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More music


Traveler of the Multiverse
Jan 23, 2014
In a constant brainstorm...
More music
Since AND has expanded the eras I started to feel that the music for Ancient era is to few. So I decided to add some to it. Than I couldn't stop adding music to all eras :)
This is merely a collection of game music from some oldschool classics.

I have also created a new OpeningMenuCiv4.mp4



  1. Extract the file
  2. Copy the Assets folder to your Rise of Mankind - A new Dawn folder
  3. Say 'Yes' to overwrite files
  4. Start the launcher and check the "Modules". Enable whatever you like.
  5. Enjoy :)
Spoiler :

If you don't like any of the music files in your game, all you have to do is to find it in one of Assets\Sounds\NEW sub-folders and delete it.
It is also true about the new main menu song. You can delete it and the game will load again the good old Baba Yetu song. Its location is: Assets\Sounds\Soundtrack\OpeningMenuCiv4.mp4

Change log:
Spoiler :

-Renassaince era: removed Cossaks 2 tracks, added 5 trackc from Europa Universalis IV
-Industrial era: removed all previously added tracks (from Fallout3, The sims and other swing style music) and replaced them with ones that are more related to the industrial era. These are from Victoria 2 and some TV shows like Road to Avonlee and Downton Abbey and some others.
-Modern era: 7 new tracks mostly from city building games.
-Trans-Human: 2 new tracks from Worldshift.

-add 4 tracks to Ancient era
-remove GTA tracks from Modern era and 2 other from Ancient (they didn't fit to the atmosphere of the rest of the list)

-add modInfo.xml

-add music for Future era
-reworked file structure and instalation. (Now it needs to run WoCInstaller.exe after every update of tha main mod, but Audio2DScripts.xml and AudioDefines.xml won't need to be overwriten, thus the sound files are always up to date)

-changed packed archives language to English

- add 4 more tracks for the Acient era
- add 11 more tracks for the Industrial era
- removed some music from the Industrial era track list, that were also present in the Modern era. Now every track is only present in only one era (except for Future era, which is the same as Trans-human
- the archive is now self-extracting

- "Add your own music" placeholder blank files added.


I have added a simple "Add your own music" mechanic, by adding blank, placeholder files and lines to the right xml files. This allows players to add their own era related music choises to the mod.
To do so you must do the following:
1. Rename your files to XX.mp3 where XX can be a number from 01 to 20.
2. Go to your Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\Modules\MoreMusic\NEW folder.
3. Choose one of the 7 era labeled folders and copy yourmusic files into it overwriting the blank music files. Files 01.mp3 to 20.mp3 are all of 0sec length, they have no real use until you replace them with some real music.
4. Run the game and enjoy :)

CIV4EraInfos.xml is now modular, changing only the soundtrack list. It has no impact on gameplay at all.
Removed some music not fitting in their eras (PanzerGenerals from Industrial and RedAlert from Modern eras)
Added a lot of new music for Transhuman era (and Future era as well). Now Transhuman era has a completely new playlist, different from Modern era.


Spoiler :
Ancient era
  • 3 music by Jim Gordon (I found them in C2C)
  • music of Populous The Beginning
4 files; 39:01 length altogether

Classical era
  • 10 music of Age of Empires
  • 13 music of Age of Mythology
  • 2 music of Theocracy
25 files; 1:17:08 length altogether

Medeival era
  • 10 music of Age of Empires 2
  • 9 music of Stronghold
  • 7 music of Heroes4
26 files; 1:23:10 length altogether

Renaissance era
  • 19 music of Anno 1701
  • 9 music of Cossacks2
28 files; 1:16:46 length altogether

Industrial era
  • 8 files of swing music
  • 17 music of The Sims
  • 12 music of Panzer General 2 and 3
37 files; 2:22:15 length altogether

Modern era
  • 14 music of Red Allert 2
  • 5 music of GTA1
14 files; 1:26:45 length altogether

Transhuman era
  • 9 music of Universe at War
  • 14 music of Tiberian Sun
23 files; 1:32:18 length altogether

Obsolete info:

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More handicap levels
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Somtime one may feel that Deity level is still too easy. For example playing with Flexible/Icreasing Difficulty and starting on an easier level.

What it does is adding 6 more difficulty levels, 2 prior Settler and 4 above Deity
Spoiler :

    • Beggar
    • Citizen
    • ...
    • Titan
    • Ommiscient
    • Omnipresent
    • Omnipotent
(yes, I know that the names aren't so creative, but could not come out with anithing better)

    • Extract the file
    • Copy the Assets folder to your Rise of Mankind - A new Dawn folder
    • Say 'Yes' to overwrite files
    • Enjoy :)

Dinosaurs are back!

Spoiler :
Because Resca was speaking of it, I made a little research and finnaly found these 3 units in Multiverse mod :)

Spoiler :


Dinosaurs are back!

-adds 3+1 dinosaur units to animal category
-T-Rex is very strong
-Velociraptos is average
-Triceratops is mid-strong, but deffend only (it is a herbivore), can be subdued
-Subdued Triceratops is half as strong as is wild counterpart and can hurry food or hammers
-all 3 spawn on jungle plots

  1. Extract the file
  2. Copy the Assets folder to your Rise of Mankind - A new Dawn folder
  3. Enjoy :)

Alternative terrain
It is included in the main mod, no need for separate download. Use the launcher to switch terrain, thanks for Dbkblk :beer:
(The download is still active tough)
Spoiler :

Alternative terrain created by Sparth. I just changed a few lines in the xml to make it work with RAND.

View attachment 378075View attachment 378074
View attachment 378076View attachment 378077


https://www.dropbox.com/s/qe8hgldmz1xuy2z/Alternative Terrain.rar


    • Extract the file
    • Copy the Assets folder to your Rise of Mankind - A new Dawn folder
    • Say 'Yes' to overwrite files
    • Enjoy :)
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There might be a licence problem with the music, but anyway, thanks for the addons !
There might be a licence problem with the music, but anyway, thanks for the addons !

AFAIK many mods are incliding music from other games.
As I saw even RoM-AND contains music from SimCity.
Otherwise all music was downloaded from youtube.
I hope it doesen't hurt anyone :rolleyes:

Please let me know your oppinions about the stuff.
Thanks Sogroon, the vanilla music is REAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYY tiresome and boring during hours of gameplay. your music will help a lot for my game enjoyment. Maybe some more for industrial and modern?
After I installed More Music, game said that it cannot compress save files.

After I installed More Music, game said that it cannot compress save files.


I don't think it has anything to do with More Music. It happens when the game crashes during it is saving your game. A least as I know.
Can you load an autosave?

Thanks Sogroon, the vanilla music is REAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYY tiresome and boring during hours of gameplay. your music will help a lot for my game enjoyment. Maybe some more for industrial and modern?

I am happy you like it :)
I welcome any suggestions for more content. Those two eras really could have more music. Any idea?
But I do not want it to be too big, so I don't think I will add more stuff for the other eras.
Looks like we need for the Moderators to stick a new thread in the sticky section called Modmods.

As I sure over time there will be others wanting a place to put their adaptations to AND in. ;)

I like the Age of ____ tracks and always always have, so I feel they'd be a welcome addition to the Ancient and Classic eras. I still play Empires 1 and Mythology! AoE1 was the first game I ever played, C&C being the second ^^

Tiberium Sun tracks were pretty cool, but beyond that I think I'd probably personally stick to what CivIV and AND already offered us. Peloponnesian - from the... Warlords I think? Classical Era tracks is my absolute favorite from the vanilla tracks. I even put it into the Modern Era along with the Roman Conquests track ^^

@JosEPh: heh, isn't AND fleshed out enough to warrant its own forum now instead of still being a 'modmod' to RoM? :p A modmod forum here would be like... A modmodmodmod or something :lol:
Yeah, but as long as AND keeps using the Rise of Mankind Start screen and RoM nomenclature then it's still an off shoot of RoM.

I suppose if 45* would ask a Moderator we might get out of being a sub forum. :dunno:

JosEPh ;)
AFAIK many mods are incliding music from other games.
As I saw even RoM-AND contains music from SimCity.
Otherwise all music was downloaded from youtube.
I hope it doesen't hurt anyone :rolleyes:

Please let me know your oppinions about the stuff.

EA released the SC 3K soundtrack for free at one point on their website here: http://simcity.ea.com/coolstuff/sc3k_music/index.php

Link is long dead now, but AFAIK, they were legally giving it away. ;)

I didn't include any other SC music as EA apparently wasn't giving those out.
Yeah, but as long as AND keeps using the Rise of Mankind Start screen and RoM nomenclature then it's still an off shoot of RoM.

I suppose if 45* would ask a Moderator we might get out of being a sub forum. :dunno:

JosEPh ;)

I'll ask a moderator; I haven't done it before because I recall there was another mod called "A New Dawn" but it looks like I can't find it anymore on the forum. And I certainly don't want to drop the name "Rise of Mankind" as we owe so much to Zappara. I've always wanted to add "A New Dawn" under the main title in the start screen, but I don't know how to do it. Maybe we could find a way to modify the start screen and then ask a moderator for our own mod forum moving it out from RoM modmod subforum
45°38'N-13°47'E;13153801 said:
I've always wanted to add "A New Dawn" under the main title in the start screen, but I don't know how to do it.

Maybe we can rename the mod as "A new rise of dawn" or "A new dawn of mankind" ? but that could seem a little bit redundant.
A New Dawn: The Rise of Mankind? :p

Doesn't have the same ring as "Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn", but is RoM even in development anymore? It's like, obsolete now right? AND isn't much of a modmod now I think :)
A New Dawn: The Rise of Mankind? :p

Doesn't have the same ring as "Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn", but is RoM even in development anymore? It's like, obsolete now right? AND isn't much of a modmod now I think :)

The accurate name would be:

Sid Meier's Civilisation IV: Beyond the Sword: Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn :crazyeye:
A New Dawn: The Rise of Mankind? :p

Doesn't have the same ring as "Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn", but is RoM even in development anymore? It's like, obsolete now right? AND isn't much of a modmod now I think :)

EA released the SC 3K soundtrack for free at one point on their website here: http://simcity.ea.com/coolstuff/sc3k_music/index.php

Link is long dead now, but AFAIK, they were legally giving it away. ;)

I didn't include any other SC music as EA apparently wasn't giving those out.

I didn't know that.

But still I think that many mods are using music from other games or movies. E.g. Dune Wars.

And what about animations being used? Many wonder animations seem to be borrowed from other games: Abu Simbel, The Sphinx, Sun Tzu's Art of War, The Terracotta army.
Please tell me if I am wrong.

I will try to look after this issue. If anyone knows any material about this, please let me know.
Any oppinion about the main menu song I created?
I don't have much exeprience with creating/editing music, but I am a little proud of it, because it happened to be just the thing I wanted to create :D

Be honest, please. I won't be offended if you say it tragic, just tell me if it could be better somehow in you oppinion.
A New Dawn: The Rise of Mankind? :p

Doesn't have the same ring as "Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn", but is RoM even in development anymore? It's like, obsolete now right? AND isn't much of a modmod now I think :)

Actually RoM 2.81, 2.91, and 2.92 are still playable as long as You don't use REV. The versions of REV in those builds still had issues. These 3 versions all use the BtS Official 3.19 patch.

To use earlier versions you would need to revert to the 3.17 or if you want the earliest RoM 2.X versions the 3.13.

But RoM1.03 because it does Not have a Custom DLL is playable with Any of the BtS Official patches.

I still keep a link open for RoM 1.03.

Any oppinion about the main menu song I created?
I don't have much exeprience with creating/editing music, but I am a little proud of it, because it happened to be just the thing I wanted to create :D

Be honest, please. I won't be offended if you say it tragic, just tell me if it could be better somehow in you oppinion.

To be fully honest I don't usually approve of custom main menu themes, and always go in to the Assets folder to replace any changes with the Classic or Warlords theme ;)
I really wouldn't like it if AND decided to have a new main menu theme forced on me and taking away the Warlords theme I like so much :sad:

Well a'right, there's rare cases when I find them fun, but generally it's one of those times where I'm not too accepting of new changes. More or less the same reason I don't play with Useable Mountains, Multiple Production/Research, Great Commanders, and other fairly large additions. I'm very slow to start using things like that (Though I do play with Multiple Prod. all the time in C2C since everything tends to take a single turn to make anyway :lol: )
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