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did you send him a pm, just try maybe he will respond?
As most people gathered here while other forum is not working, it might be best to ask question here :)
When starting game using 'custom scenario' (or other, like play scenario) option, no barbarians appear after turn 10. We use this option to make sure map for multiplayer is at least remotly balanced - starting game as normal, saving it in WB, then starting again as scenario. Is there any way to fix it ?
custom scenario? you do mean custom map, do you?
scenarios don't work in mom afaik and i never had problems with barbs in custom games, perhaps there is some option that screws barbarian spawn, but again i never encountered any.
Multiplayer => Hotseat => New Scenario or Single Player => Play a Scenario

We start new game (by using Custom Game option), and barabarians spawn at turn 10, but maps are often rather imbalanced and game isn't fun. So after starting game this way we enter WB to see if map is ok (have to do it in single player mode), and if it is, we save is using WB option. Then we start game Multiplayer => Hotseat => New Scenario way - this way we use map saved before, but unfortunatly no barbarians spawn at turn 10.
Figures this happens at the same time i lose my Master of Mana folder. Luckly i still had a copy of it in my downloads but i unfortunatly don't still have a copy of Evsath's modmods Xmodlet and Xtended. Been hoping the forums would get back up before now but I'm kinda beginning to have my doubts at this point. So Evsath is there a chance you could upload those two files here for me please?


just a quick note to let you guys know Im still around, had a crazy busy week here, between the really crazy storms that hit and the fourth of july holiday.

I am still testing Esvaths MoMana with the latest patch (regarding mounted tweaks)

I have been having some great tests, and feel like as a whole the xtended helps balance the original. The only negatives is that MAFs begin to creep in the late game, and we pretty much know they are from the extended fpk files. If Tesb would be so kind to help Esvath clean those up, I would suggest we keep this thread alive here using the core MoM versions available and also the extended. Keep things alive until Sephi returns.....
Keep things alive until Sephi returns...
and when would that be? Any notice? Forum shut down, no notice at all... I guess this is no normal way of doing things, so probably sth happened. I wish all the best and hope he takes the time he needs and then returns fresh and motivated. His crazy harem needs him, no matter what civic or relgion has been chosen :crazyeye:
and when would that be? Any notice? Forum shut down, no notice at all... I guess this is no normal way of doing things, so probably sth happened. I wish all the best and hope he takes the time he needs and then returns fresh and motivated. His crazy harem needs him, no matter what civic or relgion has been chosen :crazyeye:

I have no idea how long it could be, ive been with him for over two years now, and he has always kept things close to his chest. he put out a lot of hard work in that time, and i am sure he just burnt out, and once those creative juices stop flowing, they just stop.

I am still a part of the "The Ancient Mediterranean" mod and have been for five years, i have seen "sabbaticals" go for two year periods..... the creator of the mod, watched from above while he was working with the Total War series, and when Civ5 hit there was a brief resurgence that lasted all of a month....

so hopefully Sephi will find his way to wanting to finish his work, I am sure at some point we will know more... in the meantime.... im enjoying the extended work Esvath has done. I guess Ive always been about appreciating what I have, and not overly longing for what I dont have. I can play what we have everyday, oh yeah and I do.. haha.....

just an update on your artificers..... extended momana with horse patch


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Could someone please post the 1.42 patch? I had the 1.3 downloaded already, but can't find a working page on masterofmana.com with the patch download. I took six months off from playing any Civ4 (so I could get some work done :lol: ) and when I come back my favorite mod has left... :eek:
@tesb and graywarden:

LordShaggynator and I are currently working on some fixes for MoM 1.42. We have some of these already posted to the masterofmana.com forum, but since it is gone, they were also lost.

I would appreciate it if we could find a way to work together. :)
Thanks BlackArchon! It looks like the Aristrakh got an overhaul during my absence... This will be fun!
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