Master of Mana - Download


Jan 25, 2009


Final release of the original Master of Mana project can be found here:

Master of Mana was continued with the MoM Xtended project here:

MoM Xtended is now being continued with the MoM Tweak & MoM Updates project here:

For those looking for the old original FFH2 Wildmana mod that started it all you can find that here:

And lastly Sephi is working on a standalone new engine MoM The Red Desert of Cruoris (and needs your feedback & support) here:


After the success in the beta I will completely move the forum. You can find the new forum at our website, along with download, screenshots, credits and soon a small manual.
(NOTE: MoM forum moved back to here at CivFanatics. Archive link below for reference only)

I'll also announce news on the homepage, so you can just bookmark the page and stay easily informed about the development of the mod. And here are some of many reasons why you should want that :D



might be included in Patch 1.1, depends how much time tesb has.

Moderator Action: Broken MoM site link replaced with final internet archive version - Blake00
Moderator Action: MoM sourceforge page added - Blake00
Moderator Action: MoM Xtended projects added - Blake00
Moderator Action: Original MoM screenshots restored - Blake00
Moderator Action: MoM The Red Desert of Cruoris project added - Blake00
Last edited by a moderator:
well, it's a nature node (although not the final version, just a progress update by tesb)

But: 4 hours download:confused:Is the server in north korea:confused::lol:I can't wait, but I have to go to bed... to sleep... to be able to go to work... aaaahhrgghh:cry::cry::cry:

And: thanks, Sephi!!! A lot of screenshots will follow!!! This is simply epic!!! I hope all civ-fans enjoy the game as we beta-testers did. It made tons of fun. Now can the serious plying begin:scan:


Sephi, it's an EXTREMELY slow download, I'm sorry to report. I started the download 1/2 an hour ago (right after my last post), and as of now I'm only about 30% done. Maybe it's really high volume, but just thought you ought to know.

BTW, very much looking forward to checking it out.
quite weird, when I tested the download it took me like 10minutes.

I will set up a mirror download.
Well, I'm in the northeastern US, so unlike Tschuggi over in Europe I don't have to go to bed for a while yet. But still, thanks for looking into a mirror download.
Downloaded while asleep, hurrah for silicon serfs!:borg:

DL took about 4.5 hrs, 467 MB. I hope it is complete, will see later when I'm back from uni.

Anyway: Thank you, Santa Seph(i)!:D

with Mirrow it takes about 12 minutes. Already tested it, nice new features compared to beta. Nice polished. I was a bit disappointed when I dicovered that the "no settlers" option is still NOT available in "custom game". And worldbuilder is still enterable although disabled in "custom game".
But: It is so great!!! I played as lanun, agressive AI, and had calabim already attacking me in turn 80 or so. AI is very intelligent, so stay careful. Don't let your cities unprotected!!
My favorite battle till now was when I killed one calabim army while defending one of my cities. I sent out my own and encounterd three massive stacks of calabim hunters and moroi. 3:1. Without archers in my drown (with cannibalze!)-stack I wouldn't have survived. In the meantime calabim took two of my well guarded cities, so I had to move back my army to defend my totally pillaged (!) and raized homeland. I survived this battle... but it's not over. I now have three cities left, with very well promoted defenders and a good promoted army. I want revenge!!!



P.S.: Great job, Santa Sephi :-) :-) :-) !!!

P.P.S.: Don't forget our beta-forum-wish-list! Merry Christmas is coming...soon ;-)
What are the differences between MoMana v1 and the last beta? Me connection is suk, I prefer spending my time to play, rather than download :D

couple crash fixes, manual updated, resources fixed, and fixed fluff.....

Might be more then I can tell.... :mischief:
If you have a slow connection, I would wait. First couple of time I dled, I got couple different file sizes. 476 and 458.
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