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[NEWCIV] Louis's Civ Request Thread

This is something what you can call good service:lol: Thanks in advance.

After Tehuelche I believe that western siberian northern parts is only empty area in world map.. so if you dont mind one more request and last so far; Samoyedic people.
Thank you, sure but I can do max 1 civ a day and I sometimes take a break like today I did. So you could expect it in about 3-4 days.
But it seems like you want some Siberian civs and I can't argue with that, Siberia is pretty empty so do you want me to make the Inuit's as well since they controlled the Bering Strait and I have all the art necessary for creating them.
Thank you, sure but I can do max 1 civ a day and I sometimes take a break like today I did. So you could expect it in about 3-4 days.
But it seems like you want some Siberian civs and I can't argue with that, Siberia is pretty empty so do you want me to make the Inuit's as well since they controlled the Bering Strait and I have all the art necessary for creating them.

No rush, really.. take your time. I have Inuits allready but I used them in alaska/canadian northen territorios. Yes Siberia is pretty empty but thats realistic also.. no need to fill it but I think its nice to have some indegenous people also there. I would love to continue adding civs but after these 2 request I have 97 civs on huge map so limits r close. I use ROM-AND 100civ dll so max 3 I can add anymore. I dont even know can you really play with 97 civs.. it looks like it increase change to get MAF´s. I will play test when have time, with 97 civs game is very slow..
No rush, really.. take your time. I have Inuits allready but I used them in alaska/canadian northen territorios. Yes Siberia is pretty empty but thats realistic also.. no need to fill it but I think its nice to have some indegenous people also there. I would love to continue adding civs but after these 2 request I have 97 civs on huge map so limits r close. I use ROM-AND 100civ dll so max 3 I can add anymore. I dont even know can you really play with 97 civs.. it looks like it increase change to get MAF´s. I will play test when have time, with 97 civs game is very slow..
You can play with up to 100 civs and the game won't crash if you have 100 civs. I tried it out in Civ GOLD.
Anyway I can create a 1000 Civ DLL but no promise it will work, I will finish it in a couple of minutes because it is very easy. I'll let you know when I do.
You can play with up to 100 civs and the game won't crash if you have 100 civs. I tried it out in Civ GOLD.
Anyway I can create a 1000 Civ DLL but no promise it will work, I will finish it in a couple of minutes because it is very easy. I'll let you know when I do.

100 civ dll its not the problem, ROM-AND is.. couple years ago something went wrong on updates and some players started to suffer MAF´s. Its sad because its best mod I know.. MAF´s r not only problem, also AI is having problems to handle all new content.
100 civ dll its not the problem, ROM-AND is.. couple years ago something went wrong on updates and some players started to suffer MAF´s. Its sad because its best mod I know.. MAF´s r not only problem, also AI is having problems to handle all new content.
I have 1 question then, are you adding these civs for ROM?
Im adding them for ROM-AND.. its ROM based mod. ROM-A new Dawn.
Yeah I knew that, but I think you will also want to try them out with original BtS... because I just made a fully working no crashes 200 CIV DLL!!!
It does not crash and it works perfectly fine if you actually have 200 civs, so no repeats.
One minor problem though, it takes 4-5 full minutes to load the game.
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Yeah I knew that, but I think you will also want to try them out with original BtS... because I just made a fully working no crashes 200 CIV DLL!!!
It does not crash and it works perfectly fine if you actually have 200 civs, so no repeats.
One minor problem though, it takes 4-5 full minutes to load the game.
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:lol: I think I have to test this.. its just hard to go back BTS after playing 10x more content mods..

And have to say that its not ROM-AND 100civ dll what cause these MAF´s.. also players who dont use 100civ dll nor extra civ-packs r having MAF´s.. its something else but none have yet found what. I think it can be something what only happens with certain componation of your computer setup and/or game settings.. many have tried to reproduce MAF´s but no luck, its something what parently never occur for most of players. On my experience more civs you have more likely it is get MAF. Specially when using WB..
:lol: I think I have to test this.. its just hard to go back BTS after playing 10x more content mods..

And have to say that its not ROM-AND 100civ dll what cause these MAF´s.. also players who dont use 100civ dll nor extra civ-packs r having MAF´s.. its something else but none have yet found what. I think it can be something what only happens with certain componation of your computer setup and/or game settings.. many have tried to reproduce MAF´s but no luck, its something what parently never occur for most of players. On my experience more civs you have more likely it is get MAF. Specially when using WB..
This is a newbie question but I don't really understand what you're saying because of this. What does MAF mean?
Btw Louis, you r clearly very skilled modder so if you get bored someday DL RoM-AND and check its ddl.. maybe you find out if there is something wrong. With graphic paging option it shoud be possible to play without MAF´s and it use to be like that also in ROM-AND then something happened.
Btw Louis, you r clearly very skilled modder so if you get bored someday DL RoM-AND and check its ddl.. maybe you find out if there is something wrong. With graphic paging option it shoud be possible to play without MAF´s and it use to be like that also in ROM-AND then something happened.
First of all I have no idea if ROM's DLL source code is available for download.
Even if it is I am not that good at fixing DLLs , you better ask @raystuttgart or @Nightinggale because as far as I am concerned they are the reason I managed to compile my first dll and they gave me a lot of pointers as to how to edit the dll. Anyway either ask them or the creator of ROM (I doubt he is still around so probably ask one of the other creators of ROM).
First of all I have no idea if ROM's DLL source code is available for download.
Even if it is I am not that good at fixing DLLs , you better ask @raystuttgart or @Nightinggale because as far as I am concerned they are the reason I managed to compile my first dll and they gave me a lot of pointers as to how to edit the dll. Anyway either ask them or the creator of ROM (I doubt he is still around so probably ask one of the other creators of ROM).

Source code is available but I understand of course that its hard to fix something like that.. ROM-AND is little bit on hiatus now, theres still couple active devoloppers but I think this is beyond their time and/or skills.. mod team would really have a use for skilled SDK/python modder.
That sounds interesting, I didn't know ROM-AND was still being modified. I only installed ROM for a few hours and then uninstalled it because I had very few space left on my PC (and I still do).
If ROM-AND isn't working then I suggest you try Realism Invictus though that one is focused more on Ancient/Classical/Medieval/Renassaince/Industrial/Modern concpets, unit, wonders, buildings, civs etc...
Of course there is RevolutionDCM and Legends of Revolution which just enhance civ game play.
And of course we haven't forgotten about BUG/BAT/ and BULL which are all UI mods, but I'm sure you have heard of those already.
Yes its still under development, it even have active modmod from zeta nexus:) It works but not perfectly..
And yes I play also other mods, have something like 60 of them on use:lol:

You can check its forums sometimes and give it a try https://forums.civfanatics.com/forums/rise-of-mankind-a-new-dawn.369/
I will be sure to play it once I buy my self some more storage.
Have you tried RFC Dawn of Civilization? If not you have to try it since it is the best mod ever! It completely reworks the Tech Tree to make all eras longer and completely new set of units, buildings, 120-170 new wonders, and Civs spawn one after the other like in RFC but in Dawn of Civilization it adds another 15-20 civs!
It does not crash and it works perfectly fine if you actually have 200 civs
For how long? I mean did you do an extensive testing play? Like hundreds of turns, hours of game? (AI auto play is useful for this)
If not, than it is just a bold statement.
Very promising though.
Have you tried RFC Dawn of Civilization? If not you have to try it since it is the best mod ever!
They all say the same about their favorite :lol:
It completely reworks the Tech Tree to make all eras longer and completely new set of units, buildings, 120-170 new wonders, and Civs spawn one after the other like in RFC but in Dawn of Civilization it adds another 15-20 civs!
AND2 has similar things too. Many mods too.
A lot of extra content is not everything. I'm not saying which mod is better. It's all a matter of taste. Some like coffee, some like black tea :coffee: But what really matters is caffeine :woohoo:
Yeah I know, I was just saying DoC was my favorite in my opinion because I am fascinated by mods that use RFC concepts because I love real History not future or science fiction that is why I don't like After World and Final Frontier, and I am amazed about all the C++ and Python work that has made DoC what it is now.
I am sure AND2, or ROM-AND, and whatever ROM mods there are totally rework the tech tree, units, buildings, wonder, screens, etc... but DoC is about the Rise and Fall of civs, ROM is about enhancing game play by adding more stuff. They are both really different.

You are right about the bold statement, I was too excited that it worked!
The only problem why I can't test it out with 200 civs is because not even CIV GOLD has 200 civs! I can only use it with as many civs CIV GOLD has. I'm guessing with the 34 original ones from BtS it probably reaches 130-150 civs so that's the mac=x number I can test it out with.
I will test it tomorrow!
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