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MadDjinn Kavithan Protectorate Let's Play

Anyone actually know what use grower specialist have?
If they make 2 food but eat 2 food then they don't give you much at all.
Not only should MD get a better computer, but he also should take a look at Writing Bull's videos and learn how to make decent 'Let's Play...'.

You have no clue how bad long turn times are for your brains, not to mention the waste of time.
You're waiting for the next turn as is your brain. Your brains aren't always thinking of something else during those lost seconds.

You do understand that with animations on, the turn takes longer due to having to go watch all of the animations of the AI shooting things. :rolleyes:

and that has nothing to do with my old PC.
Anyone actually know what use grower specialist have?
If they make 2 food but eat 2 food then they don't give you much at all.

A grower specialist is effectively +1 max population for the city. You had to have had enough food to get the population to the specialist, if he replaces the food he uses the growth starts again at the same previous rate. Pop adds science and the grower is producing food which affects trade route yield. Add in other side bonuses for specialists (there is a virtue at the least) and a grower is a pretty nice bonus.
Let's turn off combat animations if you're doing another LP after this one!

It's already the case in civ5, faster next turn require turning off movement and combat.

yeah, for the next one we'll get rid of the combat animations. I'll also likely toss the stream as well so that I can make it 1080p. And plausibly add some "production value" to it :mischief:
yeah, for the next one we'll get rid of the combat animations. I'll also likely toss the stream as well so that I can make it 1080p. And plausibly add some "production value" to it :mischief:

Eh, I think having combat animations at least until the game is out and we can get bored of them on our own computers is a reasonable thing to have while you're the only one with a copy.

Then again, the animations are pretty much "shoot gun at target". Or "alien eats target". But at the very least, keep them on long enough so we can see "Rocktopus rocktopuses target".
Posting this here as well: I would love to see another attempt at a tall empire, perhaps this time with the African Union.

No one has yet been able to find any tall game mechanics.

I think he has indicated that he is focused on grown the pop of his cities, so you might even argue he is playing "tall" in the LP's so far.
I would think that playing so that you never drop into negative health is the Beyond Earth equivalent of "tall" play. You could pick Barre (10% more food in growing healthy cities) to emphasise that.

On the other hand, being willing to tank your city growth by going negative on health in order to plonk down another city is the epitome of "wide" play, and that's what MadDjinn's been doing so far.

It could well be that playing "tall" is for chumps, but it does exist in this game.
I would think that playing so that you never drop into negative health is the Beyond Earth equivalent of "tall" play. You could pick Barre (10% more food in growing healthy cities) to emphasize that.

On the other hand, being willing to tank your city growth by going negative on health in order to plonk down another city is the epitome of "wide" play, and that's what MadDjinn's been doing so far.

It could well be that playing "tall" is for chumps, but it does exist in this game.

Well put.

The new soft health penalties are a factor, but maybe just as important is the way an internal trade route gets you both food AND production, not just one or the other. Spamming them is a great way to build up new cities--and the capital--fast. I'm glad they at least took out mirrored routes.

Ironically, everyone was first worried that the delay to turn an outpost into a city was going to penalize wide strats, but now we're wondering if the opposite isn't true. Perhaps there will be other mechanics we're not fully aware of yet that we should factor in? (I do like that there are a couple of tier virtue kickers that provide capital-only bonuses, but they've proven to be of only minimal attraction to Maddjinn).

(Gosh darn it, just release the game already, Firaxis, and let us find out for ourselves if tall is still competitive!) :)
On the other hand, being willing to tank your city growth by going negative on health in order to plonk down another city is the epitome of "wide" play, and that's what MadDjinn's been doing so far.

Not essentially so, as long as mild negative health doesn't reduce growth at all.

Which is so nonsensical it's frustrating. Why did they even pick health as a metaphor and then forget that entirely for designing penalties? CiV: "My baby is too angry to grow because it doesn't have gold." BE: "My baby has Space Plague but it is growing just fine." They could have just picked "brain miasma" as the stat if it only impacts science and culture. Ugh
It's a strange choice, from both a gameplay and a realism point of view. You wonder what the mechanism is supposed to limit, since it doesn't limit growth.

(And I always figured that in Civ V it wasn't the babies who wanted luxury resources, but rather the women who wouldn't make babies without them. :D)
From the tooltips, it seems like low amounts of negative health means that people are too busy tending to personal needs to concentrate on science or culture. High amounts of negative health means the effective birthrate is actually affected due to mortality rates.
It's a strange choice, from both a gameplay and a realism point of view. You wonder what the mechanism is supposed to limit, since it doesn't limit growth.

(And I always figured that in Civ V it wasn't the babies who wanted luxury resources, but rather the women who wouldn't make babies without them. :D)

It limits growth by giving penalties if you grow.
It limits growth by giving penalties if you grow.

The growth to unhealth penalty relationship is way more abstract than that since penalties don't scale per point of unhealth. I can borrow against the next penalty threshold by growing more pop first while I build more health buildings. The same way a Tradition empire in CiV never needed to throttle growth through the whole game - the positive happiness might get closer to 0, but it didn't cross as long as more happiness was put in later. Now a wide empire never needs to throttle growth, we've literally seen this in the videos.
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