Murder of British MP Jo Cox -- will it decide the Brexit referendum?

Who rattled your cage, I was responding to someone who said who said the guy wasn't mentally ill by pointing out the he did something very counter productive to his professed cause.
That may just make him incompetent, not insane.
Wow, that's tasteless. One has to ask though, how will pulling out of the EU protect us against all those murderous anti-British Muslims living in Commonwealth nations? :rolleyes:

Indeed, leaving the EU will probably increase Muslim immigration to the UK (and non-european immigration in general). The people voting for Leave over immigration won't know what hit them if they win.
Foolish, isn't it? You'd think that British people would remember where most Muslims (and other assorted non-white people) live, given that we spent much of the 19th Century going out and seizing their land and then much of the 20th giving it all back again.
I said mental illness not insanity.
Yes, you did. Either way, though: he might be mentally ill, or he might be incompetent (or both, I suppose). There is an explanation for his conduct that does not require him to have been mentally ill in order for him to have been doing what he believed would end the threat of...whatever it is he was hoping to stop.
Yes, you did.

Right they conjure very different mental images.

Either way, though: he might be mentally ill, or he might be incompetent (or both, I suppose). There is an explanation for his conduct that does not require him to have been mentally ill in order for him to have been doing what he believed would end the threat of...whatever it is he was hoping to stop.

In your opinion and the opinion of the person I originally responded too. Perhaps you think I forgot what got the ball rolling here. More likely though, Dachspmg, I think you're just racking up postcount.
While all the false flag conspiracy theories are crap as usual, I do have trouble imagining any better way to increase the vote for Remain at a time when it appeared to be in serious danger of losing.

Way to go, nutjob. Now you're going to get to find out why political assassinations by lone actors almost always backfire.

In the years and decades to come, the suspect in the murder of Jo Cox, -Thomas Mair- maybe seen as the one man who stopped the EU from collapsing? Ironic in the extreme if so.
I think that's reading into things far too far.
^If this causes the ref vote to be the opposite it was projected to be just before the murder, then it is not unlikely the event will get romanticised (euphemism for more crap and lies). Although that depends on what actually happens with the EU. It's not like the EU will magically become better if Britain stays.
^If this causes the ref vote to be the opposite it was projected to be just before the murder, then it is not unlikely the event will get romanticised (euphemism for more crap and lies). Although that depends on what actually happens with the EU. It's not like the EU will magically become better if Britain stays.

Yes, I probably should have used better terminology.. maybe the "one event" as opposed the "one man" which draws attention to the individual himself, which would probably be too much for most people to stomach in the near term. The timing of the murder though at such a pivotal moment cannot really be ignored from a historical perspective imo.

I'm just floating the idea really. I sometimes ponder what if Gavrilo Princip was a rubbish shot back in 1914? I'm just pointing out one man at a crucial moment, can make a difference which sets off a whole series of events.

I think the EU will have to sort out it's entrenched problems after a Remain vote though and I'm thinking it probably will in the medium term. Collective Eurozone debt being one possibility although probably over Merkel's dead body.. politically speaking!
It's not like the EU will magically become better if Britain stays.

The UK has very little influence. Which is why there is no reason to Remain.

At best we are no more than one of now many tie-breakers in the event of the
French (France & Belgium) not agreeing with the German (Germany & Austria).
The UK has very little influence. Which is why there is no reason to Remain.

At best we are no more than one of now many tie-breakers in the event of the
French (France & Belgium) not agreeing with the German (Germany & Austria).

No influence?
The UK has a lot of influence in the EU. Though it probably would have quite a bit more if it didn't go for the "we demand preferential treatment in most areas" route, while also staying out on other issues as if it didn't care about them. If you say "that's not our business" all the time, you cannot complain about people trying to handle issues without you. The problem with the UK has always been that it wants to have the cake and eat it too.

Not that it is always wrong. There are a few areas that shouldn't be under EU-control, or where never supposed to be under EU-control but somehow ended there anyway due to interesting interpretations of other assignments.
The UK has very little influence. Which is why there is no reason to Remain.

At best we are no more than one of now many tie-breakers in the event of the
French (France & Belgium) not agreeing with the German (Germany & Austria).
Phrasing it like that, one would almost be tempted to think that the referendum was just a plea for attention.

Y'know, almost.
Naturally. Farage's recent boating trip down the Thames, allegedly in support of poor fisherman, was somewhat overshadowed when it was pointed out that he himself had been on a European fishing council and he'd attended precisely one meeting out of the 44 or so that had been held during his tenure.
The charitable interpretation would be that someone has terrible timing multiple times in quick succession. Of course, it would take about as much charity to interpret it that way as it would regarding UKIP's recent poster when you realise that the couple of noticeably white people in the long chain of migrants were "accidentally" obscured by the placement of the text.
The charitable interpretation would be that someone has terrible timing multiple times in quick succession. Of course, it would take about as much charity to interpret it that way as it would regarding UKIP's recent poster when you realise that the couple of noticeably white people in the long chain of migrants were "accidentally" obscured by the placement of the text.

The UKIP is the product of years of Franco-German intelligence effort to descredit Euroskepticism in Britain.
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