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[MOD] Fall from Heaven

A few quick questions- sorry if they have been answered already.

1. How does disease work? I don't like my best units being killed off two turns after entering enemy territory.
2. What exactly is a the "Hero" promotion?
3. Is there any reason why I couldn't build the golem hero unit (I had the Runes Of Kilmorph holy city)?
4. What does building a weaponsmith on a tile do?
5. How does the concept of a Barbarian King and Orthus's Axe work?
6. Why did my 20 promotion hero abandon me? :cry:

And a bug report:
When viewing the civilopedia entry for that hero golem, it only shows a string of code.

An Idea:
What if you took the brilliant of a unit carrying unit idea (i.e. Druid carrying Eagle) to the next level. How about a horse unit that can carry a foot soldier? The horse unit could increase the footsoldiers speed, and the footcoldier can act like he is in a boat- he can leave any time. I love the idea of units carrying other units, and since you have already implemented it flawlessly, I would love to see you take it to another level.

And finally a bug request:
I know this is a big deal, but this is the only thing this mod is missing: a way to win that is similar to the space race. As a peaceful player, I find it very difficult to play this mod. You have a religious victory, but I am finding this difficult- I have spread my religion to every city in the game, but I still haven't got the required 80%. How about you create a project like A Gate To Heaven or something, and you make individual pieces, just like the space race.

Anyway, thanks a lot for the mod- it's unquestionably brilliant.
OblivionOdyssey said:
2. What exactly is a the "Hero" promotion?
Heros gain a free +1 XP every turn (until they reach 100 I believe) no matter what they do. If they win fights they get the regular amount in addition to that +1 bonus.
5. How does the concept of a Barbarian King and Orthus's Axe work?
Unless I'm unaware of something Orthus is the Barbarian King and his axe is just a promotion that a unit that kills him gets. If that unit is killed the axe promotion goes to the next etc.

6. Why did my 20 promotion hero abandon me? :cry:
Probably because you changed religion (maybe some civics do that too). This happened to me too (in version .8) and I was really shocked for I've never read it anywhere until after that.

How about a horse unit that can carry a foot soldier?
Ever heard of horse archer, knight, war chariot and the like? ;)
Think it's a bit unnecessary... IMO a better thing would be a "helicopter unit", for example a dragon/eagle/pegasus that can drop units in a certain radius.

I know this is a big deal, but this is the only thing this mod is missing: a way to win that is similar to the space race.
Kael said he's implementing something like that down the road, but I don't remember if he gave an estimated time of implementation.
OblivionOdyssey said:
3. Is there any reason why I couldn't build the golem hero unit (I had the Runes Of Kilmorph holy city)?
Probably you didn't have Runes of Kilmorph as your statereligion!? It is also a prerequisit.
Further ideas on Forts.

How about removing them from the tech tree (Or moving them down to masonry) and allowing melee and misile (foot based) troops to build them. The idea being that any troops can build a rough set of fortifications to defend themselves, lots of armies have done this (most famously the Romans of course).

Also allow them to upgrade, I would do this by having them fortified by a unit, after x turns they become better (similar to the way a cottage evolves into a town). I also think it would be cool if forts gave some bonus beyond defense.

My idea is -

Fort - 25% defense bonus, no other bonus
+15 turns - Keep - 50% def (total), +1 food (safety encourages local farmers)
+30 turns - Stronghold - 75% def (total), +1 food, +1 gold (this established stronghold is now starting to generate trade)
+60 turns - Citadel - 75% def + 40% vrs magic, +1 food, +2 gold (the Citadel is now becoming a well known trade post)

I would make the bonus' granted by the fort only available when it is defended by a unit, also if the fort is pillaged have it leave behind ruins.

Another thing that would be great if you could do it is to bring back the intercept used in Civ3 where some units could do damage to units passing by them, if forts could grant this type of ability it would give them a far greater strategic role in the game.
Need some help here.... Went for hunting immediatly so I could make a hunter to capture animals... the hunting lodge is 100 turns out after 67 turns to research hunting.... the animals will be gone by then. They are almost gone now. How do you capture animals for your eventual circus?
Are you supposed to be able to pillage and destroy ruins? I have just noticed that I am able to using Baron Halfmoon. (no I didn't get any cash for it)
Webrider said:
Need some help here.... Went for hunting immediatly so I could make a hunter to capture animals... the hunting lodge is 100 turns out after 67 turns to research hunting.... the animals will be gone by then. They are almost gone now. How do you capture animals for your eventual circus?

This is just an unfortunate part of the 0.95 release of this mod, when version 1 is released animals will stay around for the entire game. Kael is just waiting for something to be released (new patch I think) before he able to issue version 1. The new patch is needed to let some of the things happen he plans to do, see the 1st post for more details.
Kael said:
No, the patch invalidates savegames.
Well, not for me. I played with patch 2 for a while until I got a CTD at a certain turn, no matter how I would micromanage my cities before or abandon units. I couldn't see anything in the list of fixes of the new patch that could possibly have impact on my special CTD, but updated nonetheless to patch 4.

No CTD anymore, and no problems with the old saves. :goodjob:
I think it was patch 2 that invalidated savegames.
OblivionOdyssey said:
A few quick questions- sorry if they have been answered already.

4. What does building a weaponsmith on a tile do?

That's Bamburs special ability - stack him with other units in your own territory (look out! weaponsmithing destroys existing tile improvements), hit the Weaponsmith button and after 2 turns, all units stacked with him will have the Quality Weapons improvement - just as if they had been built in a city with a weaponsmith. The effect is permanent... :)
Dragonlord said:
That's Bamburs special ability - stack him with other units in your own territory (look out! weaponsmithing destroys existing tile improvements), hit the Weaponsmith button and after 2 turns, all units stacked with him will have the Quality Weapons improvement - just as if they had been built in a city with a weaponsmith. The effect is permanent... :)

Hmmm never knew that, just out of intrest what happens if you do it in a city? Or does it not work in a city.
cordas said:
Hmmm never knew that, just out of intrest what happens if you do it in a city? Or does it not work in a city.

You can't use the ability in a city.
Ok..am still having the crashes..although less frequently. Seems to still happen occasionally when a building is being finished. If I stop the building from completion the game doesn't crash. So is possibly another building problem like the Veil church one you fixed earlier?? This is with the continued game. Also it seems to crash more often when the building is being completed in a city that is unhappy and unhealthy...this could just be coincidence. The cities it happens in is random, but seems to be my own each time. So far buidlings I have seen it crash with are Forge and Aqueduct. In the included game It looks as if the Summoning Chamber being built in Skull Keep or the Theater in Astrakan could be the culprit. Hope this helps.
Morbius Wraith said:
Ok..am still having the crashes..although less frequently. Seems to still happen occasionally when a building is being finished. If I stop the building from completion the game doesn't crash. So is possibly another building problem like the Veil church one you fixed earlier?? This is with the continued game. Also it seems to crash more often when the building is being completed in a city that is unhappy and unhealthy...this could just be coincidence. The cities it happens in is random, but seems to be my own each time. So far buidlings I have seen it crash with are Forge and Aqueduct. In the included game It looks as if the Summoning Chamber being built in Skull Keep or the Theater in Astrakan could be the culprit. Hope this helps.

Thanks, your isolation is a HUGE help. I'll dig into this save and let you know what I find out.
This may be impossible to get. I reloaded about 15 times and I only got the crash once. With crashes that are that intermittant I have no way to troubleshoot. Since I don't know if the change I make helped the issue, or if I am just on a "lucky streak". See if you can keep playing and get to a place where the crash is more frequent.

I will play with the save game too and see if I can figure anything out.
Kael said:
This may be impossible to get. I reloaded about 15 times and I only got the crash once. With crashes that are that intermittant I have no way to troubleshoot. Since I don't know if the change I make helped the issue, or if I am just on a "lucky streak". See if you can keep playing and get to a place where the crash is more frequent.

I will play with the save game too and see if I can figure anything out.

Ok I think I have localized the crash area. It seems to be happening around 95% of the time when I build a building in my capital city Death Keep. I've done about 30 reloads and checks and it seems pretty consistant. Death Keep has more wonders..maybe it is one of those?? Also I have noticed something. Sometimes if I save the turn before the building is going to be finished and then hit enter it seems to work ok..not sure why. This doesn't work 100% of the time however.
here is me save game befor crash.have nothing to do whit wonders, bulding.
i make a quik save game. by playing whit centaur and merfallk crash for begin, can not start the QuickSavegame. by all nother after 1 rund why in my game..
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