MM a bit. Not many tweaks.
Aztecs ... warn us? Strange, I didn't notice anything of ours in their territory.
500 AD:
Oh, it was an exploring War Elephant heading E.
I dial up the Aztecs and ask to buy Cotton!
They say sure -- would you prefer to pay in blood, or treasure?
Chariot dies to our War Elephant 1-0
Archer finishes him off 1-1
Mongols complete Storm of the Steppes
Greeks complete Circvs Maximvs
525 AD:
New settler heads N. There aren't really any GOOD sites, but I'd rather have a decent grassland city now than a better city site in 20 turns.
Aztecs get restless.
Chariot dies to Spear 2-1
Catapult dies to Cataphract 3-1
Chariot kills Enslaver 3-2
Chariot dies to Cataphract 4-2
Nubians are building Dome of the Rock
Numerous civs enter the Age of Discovery
550 AD:
Enslaver captures Viking Worker
Enslaver retreats in the north
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 5-2
Enslaver retreats from Archer
Catapult retreats
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 6-2
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 7-2
Cataphract retreats
Chariot kills Archer 8-2
Gallic Swordsman kills Chariot 9-2
Tlaxcala is ours!
Chariot kills MesoSwordsman 10-2
Gallic Swordsman kills Archer 11-2
Chariot retreats
Chariot kills Archer 12-2
Chariot kills MesoSpearman 13-2
Catapults kill 2 Chariots next to Tlaxcala 13-4
Lots of units move next to the city.
575 AD:
Uh-oh, Aztecs have 12 attackers vs. 6 defenders for Tlax. We may not be able to hold.
On the bright side, we capture another Worker
Archer dies to our Spear 14-4
Archer dies to our Spear 15-4
MesoSwordsman dies to our Spear 16-4
Archer kills Gallic Swordsman 16-5
MesoSwordsman kills GS 16-6
MesoSwordsman kills GS 16-7
Archer dies to GS 17-7
Catapult kills GS 17-8
Archer kills Chariot 17-9
Archer kills Chariot 17-10
City falls along with 26 gold. I see 4 defenders enter the city.
Nubians are building the Arsenal
India completes Worldreligion Hinduism
600 AD:
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 18-10
The rest of our units retreat to Lyons to lick their wounds...
William of Orange demands Silks! We can't afford two wars right now, so we cave.
Chariot dies to our Spear 19-10
Chariot dies to Cataphract 20-10
Chariot kills Cataphract 20-11
Catapult kills our Spear 20-12
Incas are building the Arsenal
625 AD:
Chartres founded near the lake to the N
To avoid more demands, we sell Horses to Incas for 20gpt and 11 gold.
Silks are harder to move. We can sell to Spain (broke) or Nubia (decent gold). I decide on Nubia despite their proximity. 2gpt + 122 gold.
Scandinavians are building The Arsenal
Nubians are building Worldreligion Islam
650 AD:
Cataphract chases off an Archer. Napoleon appears! 21-12
Second Cataphract chases off another Archer 22-12
Egypt completes Dome of the Rock
675 AD:
Cataphract retreats
Chariot kills MesoSpearman 23-12
Sweden demands 50 gold. I pay the Danegeld...for now
700 AD:
Chariot kills Chariot 24-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 25-12
Cataphract kills MesoSwordsman 26-12
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 27-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 28-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 29-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 30-12
Cataphract retreats
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 31-12
Cataphract kills Archer 32-12
Cataphract kills Archer 33-12
Enslaver kills Archer 34-12
Cataphract Napoleon narrowly kills Archer 35-12
They have 6 Archers left
Catapult kills our Spear 35-13
MesoSwordsman dies to our Spear 36-13
725 AD:
Cataphract kills Archer 37-13
Cataphract kills Catapult 38-13
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 39-13
Chariot kills Archer 40-13
Cataphract kills Archer 41-13
Cataphract kills Archer 42-13
Cataphract kills MesoSwordsman 43-13
Handoff notes:
We've had some setbacks in the war, but it's started to turn in our favor. Another couple of turns to whittle down the Aztec attack stacks should allow us to go on the offensive again.
The Workers by Marseilles can either continue to develop it or head N to road to Chartres.
The workers by Orleans should build more roads once the current jobs are done.
Rheims can build more units once the aqueduct is done -- I just didn't want it to stall at size 10.
I joined one Cataphract to the Army. I was planning on joining another vet Cataphract and then Cataphract Napoleon. Can Armies still hold 3 units in CCM?
We should probably sell the extra Wines before someone demands them. I looked at possible deals for Dark Ages, but the expense was STEEP.