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[MOD] Fall from Heaven

Kael said:
Its interesting that you mention the horses as meat eating the Celtic had Mares, majestic meat eating horses that would lure soldiers away from camps and kill them. The celts had a lot of things that lured soldiers away from camps and killed them. I guess they really didn't want their men wandering away from camp.

Meat eating horses? Nice. Kinda like the thestrals in harry potter.

maybe the evil civs would be able to promote their horse units to meat eating. Then they could usae some blood magic, and infect other units, or maybe heal when they kill.
loki1232 said:
Just noticing, when he spawns the message is that a barb kingdom built him.

btw: How can Kael have a game where every unit can cast and level, but the new spell system is still screwed up?

That message is automatic from the engine whenever a unique unit comes into the world. He isn't actually "built" he is gifted to the barbarians on turn 100.

The new spell system isn't screwed up. It needs to be tested but for the few spells that are in it right now it is working great.

We did put some units in some odd scenerios to see if the AI would make optimal use of its spells and it doesn't. And in the end I think we determined that its better to make sure the AI makes "good use" of its spells in all occasions instead of tweaking for every odd scenerio we can imagine. By odd scenerio I mean putting the Ai in a situation where it would be best to cast spells in a certain order or having units work together to cast, then move, then cast and stuff for optimal effect. The AI is good with it, but not great.

That said it is much better than it is in 1.0. Units with multiple spells (which will be much more common in 2.0) actually decide which they will use dpending on what they are doing (units moving will cast haste to get there faster and fireballs once they are in the combat range, etc).
Kael said:
That message is automatic from the engine whenever a unique unit comes into the world. He isn't actually "built" he is gifted to the barbarians on turn 100.

The new spell system isn't screwed up. It needs to be tested but for the few spells that are in it right now it is working great.

We did put some units in some odd scenerios to see if the AI would make optimal use of its spells and it doesn't. And in the end I think we determined that its better to make sure the AI makes "good use" of its spells in all occasions instead of tweaking for every odd scenerio we can imagine. By odd scenerio I mean putting the Ai in a situation where it would be best to cast spells in a certain order or having units work together to cast, then move, then cast and stuff for optimal effect. The AI is good with it, but not great.

That said it is much better than it is in 1.0. Units with multiple spells (which will be much more common in 2.0) actually decide which they will use dpending on what they are doing (units moving will cast haste to get there faster and fireballs once they are in the combat range, etc).

And you cant change the Orthus message?

Okay, I see the spell problem, and in the work i'm doing i see the problem.

However, you should at least use this for vitalizing the land and weaponsmithing and cure disease, so the ai will do it. *invisioning an ai druid leaving a trail of vitalized land behindit in my territory*
Kael, thanks for answering about what the problem can be in multiplayer...

If your guess is true, and at some points (Purge of the Unfaithful, Geneises, etc)
the mod does so many things so quickly that the net cannot handle it...
...what can be the solution?

This mod is just so great, I want to be able to play it online with my friends...
V. Soma said:
Kael, thanks for answering about what the problem can be in multiplayer...

If your guess is true, and at some points (Purge of the Unfaithful, Geneises, etc)
the mod does so many things so quickly that the net cannot handle it...
...what can be the solution?

This mod is just so great, I want to be able to play it online with my friends...

Improved multiplayer from Firaxis.
I have another question.

Is current FfH version complete enough so i can start making some scenarious for FfH or i should better still wait ? I mean, i just don't want to make some scenario which will be very hard to update to newer FfH versions... So i need to know if there are planned some great changes for this mod in future or can i start making scenarios now ?
Crash757 said:
I have another question.

Is current FfH version complete enough so i can start making some scenarious for FfH or i should better still wait ? I mean, i just don't want to make some scenario which will be very hard to update to newer FfH versions... So i need to know if there are planned some great changes for this mod in future or can i start making scenarios now ?

I'd play your scenario regardless :)
Crash757 said:
I have another question.

Is current FfH version complete enough so i can start making some scenarious for FfH or i should better still wait ? I mean, i just don't want to make some scenario which will be very hard to update to newer FfH versions... So i need to know if there are planned some great changes for this mod in future or can i start making scenarios now ?
Wait for version 1.0 to do anything.:D 1.0 is going to be the final version for awhile.
Crash757 said:
I have another question.

Is current FfH version complete enough so i can start making some scenarious for FfH or i should better still wait ? I mean, i just don't want to make some scenario which will be very hard to update to newer FfH versions... So i need to know if there are planned some great changes for this mod in future or can i start making scenarios now ?

I would wait for 1.0 to do it. The biggest gap between versions will be between 1.0 and the first release of 2.0.

That doesn't mean you cant start building the map and stuff now (1.0 will only be minor changes and those 7 modifications listed in the first post).
Everyone running without CTD's now that they have patch4?
V. Soma said:
Kael, thanks for answering about what the problem can be in multiplayer...

If your guess is true, and at some points (Purge of the Unfaithful, Geneises, etc)
the mod does so many things so quickly that the net cannot handle it...
...what can be the solution?

This mod is just so great, I want to be able to play it online with my friends...

Just to let you know i just played a multiplayer game with one friend and he built purge the unfaithful and we had no problems. Perhaps it was because it was just him and I or that we both had fast internet connections. Either way it gave us no problems.

Also if your having problems getting past that point try this, it worked for myself and some friends once: Change who the host is. So reload the game but make a different player the host,, sometimes that seems to fix things.
Had a good game going last night .95 then I downloaded that patch today. If i start a new game it works if I try to load a save from my game last night of the .95 version I get a runtime error. Guess my saves from previous .95 are not compatible, or did I do something wrong by executing the patch?
Webrider said:
Had a good game going last night .95 then I downloaded that patch today. If i start a new game it works if I try to load a save from my game last night of the .95 version I get a runtime error. Guess my saves from previous .95 are not compatible, or did I do something wrong by executing the patch?

No, the patch invalidates savegames. You didn't do anything wrong.

If you want to play your save game reinstall Fall from Heaven 095 and it will let you reload your save. Then you can patch again once your done with your game.
ohhh I did do something wrong :)- I went back to see what the patch fixed to see if I wanted to reinstall and finish my saved game, and read its not compatible with previous saves... So I didn't read very well. :p Thanks for your paitence and the good mod :)
Bloodington said:
Kael, continued kudos as this mod keeps getting better and better. I refered more than a few people to it and they all love it.

I had a few ideas and things I noticed:

1. Seafaring trait: I know it's been discussed to give them a free lighthouse in all coastal cities. I thought letting all coastal squares produce a hammer would be better. Not ocean squares just coastal ones. This might be too good in some peoples opinions, just a thought.

2. A "Dispelling Circle" city upgrade: One of the most effective strategies for a human player is to build some good defensive units and then a ton of conjurers and mages. Your fireballs and elementals trash the city and then your units walk in. It may cost you experience but you very rarely lose a unit and the AI doesn't counter it well at all. An anti summoning city upgrade would offset this strategy or at least make it less effective. Maybe call it a null shield or anti magic shell for all those old AD&D players.

3. I've always been partial to the wonders that give you X building in all cities on the continent. I know you're going for more of a specialized cities theme so you may not like this idea. You could have a Marksman Academy for archery range in each city, War College for barracks etc..

4. Prophecy of Ragnarok seems a bit too expensive for what it does. Maybe upgrade it or lower its cost?

5. Blatant Warhammer ripoff here but how about using the uranium icon as a warpstone resource? Maybe have it revealed by a wild magic tech and used to power a better siege weapon as right now there's just catapults and cannons. Makes more sense for players using a magic heavy civ or strategy than a cannon IMO.

6. Forests and jungle seem to grow more than they used to. Was this increased or am I imagining things?

7. How about an ancient fortress in the same vein as the watchtower? Have it give 125% defensive bonus or so and make it have a zone of control that can't be moved through by enemy units until the fortress is taken. Fortresses, especially along the border, were a huge part of medieval warfare and it'd be cool to be able to have a strong point outside a city to create choke points and the like.

Just a "few" ideas and once again great work.

Kind of feel like the above post got lost in all the game crashing questions. Was looking for some feedback on some of these questions and ideas. If they did get noticed and nobody found them worth responding to my bad for bumping it.:blush:
Bloodington said:
Kind of feel like the above post got lost in all the game crashing questions. Was looking for some feedback on some of these questions and ideas. If they did get noticed and nobody found them worth responding to my bad for bumping it.:blush:

You are right, at the time I was very pressed to fix the crashes. I hated the thought that people would spend a bunch of time playing the mod and having fun only to have it ruined by a crash. Im glad you reposted this.

Bloodington said:
Kael, continued kudos as this mod keeps getting better and better. I refered more than a few people to it and they all love it.

I had a few ideas and things I noticed:

1. Seafaring trait: I know it's been discussed to give them a free lighthouse in all coastal cities. I thought letting all coastal squares produce a hammer would be better. Not ocean squares just coastal ones. This might be too good in some peoples opinions, just a thought.

There is a nice balance between the bonus food from the oceans and the negative food from the farms. Chalid also mentioned giving the Seafaring civs a sea recourse only they could sea and harvest (im thinking about pearls) and I really like that idea.

2. A "Dispelling Circle" city upgrade: One of the most effective strategies for a human player is to build some good defensive units and then a ton of conjurers and mages. Your fireballs and elementals trash the city and then your units walk in. It may cost you experience but you very rarely lose a unit and the AI doesn't counter it well at all. An anti summoning city upgrade would offset this strategy or at least make it less effective. Maybe call it a null shield or anti magic shell for all those old AD&D players.

That was the purpose of the magic resistance and fire resistance promotions. We may need to tweak the AI a little to build a little enemyy caster hatred.

3. I've always been partial to the wonders that give you X building in all cities on the continent. I know you're going for more of a specialized cities theme so you may not like this idea. You could have a Marksman Academy for archery range in each city, War College for barracks etc..

Part of forcing specialization of the cities was to restirct things that make all cities the same. I don't have a problem with breaking this if we have an idea that has good flavor and makes sense, but I would want to make it rare.

4. Prophecy of Ragnarok seems a bit too expensive for what it does. Maybe upgrade it or lower its cost?

Its not very useful in civs that dont use priest specialists. But if you do it makes a huge difference. Im typically one of those guys that doesn't assign specialists so I dont much use it either, but I know it is popular amoung those that do.

What do the rest of you guys think? Should the cost be lowered from 500?

5. Blatant Warhammer ripoff here but how about using the uranium icon as a warpstone resource? Maybe have it revealed by a wild magic tech and used to power a better siege weapon as right now there's just catapults and cannons. Makes more sense for players using a magic heavy civ or strategy than a cannon IMO.

Somewhat along the same lines I want to include some more powerful resources in the Hell map. It wouldn't be called a warpstone but the idea sounds siumiliar to yours, enabling tougher units.

6. Forests and jungle seem to grow more than they used to. Was this increased or am I imagining things?

I dont think I changed this. If I did it was a long time ago.

7. How about an ancient fortress in the same vein as the watchtower? Have it give 125% defensive bonus or so and make it have a zone of control that can't be moved through by enemy units until the fortress is taken. Fortresses, especially along the border, were a huge part of medieval warfare and it'd be cool to be able to have a strong point outside a city to create choke points and the like.

The only problem is the AI would need to be changed to make use of it. I don't mind the sentry tower much, if the AI happens to step on it, it gets to see in the expanded area. But it doesn't make or break games. Fortresses would have a pretty important strategic value and not having the AI understand that would be pretty noticable.
Kael said:
There is a nice balance between the bonus food from the oceans and the negative food from the farms. Chalid also mentioned giving the Seafaring civs a sea recourse only they could sea and harvest (im thinking about pearls) and I really like that idea.

Also if there is a way to make it so that seafaring civs always have their capital start on the coast,,, that would help a ton.

In addition add "getting slaves" from combat with the slavery civic as another event that throws multiplayer games out of sync :(
Kael said:
What do the rest of you guys think? Should the cost be lowered from 500?

No dont lower the cost, especially in FfH. I normally dont use tons of specialists either, but the times i have built Angkor Wat in the vanilla game (which is the same wonder), Ive made my towns incredibly powerful. Combine this wonder with republic and your priests are pumping out 2h, 1g, 3r and 3great people points and considering how many buildings you have in this game to allow priest specialists this wonder is very potent and is fine as is.
other mounts ideas: giant lizards, dragons, griffins, sphinxs

but it hink these special cratures would need special pastures maybe something called a magic pasture to be built
Kael said:
Everyone running without CTD's now that they have patch4?

I hit another one while building the forge again. Will play with it a bit more to see if I can narrow it down. Will start a new game as as well and if it happens again I'll post the game.
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