NESCraft II Day FIve
"One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away:
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.
‘Vain man,’ said she, ‘that dost in vain assay,
A mortal thing so to immortalize;
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eke my name be wiped out likewise."
- Edmund Spenser
Tired and hungry, the sun rises and you turn to feeding yourself before anything else. You tie your grass blanket around your shoulders and, new spear in hand, turn to hunting fish but initially are unsuccessful. As the sun begins to set, you are growing increasingly desperate but your luck turns with the sun rising as blinking through dry bleary eyes, you successfully spear two large fish. Before sun rises you have cooked your catch and filled your belly.
The sun rises and while you are remain extremely exhausted, you are well fed, warm, and armed. Things may be better today than yesterday.
Traits: Ranger
Status: Deep Exhaustion (small malus to all tasks). Well-fed (+1AP). Tired (-1AP).
Action Points: 3
Inventory: stone spear (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: woven grass blanket (moderate quality, poor durability), silk thread (1), cooked fish (1)
Curious of how to best exploit the strange pink rocks to the east, you begin the day by crafting a pick ax to better break the rocks and harvest them. The pick-ax complete, you move eastwards, picking your way carefully along the shorelines of the twin lakes when you notice reptilian silhouettes cutting through the murky waters.
The rocks are soon revealed to largely be rose halite (rock salt) but as you begin to break them up you notice thick veins of rose quartz. You collect these beautiful stones and return to your glade, decorating the 'mother tree' there and focusing on the mana moving within you. You focus and meditate and speak with the spirits of the 'mother tree' before finally giving it the gift that lies within you.
You step back and admire the Rose Quartz Willow totem, feeling the mana from the entire region flowing towards it and knowing she will share it with you as you might need it.
The sun rises and you feel weak and tired, your head pounding and you realize that forcing yourself through the heat of the day and not resting has led to heat exhaustion.
Traits: Spiritual
Status: Heat Exhausted (small malus to all tasks). Hungry (-1AP). Tired (-1AP). Warm.
Action Points: 1
Inventory: Stone Pickax (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Rose Quartz WIllow (basic totem: 1 mana), Salt (1)
Mana: 0
Karma: 1
Rose Quartz Willow:
The totem will produce 1 mana per turn which can be 'harvested/picked up' by
Decamper as a free action or anyone else as a 'meditation action'. If it has already absorbed a mana point, it cannot absorb further until it is harvested. The mana is 'flavored' with the powers of Growth and Earth (and not for examples sea, blood, or beasts) and can be used as any other mana can be (see 1st post).
The sun rises and you begin the morning by crafting a new spear to replace the one you lost. Spear and atlatl in hand, you set out after the deer you observed yesterday, catching up to them in the east, at the edge of a great plain. You stalk your prey carefully and launch the spear with precision and strength, bringing the beast down cleanly. You drag your kill back to camp skinning the creature and curing its hide as best as you can on the fire. You cook the deer over the fire and the roasted venison fills your body and soul.
The sun sets and you feel rested and nourished, ready to face the next day.
Your successful hunts and practice with the atlatl have taught you much and you feel your experience will serve you well in future hunts.
Traits: Ranger, Stalker
Status: Healthy. Well-nourished (+1 AP). Rested.
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Atlatl (poor quality, poor durability), Spear (Poor quality, Poor durability), Cured Deer Hide (moderate quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Stone tools (poor quality, very poor durability), Deer Meat (1), Deer bones, Deer antlers
Karma: 1
J.K. Stockholme
The bear's curiosity brings it directly into your camp and you throw it pieces of one of your fish as you retreat and this it quickly swallows before pursuing you aggressively. It attacks you without warning or reason, opening and crushing your shoulder with a huge paw before you are able to drive your spear into its side and drive it off. The spear is broken in your defense but you have another.
Badly wounded, you eat a nourishing fish breakfast and turn to building a dug-out canoe from the local trees, eager to escape this area. But with your shoulder badly hurt and the pain blurring your attention you feel your work is not as good as it could be, with some areas of the dugout being thinner than you would like. None-the-less you trust in the sea and set out for the coast you see to the east.
Unfortunately, once again your luck is poor and the seas soon turn stormy and as your canoe rises and falls, the thin hull cracks and and soon the boat is taking on water. Unable to bail fast enough, the dug-out quickly fills with water and in the high seas breaks up further. You clutch to the floating debris of the boat, at home swimming in the sea despite clutching your ax and tools while floating your spear nearby. You are helpless except to watch as your remaining equipment otherwise sinks or floats away.
As the sun sets you wash up on an unknown shore, not sure exactly where you are or how you got there. The island is a large one and has a unique tar bubbling and spewing smoke softly at its center. Giant crabs threaten nearby and you grip your spear and ax tightly before letting the night lull you to sleep.
J.K. Stockholme
Traits: Waterborn
Status: Crushed shoulder (malus to any action requiring two hands). Healthy. Well-fed (+1 AP). Rested
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Spear (poor quality, poor durability), Stone ax (moderate quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Stone tools (poor quality, very poor durability)
Karma: 0
Kyzarc Fotjage
Upon the rising of the sun you turn your attention to defense, crafting yourself a new spear of wood and bone. So armed, you flee the area that saw you attacked and move southwards, a leg of the wolf thrown over your shoulder.
As you make your way south, your wound felt with every step you take, the air begins to warm noticeably and the snow that that frosts the trees and grasses lie increasingly behind you. You come to the shadow of a mountain and there, bleary-eyed and tired, you turn to building a fire, finally having some success, and cook your wolf leg on it, despite your exhaustion and wound.
As the sun rises, you wake from the slightest of naps, still thoroughly exhausted. Two days without sleep have left you confused and unsure of yourself, movement playing at the edges of your vision in ways you cannot fully trust.
Kyzarc Fotjage
Traits: Explorer
Status: Gut wound (malus to movement, all tasks involving strength or lifting). Deep Exhaustion (small malus to all tasks). Nourished. Tired (-1AP).
Action Points: 2
Inventory: Bone spear (poor quality, poor durability), Stone tools (moderate quality, poor durability), Cured wooly sheep hide (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Nothing.
The sun rises white and unforgiving and you turn to building a new tool, a stone axe to help you collect timber. Despite your aptitude and skills with crafting you are somewhat disappointed with the outcome. Nonetheless, you know it will work and you turn to chopping the local trees only to find them their barks very hard and their wood splintering very easily. Despite bringing down two trees, you only harvest a minimum of timber.
Finally, as the sun sets and the moon brings some cool, you turn to hunting your supper, slinging a lizard and eating its flesh raw (saving its skin for further crafting).
The sun rises and you feel weak and tired, your head pounding and you realize that forcing yourself through the heat of the day and not resting has led to heat exhaustion.
Traits: Crafty
Status: Heat Exhausted (small malus to all tasks). Nourished. Tired (-1AP), Warm.
Action Points: 2
Inventory: Stone axe (poor quality, poor durability), Sling (moderate quality, poor durability), Lizard skin satchel (+2 inventory, moderate quality, moderate durability)
Stashed Nearby: String (1), Lizard skin, Timber (1)
Lord Herobrine
The sun beats down mercilessly and you are hungry and tired. You decide to deal with your hunger first, nodding to the strange two-legged creature in the west before moving south to hunt the striped herd-creatures as they drink from the river.
You creep quietly through the tall grass, your natural connection with animals helping you be careful of snakes and crocodiles, taking most of the day and night since you know that once you attack, the herd will disperse and you will lose your opportunity. Finally in the early dawn, you manage to get within throwing range of one and launch your spear. It lands squarely in the creatures shoulder, passing through its lungs and bringing it down not far from where you made the attack.
You quickly track down the creature, recovering your spear and skinning its beautiful striped pelt. The meat, even raw, is delicious. Thankful, you decorate your body in swirling patterns of its blood.
The sun rises and you feel weak and tired, your head pounding and you realize that forcing yourself through the heat of the day and not resting has led to heat exhaustion. Two days without sleep have left you confused and unsure of yourself, movement playing at the edges of your vision in ways you cannot fully trust.
Traits: Ranger
Status: Heat Exhausted (small malus to all tasks). Deep Exhaustion (small malus to all tasks). Nourished. Tired (-1 AP), Hot.
Action Points: 2
Inventory: Stone spear with prickly cactus spines (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: Zebra meat (2), Raw Zebra hide (very poor quality, very poor durability), Zebra bones
Karma: 1
Marcher Jovian
You begin the day by foraging for food, finding roots, herbs, and small shrimp to snack on today with enough to last you into tomorrow. You then set to crafting yourself tools of stone to better serve you in future crafting efforts and as the sun sets, you rest by the pool, thankful for your success and health.
The sun rises and a giant bristling boar that has been snortling and foraging to the north-west appears to have entered into your territory and you wonder at its intentions.
Marcher Jovian
Traits: Leafy
Status: Healthy, Nourished. Rested. Warm.
Action Points: 3
Inventory: Stone ax (poor quality, poor durability), Stone tools (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: timber (2), raw vegetables (1)
The sun rises and you notice a curious bear, larger than most, has been attracted to your cave, perhaps smelling the tiger flesh or perhaps just wondering what you are, and perhaps if you are as delicious as you look
(shh... you are- but I won't tell him). None-the-less, you ignore it for now, hiding deep in your cave and set to making a stone pick ax, munching on stringy tiger meat as you do, and satisfied with the weight and balance of the tool, turn to the river in the west. You note that the bear does not seem to be paying you too much attention and hefting your spear, you set out after the otters, being very successful in this endeavor and successfully spearing one before they flee your fury, swimming downstream and beyond your range.
Returning to the cave, you begin to work the pelt but here again you have poor luck, ruining the beautiful skin with aggressive knife work and leaving you only with its stringy meat to feed on.
Again spending the night in the cave, with the protection of the fire, leaves you well rested and ready for the morning sun.
Traits: Warrior
Status: Healthy. Nourished. Well-rested (+1 AP).
Action Points: 4
Inventory: Bone Spear (moderate quality, poor durability), Stone tools (poor quality, poor durability)
Stashed Nearby: stone pickax (moderate quality, poor durability), rabbit bones, tiger claws, tiger teeth, otter meat (1).
Karma: 0
As the sun rises, you turn to completing your lean-to, building a frame of sticks and branches and layering it with woven grasses and thatch you prepared yesterday. Satisfied with your work, you turn to feeding yourself, foraging nearby and having significant success, finding not only mushrooms and vegetables, but herbs you recognize for their healing properties if properly prepared in a poultice or potion.
The sun sets and you push yourself onwards, building a fire to ward off the chill of the night and keep the strange giant millipedes that have been investigating your camp at bay. The run rises and you rest comfortably, tired but full.
You feel that your work in building the arch and lean-to may provide some experience to draw upon when building future structures.
Traits: Leafy, Builder
Status: Healthy. Nourished. Tired (-1AP).
Action Points: 2
Inventory: nothing
Stashed Nearby: Stone arch (moderate quality, poor durability), Lean-to (moderate quality, poor durability), Raw veggies (1), Medical herbs (1)
Karma: 1