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Milae Map Scripts


Dec 17, 2019
Have been making these and playing with them for a while but I realised people on here might not know about them and there is nowhere for people to give feedback. Currently I have two separate scripts, both are modifications from the communitas which comes with VP. Most of the changes are just value changes but the rainfall system is very different and so is the feature system. Also there is generally more randomness than most mapscripts.

Easiest to get them on megashare: https://mega.nz/folder/c9cXgShC#gfZTQ9rOA_3RBkSmEWc5EQ

Milae's Map:
This is an earth-like map which I hope makes all the various terrain-based pantheons situationally pickable. Default is 0 artificial oceans though there will often still be differently landmasses. Add Oceans in if you want continents style map.
Download here

Milae Pangea Map:
This is a smaller map with some ocean at the bottom and (usually) at both sides. This one is supposed to somewhat be like the Great Plains maps but with loads more randomness and Tundra along the north. Probably less balanced but should make for some fun games.
Download here

Have fun!
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Thank you, very good map scripts.

I got them before and using since. They are a bit heavy on luxury resources but balanced around strategic ones.

One of the funniest activity in VP is planning the cities positioning and with more resources there are more possibilities.

Compared with Communitu for VP these are better regarding coal and oil. More than once I had a vast territory under my dominion just to discover that there were only 3 coal of 7 units each on the other side of the world nested in enemy territory. I cannot wait refineries to keep my war economy going.
Have been making these and playing with them for a while but I realised people on here might not know about them and there is nowhere for people to give feedback. Currently I have two separate scripts, both are modifications from the communitas which comes with VP. Most of the changes are just value changes but the rainfall system is very different and so is the feature system. Also there is generally more randomness than most mapscripts.

Milae's Map:
This is an earth-like map which I hope makes all the various terrain-based pantheons situationally pickable. Default is 0 artificial oceans though there will often still be differently landmasses. Add Oceans in if you want continents style map.
Download here

Milae Pangea Map:
This is a smaller map with some ocean at the bottom and (usually) at both sides. This one is supposed to somewhat be like the Great Plains maps but with loads more randomness and Tundra along the north. Probably less balanced but should make for some fun games.
Download here

Have fun!

Just because of the name confusion, are you referring to the Communitas map or the Communitas_79 one? They are actually a good bit different which is why I ask.
Just because of the name confusion, are you referring to the Communitas map or the Communitas_79 one? They are actually a good bit different which is why I ask.

Yea technically that one is called Communitu_79 so just to clarify I started changing it from the original Communitas one.

Though I did use their method to add in the OverrideAssignStartingPlots option, since it helps with mapscript compatibility, so thanks @azum4roll or @tu_79 for that.

Welcome to Hammer-Island!

(latest patch, map script v10 etc etc)


  • Elizabeth_0510 AD-1050-hammer.rar
    1.2 MB · Views: 70
I love your “Milae’s Map” script, I’ve been using it ever since you offered it on your Youtube. I set the seas to low, ocean rifts to narrow/none, add 2-3 extra civs and 2-4 extra city states and it makes a neat pseudo-pangaea. Definitely fixes the resource issues of Communitas.

(mapscript v10) I seem to recall something about you mentioning that you had blocked culture growth into the arctic so that one could always circumnavigate the earth. I'm not sure if it, the culture border growth, will ever grow in there or not. But I can not buy the tiles. Which as noted in the image is somewhat annoying since there is a luxury there, I guess I could live with it if it was just a normal fish but a luxury might be a tad much to miss out on.

So if you block it could one at least make sure that luxuries are not placed into those water tiles.
I thought it was a bit weird to. But there they are in all their crabby deliciousness. Normally I don't think they can or are supposed to, think it's all coast/sea and not ocean.
I don't think it's a civ specific thing, it's he inuit civ -- they turn fish into seals but nothing about ocean crabs as far as I can tell. I did a few restarts and didn't get any arctic ocean crabs in any of those restarts.


(edit). Happened again. Ocean corals. It's either the map or it's the civ, but it doesn't mention anything about spawning sea resources in the ocean. Pineapple doesn't appear to believe that it's the civ, I asked in the inuit civ thread.
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Does the mapscript modify ocean tiles after placing luxuries?
Excellent map scripts, thank you for offering!

Just one observation: on the continents map, a start with a sea resource was always very strong for me. It allows to settle those many islands and avoid land based conflict for some time. Especially if I get good defensive locations. And with sea resources, you can get god of the sea and found easily. Also, you can get great lighthouse, which makes conquering with galeasses so much more effective. They can get next to a city to attack and out of city range in one turn.

IMO that does not have to be changed. It's fine that not all starts are equally strong.
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Is there any way to disable inland seas and/or replace them with lakes?

I think the max lake tiles can't be changed from 10. If you go into the mapscript and find the line:

if randPercent >= 65 then

(do ctrl + f and then type it in)

and change the 65 to 0 then all inland seas will connect to the oceans so they won't be inland seas anymore.

Btw though you can build forts/citadels to connect inland seas to oceans as well.
Excellent map scripts, thank you for offering!

Just one observation: on the continents map, a start with a sea resource was always very strong for me. It allows to settle those many islands and avoid land based conflict for some time. Especially if I get good defensive locations. And with sea resources, you can get god of the sea and found easily. Also, you can get great lighthouse, which makes conquering with galeasses so much more effective. They can get next to a city to attack and out of city range in one turn.

IMO that deos not have to be changed. It's fine that not all starts are equally strong.

Yea sea starts probably are the best right now, tundra and open sky used to be similar strength. Fish do tend to fall off but yea maybs i'll reduce it a bit.
I think the max lake tiles can't be changed from 10. If you go into the mapscript and find the line:

if randPercent >= 65 then

(do ctrl + f and then type it in)

and change the 65 to 0 then all inland seas will connect to the oceans so they won't be inland seas anymore.

Btw though you can build forts/citadels to connect inland seas to oceans as well.
Thanks. Is it also possible to prevent atolls from spawning in lakes?
I think the max lake tiles can't be changed from 10. If you go into the mapscript and find the line:

if randPercent >= 65 then

(do ctrl + f and then type it in)

and change the 65 to 0 then all inland seas will connect to the oceans so they won't be inland seas anymore.

Btw though you can build forts/citadels to connect inland seas to oceans as well.
Doesn't help with polar seas (water surrounded by ice and land) though.
Note: Use the Megashare link provided in the first post rather than the direct links (that download from Civfanatics), this way you can access the latest updated versions. ;)
Not getting any ancient ruins or resources with the latest download from mega. Tried a couple of different starts, playing until ~turn 30. None for me or the AI. Tried a new game with a different map and they were there so I'm sure it's not a conflict
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