do things. :)
Four positive responses in a row. I take that as a yes. :)

I hope my vague knowledge of ancient technological development won't disappoint some of the history geeks in here. If anything, I'm gonna learn from it. :p
I'm definitely looking forward for the update. Any chance of getting a preview map? :please:
Well basically just look up comparable time civs, Egypt and China being the highlights tech wise I imagine. Check Mid East as well. That should give you tech wise a good feel for the highest levels.
Culture name: Cadmian
Culture history: The Cadmians are actually new settlers in the area they live in. They only arrived on the scene a few hundred years ago and since then have completely annihilated the previous owners. Their language is a Indo-European one with some influence of a ancient European tongue of the previous owners of the land. Their culture is still rather underdeveloped as they are still a strong stone age culture mostly using stone tools for hunting and gathering. Around rivers some copper working has appeared along farmlands and copper tools are abundant in farming communities while stone tools still control most of the area as hunter gatherers normally make those yet sometimes trade for copper tools with the farmers. Religious beliefs are normally based on an all encompassing Animism where belief in spirits that are connected with each object exist inside it. For example before cutting a tree down the people must sacrifice to the tree spirit as to not anger it, doing a sacrifice wrong will bring the wrath of that spirit and so this Animism has become extremely exact and tenaciously practiced. Farming communities are currently quickly growing into small villages and the very new appearance of bronze working have also allowed the appearance of the first few large towns.
Individual values: The men are all that matters in this culture. The rulers (each village have a somewhat different political system) are all men, citizens and warriors are all men. Women and children (males until a certain age depending on exact location) are considered tools in the hands of the leading men in their close area (again depends on political system).
Family values: The father of a family is the upper most controller and male children after a certain age of Maturity are expected to find wives and start their own family. Each man after maturity chooses his own job (unless the political system denies him of it) and will normally teach his male children his job. All females are considered tools for mating, cleaning and outside work if the man commands.
Government values: Different villages and tribes will have different systems. Most are generally very loose tribes under control of a chief, spirits shaman or a certain elderly men council. In the larger villages the council ideal has taken root the most but some large villages are commanded by a single despotic ruler that act like a king of his people but usually rules together with a council of elderly wise men.
Economy: The Cadmians mainly eat farm food and some hunting food. Animal husbandry is msotly down to sheep and small animals that provide meat. Most food eaten in Cadmia is wheat. Farmlands exist in the rich areas and along rivers along with a small amount of fishing. Hilly areas are manned by animal growers while the rest is covered with tribes of hunter-gatherers that are quickly going extinct.
Creativity: Almost all of the creativity of this people is sent towards their obsessive need to do the exact rituals towards the spirits. Many religious tools of worshiping exist in a single village mostly small statues of different materials and certain tools of worship and sacrifice like holy knives etc... The colors of their art is usually black and white but some tribes do use colors to a very high degree.
Religion: Currently Cadmian religion is an obsessive animistic view of nature. Spirits exist everywhere and they must be appeased with exact rituals so they won't get angry. Disasters and troubles means rituals were not done correctly and must be fixed. While obsessing about correct rituals the Cadmian religion does allow change that is called "going towards a more correct ritual". Some appearances of Polytheism exist in the largest of villages where some spirits might take the shape of a humanoid or animal and act as a god for all object of that type (like a certain chicken humanoid that appeared in Northern Cadmia as god of slaughtering animals in the largest villages there and quickly took root over all of northern Cadmia).

Start me in Italy! Mostly central and southern Italy.
Looks like we can separate people into three groups:

People in the Far East, people in Europe, and people who are far away from others. :p
I actually picked a cradle of civilisation in Mesoamerica, I shouldn't be too harshly penalised though my technological development should be much slower.
I'm definitely looking forward for the update. Any chance of getting a preview map? :please:

Tomorrow, possibly. I have another essay to do till Friday, I'll see if I can make it. :)

Well basically just look up comparable time civs, Egypt and China being the highlights tech wise I imagine. Check Mid East as well. That should give you tech wise a good feel for the highest levels.

That's kinda what I figured. I actually looked up and *very quickly* scanned metallurgy and ship history today because I wanted to get a grasp of the age we're about to enter. I think most of my source will be the glorious wiki - I don't have the patience to find and read proper sources when having till Sunday. ;)

At least I know where we should be in about twenty-five hundred years.

Looks like we can separate people into three groups:

People in the Far East, people in Europe, and people who are far away from others. :p

:lol: Well, I actually added some "tech groups" within Culture, much like the idea in Europa Universalis. It'll easen a lot of work for me. It's updated into post two and the rules are still in post one (Although my whole reply has no other connection to yours other than a similarity. I thought you were amusing regardless. :))

I actually picked a cradle of civilisation in Mesoamerica, I shouldn't be too harshly penalised though my technological development should be much slower.

Don't worry; I'm very aware of this. But seriously, good luck without iron. ;) I hope you'll manage to reach an empire.
Don't worry; I'm very aware of this. But seriously, good luck without iron. ;) I hope you'll manage to reach an empire.

Or for that matter beasts of burden aside from the Llama and Alpaca IIRC.
I have prematurely given most nations potentially problematic situations to make the game interesting, especially for those guys in Europe and people that are far away from others - as with Adrogans, for example, I've tweaked his 'loose confederation' a little bit beyond his description[1] to give him a hopefully very interesting starting scenario. What do people think about this philosophy?

I approve very much!

P.S. I hope you made my problem something like bad harvests or something so I can make my people into PIRATES. Or whatever you like is fine too. :)
God damn it.

This isn't a stillbirth. Update will be up tonight.

It's really embarassing, I forgot this thing existed yesterday. Played Magic the Gathering with a pal the whole day. So yeah, this isn't laziness, it's just being an idiot. Update will be up tonight.
God damn it.

This isn't a stillbirth. Update will be up tonight.

It's really embarassing, I forgot this thing existed yesterday. Played Magic the Gathering with a pal the whole day. So yeah, this isn't laziness, it's just being an idiot. Update will be up tonight.
I hope so since I want a living NES
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