Many Leaders Game 2 - Sword Training

Isn't anyone going to do Hammurabi or Suryavarman? I'd love to see a strong player give these somewhat less eagerly anticipated civs a proper treatment.
I read a thread where someone speculated that Sumeria would get a leg up on espionage because of their earlier courthouses. :dunno: I would think it would be an interesting read to compare Sumeria with what ChrTh is able to accomplish with Pacal (a financial leader).
@FB, no problems. Weren't you Alex in the first MLG?

That stands correct! I'm a superstitious guy. :D
I wanna see if I can pull out a domination victory on my first BtS game ever, as I got my first Warlords Prince victory with him. ;)

I just need BtS to arrive.. [pissed]
@FB, sure you don't want to jump in to BtS with a new leader rather than boring old Alex ;) ?

I see... Well, this leader impressions will be delayed a bit, but if you're okay with it...
I'll probably lose because I challenged the superstition god's, but I'm okay with it...

Get me that Suryavarman guy then! I'll :please: for Ivory.

Is it just me or those names are too complicated to write??? :crazyeye:
Sorry about that, mis-click.


That said, on behalf of the African Continent, I'll take Zara Yaqob and Ethiopia.

To what win? Diplo or Cultural. If Diplo, it'll be Diplo by UN as I want to play full game.
Sorry about that, mis-click.


That said, on behalf of the African Continent, I'll take Zara Yaqob and Ethiopia.

To what win? Diplo or Cultural. If Diplo, it'll be Diplo by UN as I want to play full game.

mice has Zara already. Choices left are (Boudicea, Hammurabi, Lincoln, Pericles and Suleiman).
Feedback, why don't you try Pericles? Greek, (Edit)and he's also Philosophical
OK, saves are done :goodjob:

View attachment 156621
r rolo1

I'm bound to have f*ed up someone's save. If so, just PM me and I should be able to sort it out and re-post the save pretty quick.

I've posted a link to this from the first post for reference as well.

Guidelines for reporting (from first post) said:
Try and treat it like a normal SG game. Give as much info as posible about your tactics, plans etc. Screenshots are good, particularly those relatating to BtS content. Can every post a screenshot of their UU and UB and say how useful they are etc?

Don't publish half or incomplete reports and then edit later. Wait until you're finished and publish it all, even if you're late.

All turn reports to be enclosed in spoiler tags.

Feel free to start playing straight away. Deadline for the first 50 turns (2000BC) is next Friday 3rd August.

Most of all have fun and let us know the weird and wonderful things to be found in Beyond the Sword :salute:
Mind if I play Boudica with Aggressive AI turned on?
I'd be willing to take one for the team like that. :mischief:
As of Warlords you couldn't do it from Worldbuilder. You can edit the World builder save file by hand. If you start another game with Aggressive AI and save the world builder save, you'll see there's a section with options at the top. I'd be happy to do it myself if you just want to give me the Worldbuilder save, I should be able to edit it without any spoilage.
@Fearless Game Leader:

Just an FYI, I won't be getting the game until 8/5, so I'll have 2 reports the second week to catch up.

A returning player here - cured of World of Wowcrack, so thought I'd pick up an old and equally hefty addiction :)

Not sure if there are still any spaces left, but I'd like to give this one a try.

Had my copy a few days and been tinkering with things a bit.

I'd really like to tryout Lincoln, aim being to experiment with the newly adjusted golden ages. Very likely heading for a late game win of some sort.

Assuming neither of lincoln or that goal is taken.
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