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Men shaving their legs/chest?

King Alexander

Universe explorer
Nov 6, 2003
Thessaloniki, Hellas
Well, I'm curious to find out what men think about it, as I see more men than in previous years go on the beach shaven. Some of them are on steroids and want to show their muscles.

Some women say that they don't like hairs in chest/legs some don't; frankly, I don't care a bit of what they say about it - I want to have my body as it is, and not look like a barby-doll.

Fashion dumphead-designers think that they FORCE their view of how a woman/man should look like; I STRONGLY DISAGREE.
I don't want women to look like skinny models who look like they're ill and need vitamins to get on their feet, for example.

I always didn't liked the way "fashion industries" tried to force their views, and NEVER followed them(from when I was a kid).

So, what is this new fashion the recent years? Men look "cooler" when they're shaved? :confused:
Its the stupidest thing I ever heard! :lol: Seriously, theres some kind of weird thing going on where men are becoming more feminine and women more masculine:confused:
i say women who dont like hairy men, dont like men much at all

at least not grown up men

i have hair on my arms, legs, crotch, armpits, chest and stomach

wouldnt shave it off if they paid me, good to have in winter time

ps. if it wasnt so hard to do, i would cut the hair in my armpits, makes it easier to keep them clean and smell free

but i dont, its too much work
well, one of my exes wanted me to shave my chest (though I am not the gorilla type), and I can tell you i fully understand her reasons, and enjoyed them ;)

But generally, I agree with you: fshion ideals are often extremely unhealthy.
Dumb pothead said:
Seriously, theres some kind of weird thing going on where men are becoming more feminine and women more masculine:confused:
Very true. :goodjob:
Jawz II said:
i say women who dont like hairy men, dont like men much at all

at least not grown up men
Maybe those idiot film industries who have male-stars that look like babies in face and body, have something to do with confusing women :lol:

I really think that more and more women want their man to look like a not grown adult, and that scares me of how much brainwashed the first have become.
Really, do women want men without muscles? They do not exist! Men HAVE muscles, and that's one of the things that differs them from women.
Shaving, or not-shaving, doesn't bother me. I'm easy :p
@Last: You have more muscles than women, come on.
King Alexander said:
@Last: You have more muscles than women, come on.
It's not very hard to find a woman who looks like she's got more muscles than me (I'm not so much flat-chested as concave).

Finding a woman who is actually stronger than me won't be easy, tho.
I really do not mind.

The Last Conformist said:
There's nothing unhealthy about shaving now, is there?

I beg to differ. I attempted to shave myself in less than 5 minutes last night, leading to a 2 cm stip of my skin now being absent, and a bit of my top lip not being open, and causing me to use many layers of toilet paper to stop the bleeding.
King Alexander said:
Very true. :goodjob:

I really think that more and more women want their man to look like a not grown adult, and that scares me of how much brainwashed the first have become.
They should go back to making movies like the original James Bons with hairy Sean Connery.
I shave my pits if I'm going hiking for anymore than few days. I think it helps cut down on the stink.

Suicide bombers also shave themselves prior to their mission - I think it should be mandatory for muslim travellers to show their pits before being allowed on an aircraft. Better than a finger print I'd say :) .
Shaving is a very unhealthy practice... 3 days ago I was foolish enough to be tricked into shaving my face... while I was shaving under my chin the razor slipped and burrowed itself in my neck. It was pretty annoying, not to mention bloody...

I can't even imagine what would happen if I had to shave my chest or decided not to use a safety razor. If a girlfriend wants me to I might use a trimmer to shorten my chest hair like I would my beard, but no way am I going to desecrate it with a razor.
samildanach said:
I shave my pits if I'm going hiking for anymore than few days. I think it helps cut down on the stink.

Suicide bombers also shave themselves prior to their mission - I think it should be mandatory for muslim travellers to show their pits before being allowed on an aircraft. Better than a finger print I'd say :) .

You may finally have found a solution that will work ;) :goodjob: . I've never
heard of that type of stink prevention :crazyeye: , very interesting.
The saddest thing is I'm trying to grow myself a beard-which will probably take years.
I don't see much use in it, though if I'll have a g/f that'll ask me to do so I won't have a problem with that either. I don't really care about such things.
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