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[NEWCIV] Louis's Civ Request Thread

If this is still an ongoing project, (since no updates since the 8th), I'd love to see Tibet. That's a civ I've always wanted to play.
If this is still an ongoing project, (since no updates since the 8th), I'd love to see Tibet. That's a civ I've always wanted to play.
Sure! I stopped doing this because I got no requests and I started editing units.
But I already have all the art necessary for Tibet. I will post it tomorrow since now it's night in my time zone.
But is this good enough?
-Songsten Gampo
-Guru Rinpoche
UU and UB:
-Khampa replaces knight
-Gompa replaces University
Color: Dark Red
Sure! I stopped doing this because I got no requests and I started editing units.
But I already have all the art necessary for Tibet. I will post it tomorrow since now it's night in my time zone.
But is this good enough?
-Songsten Gampo
-Guru Rinpoche
UU and UB:
-Khampa replaces knight
-Gompa replaces University
Color: Dark Red

looks good! I might make more requests if the mood strikes me
Yeah but Civ Gold isn't exactly original civ. It adds a lot of other stuff but yeah anyway Civ gold has just about every Civ that ever existed and exists.
By the way, are you the creator of Civ Gold?
Also @rtt4a , do you want me to create a Yakut civ for you as well?

No Im not a creator of civgold:) And yes your right that theres lots of civs but no Yakuts:lol:
And yes I would be happy if you release modular Yakut, its lot easier for me mod that ROM-AND compatible and like i said earlier theres probably others also who wanna play with that.
Okay so I've run into a problem with Romania that I can't figure out. Whenever the leader portrait is asked to show up, it crashes the game. Any ideas?
Okay so I've run into a problem with Romania that I can't figure out. Whenever the leader portrait is asked to show up, it crashes the game. Any ideas?
I have no idea what this crash is. I always double check for crashes before I release anything and I checked again now but everything works fine.
Could you please tell me in more detail, like is it when you are in a game and open the civilopedia to one of the leaders I added?
Download HERE.
requested by @CMSBile .
-Songtsen Gampo: Protective and Industrious
-Guru Rinpoche: Spiritual and Organized
UU and UB:
-Khampa replaces Knight; Doesn't require Iron; Ignores terrain movement cost.
-Gompa replaces University; +2:) from :religion:; can turn 1 citizen into priest.
-RFC Dawn of Civilization: Songtsen Gampo, Lobsyang (Guru Rinpoche), Tibet heavy cavalry (khampa), Gompa.
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I have no idea what this crash is. I always double check for crashes before I release anything and I checked again now but everything works fine.
Could you please tell me in more detail, like is it when you are in a game and open the civilopedia to one of the leaders I added?

Okay, so I've done a little more experimenting. Game is fine when you look at the leader in the civilopedia, although it doesn't display anything, just a grey rectangle. The leader's icon in the civilopedia is a pink rectangle, not sure if that means anything. This is also the case when looking at the foreign advisor. When opening diplomacy with the leader or attempting to select them when starting a game, the game freezes and closes to the desktop. I just went ahead and checked and the unit models don't work either.

Spoiler :

This leads me to believe I've installed the mod incorrectly, would you mind giving instructions on how to do it properly, so that I can redo it?

P.S. I do hope I've done the spoiler correctly.


  • upload_2020-10-26_10-37-39.png
    10.4 KB · Views: 34
Sure. So this is how to put in a module in a mod:
First you have to change this in the Configuration file.
; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 0
to this:
; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 1

then create a folder named Modules in your Assets directory.
Go to the Modules folder in the Romania folder and copy the file named Romania from modules. Go back to your mod and paste the Romania folder in Modules.
The blanck grey screen usually shows up if the Art Defines is wrong, but as far as I know for me it works just fine. I will reinstall Romania from the forum and see if I missed something. I'll let you know in a few minutes if this was my fault or you installed the mod incorrectly.
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Okay, so I've done a little more experimenting. Game is fine when you look at the leader in the civilopedia, although it doesn't display anything, just a grey rectangle. The leader's icon in the civilopedia is a pink rectangle, not sure if that means anything. This is also the case when looking at the foreign advisor. When opening diplomacy with the leader or attempting to select them when starting a game, the game freezes and closes to the desktop. I just went ahead and checked and the unit models don't work either.

This leads me to believe I've installed the mod incorrectly, would you mind giving instructions on how to do it properly, so that I can redo it?

P.S. I do hope I've done the spoiler correctly.
I reinstalled the mod from the Forum and tried it out and it works perfectly fine.
P.S. Yeah the spoiler works fine:thumbsup:!
Sure. So this is how to put in a module in a mod:
First you have to change this in the Configuration file.
; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 0
to this:
; Modular XML Loading
ModularLoading = 1

then create a folder named Modules in your Assets directory.
Go to the Modules folder in the Romania folder and copy the file named Romania from modules. Go back to your mod and paste the Romania folder in Modules.
The blanck grey screen usually shows up if the Art Defines is wrong, but as far as I know for me it works just fine. I will reinstall Romania from the forum and see if I missed something. I'll let you know in a few minutes if this was my fault or you installed the mod incorrectly.

Okay, I reinstalled it and it works fine now. Thanks!
And once you're done with Yakut, I was thinking Poland and/or Kush might be good.
And once you're done with Yakut, I was thinking Poland and/or Kush might be good.
Poland is a famous civilization, I'm 100% sure that many modders have uploaded a Poland civ. So I think it would be better I do a Kush civ since I don't think it was made already. But anyway I am doing maximum 1 civ a day so tomorrow I will do a Kush or Poland civ.
Yakut/Sakha Tribe
Ever tired of Russia or Mongolia always colonizing Siberia? Well not anymore! The Yakut tribes are a community in Siberia and were a tribe until conquered by the Russians.
requested by @rtt4a .
Download Here
-Jochi Khan eldest son of Genghis Khan
-Tygyn Darkhan unifier of the Yakut Tribes
UU and UB:
-Okhotnik replaces scout; Can attack, has 3:strength:; Also has a dog.
-Shaman Camp replaces library; +2:health:; Only 20%:science:, and can turn 1 citizen into priest as well.
Playercolor: White
This civ was never created before so it was very hard to create it. The only credit that goes to someone else is for the leaders.
-@Nitram15 for the Jochi leader head, the button was created by me.
-RFC steb's civs for the Aua leader head.
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Yakut/Sakha Tribe
requested by @rtt4a .
Download Here
-Jochi Khan eldest son of Genghis Khan
-Tygyn Darkhan unifier of the Yakut Tribes
UU and UB:
-Okhotnik replaces scout; Can attack, has 3:strength:; Also has a dog.
-Shaman Camp replaces library; +2:health:; Only 20%:science:, and can turn 1 citizen into priest as well.
Playercolor: White
This civ was never created before so it was very hard to create it. The only credit that goes to someone else is for the leaders.
-@Nitram15 for the Jochi leader head, the button was created by me.
-RFC steb's civs for the Aua leader head.

Thank you Louis:goodjob: Im going to test this tonight
Edit: tested in game and it works just perfectly, quality job:thumbsup:
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