Most Bizarre Outfits in History

Roman sources for the Boii and Insubres of northern Italy (later, Bohemia), two "Celtic" tribes, refer to drugged-up nude warriors called Gaesatae. Standard berserker type story. I dunno if there was a similar Goidelic tradition, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

You know I'm talking about them courting Dame Palm and her five beautiful daughters before going into battle don't you?
Honorable mention should go out to doctors during the Plague who thought they could avoid infection by dressing up like giant birds. They may well have been history's first furries.


Modern day urban warrior - not built for speed.

Spoiler :
He is a ninja!

Or to anyone with at least one functioning eye. Those shoe pom poms are perplexing.

I'd like to suggest a contest. First place goes to whoever can come up with a functional purpose for those little pompons on their toes. In case of more than one hilarious explanation, the tie breaker will be who can rationalize the tassels behind their knees.

I should cross post this to the Civ3 modders forum---I'd love to see these tsoliades dudes as a unique unit.
Honorable mention should go out to doctors during the Plague who thought they could avoid infection by dressing up like giant birds. They may well have been history's first furries.


You laugh - in its day it was actually the closest thing to a CBRN suit and saved countless doctors' lives.
I'd like to suggest a contest. First place goes to whoever can come up with a functional purpose for those little pompons on their toes. In case of more than one hilarious explanation, the tie breaker will be who can rationalize the tassels behind their knees.

To make sure if they accidentally kick the guy marching in front of them with that super high kick of theirs, the blow will be softer.
Flying Pig said:
You laugh - in its day it was actually the closest thing to a CBRN suit and saved countless doctors' lives.

[Citation required].
The pompons are to keep poodles from nipping at your stockings by making them think you're one of them.

The jpg names say "Mexicans in pointy boots" but I can't imagine the utility of those are--although undoubtedly some utility would be the only reason to make those. In Texas we call normal cowboy boots "sh!tkickers" but apparently these kickers are meat to take the sh!tkicking straight to the source.

You sure couldn't slip them dogs into a stirrup. You don't suppose they've got some kind of mutant toes inside there, do ya?
Post a pic and if it's historical it counts. like the MMA's or something. ;)
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