pre-release info New First Look: Ibn Battuta

pre-release info
Sarting with 2 attribute points is rather strong. You can put the in science oar culture to gain +25% toward masteries, or +1 influence on the palace and +50% toward independent powers. Even + happiness on palace/city hall and settlement depending on ressource means you have litterature slots earlier than most. So he is really versatile.

Even the +1 sight range might lead to more goodly hut at start, and depending on how artillery works you might gain some advantages. That is however more a little bonus aimed at expliciting the character history than anything...
I think that might be balanced by him not getting as many points through narrative choices.
Sarting with 2 attribute points is rather strong. You can put the in science oar culture to gain +25% toward masteries, or +1 influence on the palace and +50% toward independent powers. Even + happiness on palace/city hall and settlement depending on ressource means you have litterature slots earlier than most. So he is really versatile.

Even the +1 sight range might lead to more goodly hut at start, and depending on how artillery works you might gain some advantages. That is however more a little bonus aimed at expliciting the character history than anything...
It's definitely good, but I guess you're kind of getting a lot of these benefits faster/more ofren than other players would - it's not like other players won't get the upgrades they need. That makes it tough to judge just how amazing it is without playing.
I think that might be balanced by him not getting as many points through narrative choices.
I don't think he will have less narative choice's points. When you look at other leaders power, most have power that somewhat change the gameplay, where Battuta "just" impact the start of each era. It would be strange to have no attribute points during the age, but they most likley be wildcards (compared to other leaders that most likely offer the chance/choice between two different types).

Compared to, for example, Charlemagne that will encourage you to stress happiness generation (for the free cavalry units), Battuta is more easy to use, almost vanilla. Thejoker attribute points are strong, but they won't help reinforce your civ specialty as much as some leaders. It won't be as helpfull to score legacy points as other leaders, either (example: Amina will make antiquity economic legacy far easier to score, and maybe exploration age scientific provided those ressources boost quarter production).

All in all, Battuta might be the perfect leader to learn how to play CIV7, since he will be the one with most versatility, yet the least impactfull on how to play.
This is my favorite leader choice so far. More left field choices like this, please and thank you.
He's seriously making a case for being my first played leader, but I think I'll still stick with my original choice.

For those interested, the newest Fall of Civilizations podcast (on youtubes) intro has some narration of some of his writings describing central Asian cities. I love these podcasts, but sometimes lack the time to hear the whole thing. I'm just starting this one.
So I think my first playthrough will be with
**Ibn Battua** leading **Aksum**. His exploration focus should synergy with a Early ship UU, his extra soght will let me reveal lots of the map early, finding trading partners and win an early economy "victory" in Antiquity. and he also travelled the area Aksum covered in real life.

From then **Chola India** would feel thematically since he traveled there and the trading empire I've built with Aksum would fit well with Chola Indias trading and maritime focus, maybe conquering some distant lands while I'm at it. The wild Attribute points would be well spent into economy and naybe military traits. With Ibn Battuas *Map trading* I'll soon know all of the good lands to settle. And my *Dhows* will be upgraded to *Kalams*. Military or Economy path in exploration era.

To top it off? Not sure. Maybe **Qing China** since it is his thematic end point of his travels? The bonus from Imported resources would build further on the trading focus from earlier eras ( I wonder how much of the trade is retained? The trade routes probably perish, but will you benefit from market buildings and such?). A pivot towards a cultural Victory perhaps? Or continue with the economic path?

An other thematiq option would be **Siam** of which Area he visited on his ways to China.
The exploration in earlier eras would have revealed all *independent powers* and his 2 wild Attribute points can go towards diplomacy. With Suzerainity over ouggh City States Siam will be a powerhouse. Could probably go for any victory, (though probably not science).
So I think my first playthrough will be with
**Ibn Battua** leading **Aksum**. His exploration focus should synergy with a Early ship UU, his extra soght will let me reveal lots of the map early, finding trading partners and win an early economy "victory" in Antiquity. and he also travelled the area Aksum covered in real life.

From then **Chola India** would feel thematically since he traveled there and the trading empire I've built with Aksum would fit well with Chola Indias trading and maritime focus, maybe conquering some distant lands while I'm at it. The wild Attribute points would be well spent into economy and naybe military traits. With Ibn Battuas *Map trading* I'll soon know all of the good lands to settle. And my *Dhows* will be upgraded to *Kalams*. Military or Economy path in exploration era.

To top it off? Not sure. Maybe **Qing China** since it is his thematic end point of his travels? The bonus from Imported resources would build further on the trading focus from earlier eras ( I wonder how much of the trade is retained? The trade routes probably perish, but will you benefit from market buildings and such?). A pivot towards a cultural Victory perhaps? Or continue with the economic path?

An other thematiq option would be **Siam** of which Area he visited on his ways to China.
The exploration in earlier eras would have revealed all *independent powers* and his 2 wild Attribute points can go towards diplomacy. With Suzerainity over ouggh City States Siam will be a powerhouse. Could probably go for any victory, (though probably not science).
Interesting , I’m only wondering how you will unlock Chola and Qing with Ibn / Aksum?
I don’t think those are considered historical choices
Interesting , I’m only wondering how you will unlock Chola and Qing with Ibn / Aksum?
I don’t think those are considered historical choices
Chola's unlock is having three Coastal Cities, and IIRC Qing's was related to trade routes--so unlocking them shouldn't be too hard, especially starting with Aksum.
Chola's unlock is having three Coastal Cities, and IIRC Qing's was related to trade routes--so unlocking them shouldn't be too hard, especially starting with Aksum.
In fact unlock Qin is hard. You must have 3 improved jades in your empire territory.

By the way Amina, Xerxes Achaemenides or Isabella are better suited for this strategy.
In fact unlock Qin is hard. You must have 3 improved jades in your empire territory.

By the way Amina, Xerxes Achaemenides or Isabella are better suited for this strategy.
I could have sworn I saw a streamer unlock Qing by having a certain number of trade routes, but now I realize the streamers I watched showed very little Exploration Age gameplay so I could well be misremembering. (I do remember that maintaining I think it was three trade routes in Antiquity unlocks Majapahit.)
I could have sworn I saw a streamer unlock Qing by having a certain number of trade routes, but now I realize the streamers I watched showed very little Exploration Age gameplay so I could well be misremembering. (I do remember that maintaining I think it was three trade routes in Antiquity unlocks Majapahit.)
3 pearls or 3 naval trades routes for Majapahit
So I think my first playthrough will be with
**Ibn Battua** leading **Aksum**. His exploration focus should synergy with a Early ship UU, his extra soght will let me reveal lots of the map early, finding trading partners and win an early economy "victory" in Antiquity. and he also travelled the area Aksum covered in real life.

From then **Chola India** would feel thematically since he traveled there and the trading empire I've built with Aksum would fit well with Chola Indias trading and maritime focus, maybe conquering some distant lands while I'm at it. The wild Attribute points would be well spent into economy and naybe military traits. With Ibn Battuas *Map trading* I'll soon know all of the good lands to settle. And my *Dhows* will be upgraded to *Kalams*. Military or Economy path in exploration era.

To top it off? Not sure. Maybe **Qing China** since it is his thematic end point of his travels? The bonus from Imported resources would build further on the trading focus from earlier eras ( I wonder how much of the trade is retained? The trade routes probably perish, but will you benefit from market buildings and such?). A pivot towards a cultural Victory perhaps? Or continue with the economic path?

An other thematiq option would be **Siam** of which Area he visited on his ways to China.
The exploration in earlier eras would have revealed all *independent powers* and his 2 wild Attribute points can go towards diplomacy. With Suzerainity over ouggh City States Siam will be a powerhouse. Could probably go for any victory, (though probably not science).
Stealing this idea thanks!! Or at least the Aksum-Chola part. had a few Ibn ideas in mind and this one doesn't have Abbassids overlap with a Xerxes run.

Edit: also depending on Mughals attributes (don't think we've seen them at all yet) they may be a good modern age fit for this run. Personally I'm not a Ashoka fan so they may be the ideal India run, and Ibn battuta spent a lot of his administrative time there.
🕵️‍♀️ Investigating...

** Confirming just Wildcard is correct!
Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 9.56.32 PM.png

Is this wrong, then? I'm confused...
I am on just my second Antiquity Age tutorial game. The first AI I met was Ian and he quickly offered to trade maps. In Civ VI I was hesitant even to trade home city locations especially with some Civs. I have 3 scouts out.

So . . . I did it. either he's lying about how little he's explored or I got a raw deal for my 60 Influence. Of course if I had declined and he had gone to war it might have been worse. I suppose. I hate early wars.

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