LK172, Civ=France, CCM3, just win


MM a bit. Not many tweaks.


Aztecs ... warn us? Strange, I didn't notice anything of ours in their territory.

500 AD:

Oh, it was an exploring War Elephant heading E.

I dial up the Aztecs and ask to buy Cotton!
They say sure -- would you prefer to pay in blood, or treasure?


Chariot dies to our War Elephant 1-0
Archer finishes him off 1-1

Mongols complete Storm of the Steppes
Greeks complete Circvs Maximvs

525 AD:

New settler heads N. There aren't really any GOOD sites, but I'd rather have a decent grassland city now than a better city site in 20 turns.


Aztecs get restless.
Chariot dies to Spear 2-1
Catapult dies to Cataphract 3-1
Chariot kills Enslaver 3-2
Chariot dies to Cataphract 4-2

Nubians are building Dome of the Rock

Numerous civs enter the Age of Discovery

550 AD:

Enslaver captures Viking Worker

Enslaver retreats in the north
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 5-2
Enslaver retreats from Archer
Catapult retreats
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 6-2
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 7-2
Cataphract retreats
Chariot kills Archer 8-2
Gallic Swordsman kills Chariot 9-2

Tlaxcala is ours!

Chariot kills MesoSwordsman 10-2
Gallic Swordsman kills Archer 11-2
Chariot retreats
Chariot kills Archer 12-2
Chariot kills MesoSpearman 13-2


Catapults kill 2 Chariots next to Tlaxcala 13-4
Lots of units move next to the city.

575 AD:

Uh-oh, Aztecs have 12 attackers vs. 6 defenders for Tlax. We may not be able to hold.

On the bright side, we capture another Worker


Archer dies to our Spear 14-4
Archer dies to our Spear 15-4
MesoSwordsman dies to our Spear 16-4
Archer kills Gallic Swordsman 16-5
MesoSwordsman kills GS 16-6
MesoSwordsman kills GS 16-7
Archer dies to GS 17-7
Catapult kills GS 17-8
Archer kills Chariot 17-9
Archer kills Chariot 17-10

City falls along with 26 gold. I see 4 defenders enter the city.

Nubians are building the Arsenal
India completes Worldreligion Hinduism

600 AD:

Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 18-10

The rest of our units retreat to Lyons to lick their wounds...


William of Orange demands Silks! We can't afford two wars right now, so we cave.

Chariot dies to our Spear 19-10
Chariot dies to Cataphract 20-10
Chariot kills Cataphract 20-11
Catapult kills our Spear 20-12

Incas are building the Arsenal

625 AD:

Chartres founded near the lake to the N

To avoid more demands, we sell Horses to Incas for 20gpt and 11 gold.
Silks are harder to move. We can sell to Spain (broke) or Nubia (decent gold). I decide on Nubia despite their proximity. 2gpt + 122 gold.


Scandinavians are building The Arsenal
Nubians are building Worldreligion Islam

650 AD:

Cataphract chases off an Archer. Napoleon appears! 21-12
Second Cataphract chases off another Archer 22-12


Egypt completes Dome of the Rock

675 AD:

Cataphract retreats
Chariot kills MesoSpearman 23-12


Sweden demands 50 gold. I pay the Danegeld...for now

700 AD:

Chariot kills Chariot 24-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 25-12
Cataphract kills MesoSwordsman 26-12
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 27-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 28-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 29-12
Catapult kills MesoSpearman 30-12
Cataphract retreats
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 31-12
Cataphract kills Archer 32-12
Cataphract kills Archer 33-12
Enslaver kills Archer 34-12
Cataphract Napoleon narrowly kills Archer 35-12

They have 6 Archers left :(


Catapult kills our Spear 35-13
MesoSwordsman dies to our Spear 36-13

725 AD:

Cataphract kills Archer 37-13
Cataphract kills Catapult 38-13
Cataphract kills MesoSpearman 39-13
Chariot kills Archer 40-13
Cataphract kills Archer 41-13
Cataphract kills Archer 42-13
Cataphract kills MesoSwordsman 43-13

Handoff notes:

We've had some setbacks in the war, but it's started to turn in our favor. Another couple of turns to whittle down the Aztec attack stacks should allow us to go on the offensive again.

The Workers by Marseilles can either continue to develop it or head N to road to Chartres.

The workers by Orleans should build more roads once the current jobs are done.

Rheims can build more units once the aqueduct is done -- I just didn't want it to stall at size 10.

I joined one Cataphract to the Army. I was planning on joining another vet Cataphract and then Cataphract Napoleon. Can Armies still hold 3 units in CCM?

We should probably sell the extra Wines before someone demands them. I looked at possible deals for Dark Ages, but the expense was STEEP.



It looks like we jumped the war a bit. 13 dead units, and no cities are ours yet. It does look like it is finally turning our way.

I vote for roads towards Chartes. I like all cities connected. Right now, any attack up there would be tough. We want to rush the walls ASAP.

LKendter (vacation 7/19 to 7/27)
Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)
To avoid more demands, we sell Horses to Incas for 20gpt and 11 gold.
Silks are harder to move. We can sell to Spain (broke) or Nubia (decent gold). I decide on Nubia despite their proximity. 2gpt + 122 gold.

Can Armies still hold 3 units in CCM?

We should always sell our goods ASAP. Any scraps are better then demands.

Yes, armies hold 3 units in CCM.
Yes, armies hold 3 units in CCM.
:yup: Yes, and there is no boost to 4 units in an army and even old CCM tradition artillery cannot become a part of an army.
Preturn: I don't see anything about workshops costing happiness in the civopedia. See the effect though on the cities.

IBT: Lose a Spear to the Chariot that can attack us.

750 AD: Kill off the Archers but lose an Elephant to one.
Switched Marselles to an Academy instead of Slavery. It would be nice if it could work the Pig but needs culture to do so.

775 AD: Next to Tlaxcala again killing 2 Swordsmen doing so.

IBT: Persia moved into our territory. Might declare war.

800 AD: Well everyone knows all tech now so no 2-fer. I decide to use Persia's suspicious activity. Pure gpt deal for Dark Ages and ask them to leave. Sure enough they declare war. We get our gold back.

It looks like a 2-fer as Spain doesn't have Feudalism. I purchase Feudalism for Wine, 15 gpt and ~650 gold.

Unfortunately 2-fer fails because Spain won't trade Religion for Feudalism, 31 gpt, and up to 150 gold. Likely the mark up of Religion as a govt. tech.

We capture Tlaxcala again.

Units moved toward Tours as we don't have forces to deal with Persia. Town has enough defenders though so we won't lose it.

IBT: Elephant can attack twice. We lose 2 Spear but kill the Elephant. Cataphract moves back after its attack.

825 AD: Some units move on Aztecs, but a bunch are healing.
Kill off Persian unit. Will have 2 Cataphact and a Chariot in Tours in case Persia has more units. None are in sight and we are fortified on a hill to keep an eye out.

Upgraded a few Spear to Pike.

IBT: Attack by Archer from Aztec which loses.

850: Kill Aztec Archer and 2 Spear. Move next to Tlacopan.

875 AD: Capture Tlacopan and 2 Workers which is good because we were 1 worker short of a road each turn.

IBT: Lost 2 Cataphract along the border.

900 AD: Kill 4 Aztec and move toward Teotihuacan.

IBT: Didn't intend this but we get a Worker on defense when an Archer loses to an Enslaver.
Sacred Music being built and Islamic Art.

925 AD: First attack on Teotihuacan killing a Spearman. Main stack now close to city.
Also moved Army stack from Tlacopan toward Calixtlahuaca.

IBT: India demanded Elephants so I gave them. Was hoping to use with Spain.

950 AD: Capture Teotihuacan and Calixtlahuaca.
Going to stop here a turn short of even 10 turns because Aztecs don't have Dark ages and we can trade Dark Ages + Peace for Religion straight up. Spain is still doubtful on Wine + Feudalism + 52 gpt + 202 gold which is all we have.

I think we should discuss as a team if we want peace. I usually don't like stopping a war for 20 turns due to flips, but we are really falling behind on tech, so I think we should take the Aztec deal. Our most likely flip loss is Teotihuacan - the other cities are small.

Aztecs have 3 cities past the capital (4 total)

I was clearing forest to bring water to Aztecs but Water from Teo might work better? Next player can abort clearing if they want.

Watch out for more Persian units near Calix. I did not investigate Peace yet with them or look at other deals.


Switched Marselles to an Academy instead of Slavery. It would be nice if it could work the Pig but needs culture to do so.
Huh? The culture borders have already expanded. The city was working the pig already during my set. :confused:

Why does culture matter for Academy vs. Slavery? AFAIK it should simply be: Does the city need more science or more shields?

Edit: Oh, Visby popped borders and stole the tile :mad:

I would be OK with peace for the tech trade. Maybe declare on India in the meantime? We need to fight Scandinavia soonish, but I think that should wait until we have Knights.
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Preturn: I don't see anything about workshops costing happiness in the civopedia. See the effect though on the cities.
That is a "bug" in the CCM3 biq file we are using. It has since been fixed, but we have it until we play LK173 with the "new" biq file.
We need to fight Scandinavia soonish, but I think that should wait until we have Knights.
Agree, but we need Chivalry to build knignts and we need Religion to learn Chivalry.

I think Peace with a trade for Religion helps us get to Chivalry and the next era sooner. Maybe we can pick up World Religions from a nation without Feudalism.

I got it. I doubt we will get a vote from Lee, so I will make peace a trade for Religion.

What do you think of the idea of selling of all the buildings in Teotihuacan and abandoning it? The we don't have to worry about a flip of a city with a large culture.

LKendter (vacation 7/19 to 7/27)
Elephantium (on deck)
Jersey Joe (up)
CivAssist tells me we need 43 units in Calix and 91 in Teotihuacan to prevent a flip. It shouldn't be nearly as bad once resistance ends -- can we manage to get any more units into either city for the first IBT?

Edit: We're going to have another Clan in ~10 turns. We could rebuild on Teotihuacan's site... :think:
We're going to have another Clan in ~10 turns. We could rebuild on Teotihuacan's site... :think:
We should get a Clan In 2 or 3 turns :). Rebuilding on Teotih site would be a nice spot. However it will take the Clan 7-8 turns to walk to Teotih.
When is the next Settler due for the Aztec? Does the timer on when a Settler is "born" reset when the Capital jumps to another city so the next Settler is delayed 20 turns?
For now I am not going to abandon the city.
IBT: India demanded Elephants so I gave them. Was hoping to use with Spain.

Guys, please watch selling our resources and luxuries. The AI gives good cash for elephants.

Going to stop here a turn short of even 10 turns because Aztecs don't have Dark ages and we can trade Dark Ages + Peace for Religion straight up. Spain is still doubtful on Wine + Feudalism + 52 gpt + 202 gold which is all we have.
I agree with peace with the Aztecs. Please put all those city in max starvation mode to reduce flip possibilities.
Until we get peace with Persia I don't want to talk about another war. My gut says to take 20 turns to rebuild troops and finish the Aztecs. They won't built back much in the way of troops.
I am around to check once or twice a day. However, there is no way I can plays as I don't have that type of time or a way to play.

LKendter (vacation 7/19 to 7/27)
Elephantium (on deck)
Jersey Joe (up) (already got it)
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I don't think Aztec had double our Culture so that would limit the flip chances. If we abandon then some other civ we are not at war with might grab the spot. I would just use maybe 2 Spear to lower resistance and if it flips we get it back later.

Agree Elephants would have been better off sold before the demand.
Early summary, I made peace with the Aztec and got Religion. I traded with Spain and got World Religions. We only need Chivalry to advance to the next age. I started researching Chivalry and it is due in 25 turns. Some bad news, we lost our Tobacco resource to the Vikings when they build a town next to it. :aargh:
We got the next settler and we really do not have a good place to settle. It will take 6 turns for the settler to walk to Teotihuacan ( which I renamed Teot). I still like the idea of abandoning Teot and settling there. I wait 5 turns abandon it and it is ready for me to resettle it. If I am going to abandon Teot I would build a spearman in stead of a building.
I did build a small wonder.
Has anyone, whose government is a Monarchy, ever signed a peace treaty and immediately have your cities become unhappy? :confused: It just happened to me. I made peace with Persia, who had declared war on us, we became unhappy. So much so that I have to increase the luxury rate and in a few cities hire a specialist.
It is almost as if we lost the "war weariness" bonus you get when some one declares war on you. However, that should not matter to us, since we are a Monarchy.
War happiness! It applies in any gov.

Continuing 950 AD: The peace treaty with the Aztec includes our getting Religion and 13 gold in exchange for sending them into the Dark Ages. :mischief:
Persia does not want to talk to us.
Bargain with El Cid and get knowledge of World Religions in exchange for Feudalism, Elephants, Wine, 200 gold and 19 gpt.
Swap Lyons from Castle to School of Divinity.

Israel and the Aztec are the only civs we know that are still in the Ancient Era.

I am pessimistic about our being able to trade for Chivalry any time soon so … I do some MM to get more science and gold per turn.
I shorten the names of the captured Aztec towns.

975 AD:
West of Teot: Enslaver enslaves an Enslaver <grin> (1, 0); Enslaver kills Hidu Spearman (2, 0).
North of Chartres, Enslaver kills Zulu Spearman (3, 0).

IBT: Scandinavia builds a town southwest of Tours and their town’s border “steals” out Tobacco resource. :aargh:

1000 AD:
North of Chartres, Enslaver kills Enslaver (4, 0).
West of Teot eCataphract kills Holy Man (5, 0).

IBT: Between Marseilles and Uppsala, Cataphract killed by Holy Man (5, 1).

1025 AD: We receive 75 gold for signing a peace treaty with Persia, and become unhappy. :crazyeye::dunno:
Northeast of Calix, Enslaver kills Nubian Spear (6, 1).

IBT: Cataphract kills Enslaver north of Teot (7, 1).

1050 AD: Northeast of Calix, Enslaver captures Enslaver (8, 1).

IBT: Nubia declares war on Scandinavia.

1075 AD: Workers work.

IBT: At Marseilles, Pikeman fights off Holy Man, maybe kills him.

1100 AD:
Trade Hardwood and Wine to Zulu for Furs.
Sell a 20 year supply of Silk to the Lowlands for 178 gold.

1125 AD:
Enslaver kills Indian Speaman (9, 1).

1150 AD: Teot’s buildings are sold off and it is abandoned.
New Teot is founded from the rumble.
Enslaver kills Persian Immoral (10, 1).

1175 AD: Workers work.

IBT: By Teot, Cataphract is killed by Enslaver (10, 2).

1200 AD: By Teot, Enslaver kills Enslaver (11, 2).
Enslaver kills Persian Immoral (12, 2).

Notes and Suggestions:
  • I didn’t check for trades.


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