LK172, Civ=France, CCM3, just win

Here is our hemmed in Empire as of 1200AD:

1050 AD:
IBT: Nubia declares war on Scandinavia.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Two of our nearby neighbors beating each other up is great news.

LKendter (up) 2 or 3 days before I can start playing.
Elephantium (on deck)
Jersey Joe
1200 AD (0)
The luxury rate is not sustainable. I’m going to build some colosseums and hopefully lower that rate. More military for conquests is useless if the cities are unproductive.
I’m so glad the workshop issue will be fixed with the next release.
After looking, the bigger problem is military cost. We are suffering 108/T in unit costs.

The enslaver in Marseilles wakes up and snags two Scandinavian workers.
(IT) It is painful, but I gave Nubia $21.

1225 AD (1)
(IT) Nubia completes Hanseatic League.

1250 AD (2)
An enslaver simply kills a Nubian crossbow.
(IT) Cuzco completes Christianization.
The Dutch complete Holy City. We are multiple techs behind.

1275 AD (3)
(IT) Our chariot defeats an enslaver (probably Aztec).
Gavie is now a Nubian city.

1300 AD (4)
I’m still happy to get $25 from a supply shipment.
I shipped wines to India for $12/T and $17.
(IT) This is getting frustrating, but I gave Israel $23.

1310 AD (5)
An enslaver attacks a Nubia chariot. It simply dies.
A missionary attacks a Persian immortal. The wimp retreats doing no damage.
An elite enslaver also retreats doing no damage.
(IT) Our pike makes a holy man retreat.
1320 AD (6)
Enslaver attacks in injured Persian elephant. It simply dies.
Nubia completes Islamic art.

1330 AD (7)
(IT) Mongolia completes Angkor Wat.
Mongolia establishes an embassy. They have a size 33 capitol. :eek:

1340 AD (8)

1350 AD (9)

1360 AD (10)
I have a pair of injured Persian elephants next to us. One of them becomes a new worker.

I gave the Inca elephants and wine for Chivalry and $171.
I gave Spain engineering for bodkin arrows, medieval combat and $35.

The peace treaty with the Aztecs has expired. They are informed that war is beginning again. This time we intend to wipe them off the map.

The assault on Teno begins. I kill 4 pikes, 2 chariots and 1 catapult. I lost 1 cataphract. (7-1)
The army redlined from one lousy assault.
I gained $0.

I killed Aztec: 1 sword. (8-1)
The last 4 Aztec cities to take:

Once the Aztecs are dead, the next target is Scandinavia. They are very cash rich. A few cities should give enough cash to catch up in tech. They have burned a ton of troops to the attacks from Persia and Nubia.
Visby has severe overlap. I want it razed.

Operation end of the Aztecs has begun. I hope Elephantium can finish them off and start repositioning our troops to the Scandinavian border by Visby.

Elephantium (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe


Good to see you got get Chivalry. I hope windmills don't give unhappiness.
Elephantium should get a Settler either this turn or next. Not many spots to settle to choose from. Maybe just southeast of the big game on the bonus grassland tile?
Once the Aztecs are dead I hope we can build an exploring ship over there. More contacts would be a good thing.
I've got it. I'll finish off the Aztecs and work on moving our armies towards Visby. I may or may not declare on Scandinavia by the end of my set.
The AIs are fighting in the south. That is why I want to hit the north. I'm hoping for light defense.

The enslavers are watching the south looking for weak units to fight.
Does anyone have thoughts on where to send the next Settler? I'm thinking of these options:

1) hold it in reserve
2) near the Furs, W-ish of Chartres (beware border pressure w/the Zulus)
3) the Big Game near Tlac
4) sugar and pigs S of Xochi
Does anyone have thoughts on where to send the next Settler? I'm thinking of these options:

1) hold it in reserve
2) near the Furs, W-ish of Chartres (beware border pressure w/the Zulus)
3) the Big Game near Tlac
4) sugar and pigs S of Xochi

I'd prefer a spot that gets all 21 tiles in use if possible. I suspect option 4 is the best choice for that. It has a lot of plains to deal with, but our worker force is pretty good to help that area.
The furs spot would get all 21 tiles IIRC, and it has better food + forests for shields. How much do we care about that border pressure?

Either site is fine with me -- I think the Furs spot is a little better than the plains S of Xochi, but it's probably not worth triggering a war.
I think wars trigger if you plant a town in one of the 20 worked squares. If you have 2 squares between, they will claim more shared squares so there is some flip risk (check their culture - is it double ours or worse?). 3 squares between has small enough overlap I don't think we would have an issue.
There is a Sugar happy resource in Xochicato's fat cross.
I like spot 2. Elephantium, is this the spot you were referring to?
dotmap 1360ad-1.jpg

It fits in nicely with our invasion of the Swedish.
Based on how the Israeli border is shaped, I suspect that there is a town right next to the Tobacco, in the fog to the northeast. Moving your town center 1 tile NE might avoid any overlap, but there is an Israeli town around 5 tiles NE of the tobacco town that has at least a 3 ring border.
There is a Sugar happy resource in Xochicato's fat cross.
Sugar in CCM 3 (as in CCM 2.5) is only a bonus resource.


The CCM resources, that in RARR are luxury resources, can with a few clicks in the editor be converted into luxury resources. I did this for CCM 3 with cotton, as the religious communities - as always planned - lost their happiness and CCM has all prerequisites to turn those resources, that are luxury resources in RARR into luxury resources in CCM 3, too.
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