LK172, Civ=France, CCM3, just win

I don't think I will trade yet, but wait to see how our run for Democracy goes. I will also switch to Units on cities which will lose castles. I don't think the AI can have Napoleonic Age yet as we had tech parity so Mil Trad is new.

Will consider trades if AI gets Democracy first which given the AI tech rate seems likely.
I am still playing. We got Napoleonic Age Tech and our Unique Wonder should be Napoleonic Era, but when I clicked the link from the France page it went to invalid entry. I also do not see anything other than code civil under wonders for Napoleonic Age and no Napoleonic Era under Great wonders

In other words, France unique wonder appears to be missing or is something other than Napoleonic Era.

Will Attach the save. Will be playing the last 3 turns later as well but wanted to make this save available for comment first.


  • LK172-NapoleonicEraCheck.SAV
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The unique wonder for France in CCM 3 was changed to Arc de Triomphe and additionally needs a corrected pediaicons file, that you can find in post 2 of the CCM 3 thread. When replacing the pediaicons file in the CCM 3 text folder by the new one, you can continue your game. The states of that wonder are changed compared to Napoleonic era.

In future versions of CCM 3 Napoleon will be one of the leaders that can receive a somewhat unique personality by conneting the leader to a GW (this cannot be done to all leaders, as there are not enough buildings of the 256 buildings possible in Civ 3 free for such a setting).
NIce to see us building Code Civil. I would Not swap that build for the Arc de Triomphe.

N.B. We do not need to have a Factory to build the Arc de Triomphe. We need to have 2 War Memorials built. It only costs us 30 shields to build a War Memorial. I would build the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

Also, it looks like we are not going to have to buy Democracy :thumbsup: and might even be able to sell it.
:scan: :scan: :scan:

Any updates? The last comment made it look like close to done set.
Currently playing and hope to finish today. AI got to Democracy first, however one of the cheapest prices I have seen:

Preturn: We have some two-fers that were not done:
We buy Absolutism from Berbers who offer it for a bit less (6815) and then trade with Japan for Steam Power.
Buy Enlightenment for 7944 from Berbers who still offer a lower price.
Enlightenment plus 2505 gold gets us Naval Tactics
Start Research on Democracy (govt tech so science is worth the most).

1740 AD: Mismoved the settler so it will take a bit longer to get to the desired spot. Started the Great Palace in Orleans (chose most shields - no good farther away spot)

1745 AD: Trying to send boats to Oceana, Canada, Italy, and Germans now. This means I didn't finish the 'top of the map' as I think contacts are more important.

1750 AD: Nubia has been heading through our lands again and may now start to be a nuisance.

1755 AD: Meet Italy who is behind (e.g. needs Physics).

1760 AD: Cancelled Wine deal but hadn't upgraded many units to attack 8 Dragoon. War will start next turn because of this.

[Note: Lost original notes for 1765-1775, so recreating basic facts]

1765 AD: War Starts. Captured Kolnapur.

1770 AD: Retreated slightly to handle initial rush.

1775 AD: Killed Elephant Army (Archer army still exists). Captured Lahore.

1780 AD: India switched from attacking in the west to the east so getting to units was more difficult. We killed what we could losing two Dragoon (both were defense 1 too). No advance, but building roads for the future.

Industrialization in 17. That seems high compared to the AI research speed even for a deity game. A jump in cost?

IBT: Our Army is attacked by an enemy Army and is badly injured but survives.

1785 AD: Get the Arc de Tripmphe and start the golden age.
We start a bunch of Publishing Houses which is reduced corruption + shields bonus.
Also started the Constitution, Palace, Capitol buildings. The Constitution and Capitol are built farther away to help a bit with distance corruption, but in cities that complete in 10 turns or less: Stockholm (10) New Teot (8)

Again kill Indian units within reach. Have roaded to allow an attack on Jaipur.
I upgraded our defensive units within towns.
It is turn 220 so stopping here.

Jaipur can be attacked next turn.

Our Military is on the lower side, but should be sufficient for handling India. We chose to consentrate on Infra rather than attack Nubia so I think Military should still only be built after we run out of the Infra builds. Our Golden Age makes this a good time for the more expensive buildings anyway.

I have a Settler going for the Camel (from Stockholm??). Desert fort gets us vet troops. This would have been useful earlier if we had thought of it, but might be too late. If you feel there is a better spot then go for it. Late game a city near the desert gets us closer to domination, so its still not a waste.

Industrialization is now 10 turns with GA.

Don't forget about contact with civs we haven't met. Don't send all boats off to the edges.

The flip chance for Tours may be down now, but keep enough troops to remove any chance of flip (6 is safer in case Nubia is ever double our culture, but is likely 3 at the moment). Losing this city would be bad as it is one of our strong ones.


  • LK172-1785AD.SAV
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Do steam engines still expire very quick? If so, can we cancel those buildings for something else.

LKendter (on deck)
Jersey Joe (up)
Oh missing file issue.

Editing the PediaIcons.txt to match the lack of underscores and the lower case 'de' from the error message got me past the problem and I can continue.
Four posts above I wrote that you have to update the pediaicons file and where to find the updated pediaicons file :dunno::
Please use the updated pediaicons file at page 2 of the CCM 3 thread, as it holds some other updates, too.

Its nice that the time scale of your game is somewhat close to history. :)
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Civinator: Ah ya, I somehow missed that one point about updating. Will do so.

I thought Joe mentioned steam engine being needed for factories so didn't check expire but assumed they were good.

One other note: The boats going to meet other cultures are away from land to try and avoid random pirate attacks when passing met civs.
Do steam engines still expire very quick? If so, can we cancel those buildings for something else.
:yup: Yes steam engines expire early. But please don´t forget, that steam engines provide Electric Power to the city where they are located. The resource Electric Power is one of the new virtual resources in CCM 3 and is needed for a lot of upcoming great and small wonders and especially this virtual resource allows to install an electrical grid in that city, giving another 25 % in production.

Steam Engine.jpg

Electric Power.jpg

I had to cut out hydro plants from CCM 3 again (because the power plant loop in Civ 3 is not fixed yet) and therefore the civilopedia here must be corrected.
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My guess is they are not worth it in small cites that will take a long time to get all improvements. If they take 10 turns to build that will be a city that can skip them.

We may have to play it out a few times before we can know where the cutoff is.
:yup: Yes they are something for cities with a bigger production, to make that production even bigger.
I got it. Looks like there are changes in the next 4-5 Techs we learn that add new buildings and adjust others buildings. (e.g. Extra unhappiness added by some of the buildings).

NIce job Greebley. :thumbsup: Looks like we are going to build Code Civil when I hit enter.
Actually, if steam power expires on the electrical grid tech, it likely won't be useful for the electric grid shield bonus. They won't expire as quickly with a number of tech still to go so I think they still benefit in the larger towns.

One reason we went for electricity early was to reach settlers at atomic theory. It looks changed in the picture above. We should check which tech will give the settlers for a domination victory. If we can still get some tech from a wonder it might be different ones that are best.
One reason we went for electricity early was to reach settlers at atomic theory. It looks changed in the picture above. We should check which tech will give the settlers for a domination victory. If we can still get some tech from a wonder it might be different ones that are best.


Can you let us know what the new target tech for settlers is?
As tech Interwar Period is one of the prerequisites of tech Totalitarianism, you have to research the techs for those other "important wonders" before you can research tech Totalitarianism. The first MV 3 landunits (besides ATR-units and armies) are the tanks coming with tech Interwar Period. The new settings for combat settlers and MV 3 units in CCM 3 are crucial to allow the game to climb up a little bit in the techtree before it is mostly finished.
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