• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

NBA 2009 Regular Season

Nuts! That's what happens when you don't finish the paragraph.
Trade chatter heating up...Chad Ford thinks A'mare has a 50% chance of being moved. Big Z and change to the Wizards for Jamison seems to be the most talked about rumor, but don't be surprised to see Portland trade Miller for Haywood.

Cavs lose Mo for a month, but beat the Lakers anyway. They are hitting the soft part of their schedule, so hopefully they wont drop too much ground to the Celtics (up 4 games) or the Magic.
Congratulations to the New Jersey Nets!!!

For what? Being the suckest team in a while, or for winning a game? Also the current standings for the NBA (in spoliers).

Eastern Confrence
Spoiler :

Cleveland1 37 11
Orlando2 31 16
Boston3 29 15
Atlanta4 30 16
Toronto5 25 22
Miami6 24 22
Chicago7 23 22
Charlotte8 23 22
Milwaukee 19 25
New York 18 27
Indiana 16 31
Detroit 15 30
Washington 15 30
Philadelphia 15 31
New Jersey 4 41

Western confrence:

Spoiler :

L.A. Lakers1 36 11
Denver2 31 15
Dallas3 30 16
Utah4 28 18
San Antonio5 27 18
Portland6 27 21
Phoenix7 27 21
Memphis8 25 20
Houston 25 21
New Orleans 25 21
Oklahoma City 25 21
L.A. Clippers 20 26
Sacramento 16 29
Golden State 13 32
Minnesota 10 38

ESPN said:
Western Conference scout on the biggest threat to the Los Angeles Lakers in the West

"To beat the Lakers you have to have multiple scorers. So I'll say Dallas if you force me to pick someone. They're loaded. They come off the bench with good players and to me the Lakers have no bench. I like the size Dallas has with [Erick] Dampier and [Drew] Gooden. Dallas is an interesting team. If they're firing at the right time, they can cause more trouble to the Lakers than anybody.

So Dallas has a mediocre chance to break their fans hearts in the Finals again? I'll take it!
To be fair, their chances would be pretty good if Memphis hadn't decided to screw the rest of the NBA over 2 years ago.
I don't think they have a very good chance at winning the championship, the quote basically just says they're the second best team in the West.
Dallas should be an interesting team to watch at the deadline. They have a few pieces (Josh Howard, Roquie, J.J Barea, Erika Dampier's expiring contract) that could be useful in a trade. If they can bring in a dynamic two guard (Kevin Martin, Iggy) or an upgrade at Center (Haywood?), they could really challenge the Lakers in a 7 game.

In other news, Boston goes 6-8 over the month, and now only has a 4.5 game lead over Toronto. Trade chatter with Ray Allen is starting to heat up...can the Celts ever get healthy enough? Do they need to make a deal?
Dallas is not going to move Dampier untill the summer. He is a big sign and trade chip.
Dallas is not going to move Dampier untill the summer. He is a big sign and trade chip.

Dampier's worth is a de-facto expiring contract (his last year is a team option, which won't be picked up). He could easily be dealt to a team trying to trim payroll before the deadline.

He's actually have a pretty good season too.
Dampier's worth is a de-facto expiring contract (his last year is a team option, which won't be picked up). He could easily be dealt to a team trying to trim payroll before the deadline.

He's actually have a pretty good season too.
He is having a good year. Dampier is not going to be delt right now, he is to valuable to the team.
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