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Meanwhile in the DRC...


Weird Little Human
May 31, 2010
Hundreds of government soldiers and police in the Democratic Republic of Congo have surrendered to rebels at a stadium in Goma, the main city in the eastern North Kivu province.

Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri reported on "extraordinary scenes", as thousands of security officers came to hand in their arms on Wednesday.

"[The surrendered officers] didn't have a choice," she said. They were told "they had a choice either to have peace in the city, or to leave the city".

The M23 rebel group, believed to be backed by Rwanda, seized Goma on Tuesday, in a development that raised fears of a new, regional conflict. The capture of the city came after days of fighting with government troops.

The rebels were also reported to have taken control of the town of Sake, on the road to Bukavu.

"The [rebels] arrived an hour ago. Luckily there was no force used. Now they're pretty much everywhere ... The army had already left," Christian Bigebika, executive secretary of an association of local rights groups, told the Reuters news agency by telephone from the town, between Goma and Bukavu.

Plans to 'liberate'

Rebel forces in eastern DR Congo said on Wednesday they planned to take control of the whole of the vast central African country after they captured Goma - home to more than 1 million people - as well as an international airport while United Nations peacekeepers looked on.

Our correspondent said people appeared to be frustrated with what they see as the UN's lack of action in protecting them from rebel groups.

According to a UN official, protesters were throwing stones and burning tires at the premises MONUSCO, as the peacekeeping force is know, in at least three cities on Wednesday. Peacekeepers were on alert and UN staff were re-grouping at secure locations as a precautionary measure, the spokesman said.

A spokesperson for the M23 rebels said they planned to "liberate" the country, by moving to the town of Bukavu and then marching on the capital, Kinshasa, nearly 1,600km away.

The rebels have previously said they were seeking talks with DRC President Joseph Kabila over the failed implementation of a peace deal that ended a previous rebellion in 2009.

"The journey to liberate Congo has started now ... We're going to move on to Bukavu and then to Kinshasa. Are you ready to join us?" Vianney Kazarama, spokesperson for M23, told the crowd of more than 1,000 in a stadium in Goma.

Link to article

Does anyone know a bit more on the M23 plans and "ideology", also is this going to help one of the poorest but resource rich countries in the world, or are these guys just gonna turn into corrupt officials and possibly warlord dictators?

They're mostly Tutsi soldiers from the old CDNP who refused the peace agreement CDNP signed when CDNP joined the government and they were joined by defecting CDNP soldiers. They're opposed to the Hutu FDLR and Mai militas.

I've seen nothing to indicate that their actions are going to help the "people", they're being backed by the Rwandan's who have in the past the used CDNP and other militias to seize control of vast swathes of Congolese territory and engage in illegal exploitation of their gems and mineral resources.
Interesting article: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2012/11/201211215514468704.html
After weeks of intense fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, M23 rebels say they have taken control of parts of Goma, one of the main cities in the mineral-rich region.

The Congolese government, on Monday, rejected an ultimatum to open talks with M23.

This came after the rebels gave the government 24 hours to withdraw troops and open direct negotiations before they said they would advance on Goma.

The DR Congo has had a turbulent past. It gained independence from Belgium in 1960, but immediately faced an army mutiny, and the UN voted to send in troops to establish order.

"Blaming is not a defence of the [Congolese] people. [To] keep on blaming the neighbours, blaming the rebels who have taken arms against your government, is not a defence. Go fight them, defeat them .... You can defeat them by changing within yourself. How do you change? It's clear that the government in Kinshasa has some serious inefficiency. Bring reforms within yourself, fight corruption, fight all the means which are there undermining the military."

- Yussa Bunzigiye, a Congo rights activist

In 1965, Mobutu Sese Seko seized power. He later renamed the country Zaire.

He retained power until 1997, when Rwanda invaded to drive out Hutu militias.

Laurent Kabila was installed as president and he re-named the country the Democratic Republic of Congo.

A year later, rebels backed by Rwanda and Uganda rose up against Kabila.

Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe were drawn into a five-year conflict, which became known as Africa's world war. At least three million people are believed to have died.

During this time, Joseph Kabila succeeded his father, who was shot dead by a bodyguard.

In 2006, he won the first free and fair presidential elections in 40 years. Kabila was re-elected in a disputed poll last year.

But his years in office have been dogged by violence, which continues to this day.

"There is no support of Rwanda to the M23. What has happened today is a clear indication that a military solution has failed to bring a solution to the crisis in eastern DRC, and a political solution is now more important than ever and Rwanda is walking towards that goal."

- Olivier Nduhungirehe, representative of Rwanda Mission at the UN

Last month, a UN report accused neighbouring countries of backing the M23 rebels.

It said the rebellion in the eastern DR Congo is being armed by Rwanda and Uganda.

Rebel leaders are said to receive direct military orders from Rwanda.

Both Rwanda and Uganda reject allegations that they support the group.

So, why does the government of DR Congo refuse to hold talks with the rebel soldiers? And is military action really the answer to this conflict?


M23 rebels in DR Congo seize part of the regional capital Goma
Goma is a provincial capital in the mineral-rich east of DR Congo
M23 rebels now control Goma airport near the Rwandan border
The DR Congo government has rejected an ultimatum to open talks with M23 rebels
M23 rebels are former soldiers of the DR Congo army who mutinied in April
Rwanda and Uganda are alleged to be arming M23 and the rebellion in east DR Congo
The UN says Rwandan officials are 'co-ordinating' with M23 rebels
Bosco Ntaganda leads the M23 group and controls the rebellion on the ground
Bosco Ntaganda is wanted by International Criminal Court for war crimes
M23 rebels have been fighting DR Congo government troops for past six months
Around half a million people have been displaced as a result of the fighting
So why aren't UN Peacekeeping forces keeping peace in this situation? If they are already stationed there and know there is an invasion, isn't it their duty to stop it?
UN Peacekeepers consisting of foreign soldiers often from other African countries or Asian countries like Pakistan and India aren't usually willing to get themselves killed over a conflict like this. A lot of those soldiers volunteer for UN gigs because the pay is pretty good compared to what they get back home. Also their mandate may not extend to M23 and they may lack the firepower to really do anything, UN forces aren't usually fully tricked out with tanks and air support or whatever. During the Rwandan genocide the UN forces had pistols.

Usually they're glorified security for the refugee camps, and they're not too great at that either. Asking them to fight a hardened rebel army I think is asking too much of UN forces.
The UN Peace Forces cant do anything, they are always overpowered, outnumbered and just not willing to get killed over some 3rd world country a sea away from home

The usual - nobody cares what happens in some gods-forsaken country in Africa unless it impact the interests of a powerful Western/Eastern country.
So why aren't UN Peacekeeping forces keeping peace in this situation? If they are already stationed there and know there is an invasion, isn't it their duty to stop it?
Why should the UN be free security for some thugs (Congolese government) and not others (M23 rebels)?
The usual - nobody cares what happens in some gods-forsaken country in Africa unless it impact the interests of a powerful Western/Eastern country.

Thats sad, I care because this can lead to another Congolese civil war....and possibly lead to thousands of dead.

EDIT: Also this may disrupt the Congolese Dandies
So why aren't UN Peacekeeping forces keeping peace in this situation? If they are already stationed there and know there is an invasion, isn't it their duty to stop it?

They are not supposed to fire unless fired upon, or have an explicit mandate to engage in combat.
Thats sad, I care because this can lead to another Congolese civil war....and possibly lead to thousands of dead.

I'd say the fact that a rebel group has seized a city pretty much indicates that the country already is in a state of civil war.

I am not saying it is not sad, just that nobody will move a finger to do something about it if they don't have some interest there. Also, the Africans should do more about security on their continent. Europe has received a lot of criticism for not doing enough in the Balkans, but Africa's problems are orders of magnitude greater.
The African Union has been active mostly in Somalia, but I've heard talk that the AU may be putting together a force to handle Ansar Dine in North Mali.

Azzawad (Northern Mali) is really screwed up, the fundies controlling the north are so insane they are destroying pre Islamic historical buildings and shrines because "it can lead to idolatry", we have Somalia getting a comeback (a major rebel town fell a few weeks ago), now the Congo....whats next, Zimbabwe when Mr. Robert dies, at least Liberia is somewhat calm now


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