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Looking for Interesting Game Ideas . . .

I think an interesting idea would be a delayed communication game (or realistic communication problems). Basically it magnifies micromanagement problems with sprawling empires with realistic justification.

So realistically, if scouts can move only 4 squares a turn on roads, then how could your empire be have such coordinated reactions on a turn by turn basis? If you're attacked on the eastern border, how do cities in the west know to start building/sending troops?

Possible degrees of restriction:
Automated governors (with choices on emphasize whatever) on all non-capital cities.
Option of military reaction (whipping units/walls) to enemies in city culture radius.
Or preplanned orders. If a city is 2 turns out of communication range, give orders 2 turns in advance and follow through later. This could be a little slow so not recommended on marathon.
Or just a turn or two slow down on your orders from what actually happens that's based on tech and distance. So a city X tiles away from the capital in the ancient era would have a wait period of 2 turns. Say you want it to whip and order it to, the whip will go through in 2 turns.

I wouldn't want to play that game but it would be a decent way of simulating difficulties in communication
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