• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

New IGN info (May 23, 2007)

From what the preview says there will be an Apostolic Palace for every religion or am i wrong?We can even call for Holy War...great!

No, I believe there will be just one Apostolic Palace. It will be tied to the state religion at the time of whoever builds it.

This brings up two questions:
1) What if the owner changes religions? Do they no longer get a vote, or does the voting stop entirely?
2) What if the owner has no state religion?
From what the preview says there will be an Apostolic Palace for every religion or am i wrong?We can even call for Holy War...great!
If you see the picture where there is the Paratroopeer you can see that Apostolic Palace is really the Duomo of Florence, so it wasn't just an assumption.

El Duomo could very well be a new National Wonder and not the AP.
ooo plz plz plz let thear be a eastren roman empire! plzzz i want to play as justinian!
Yea like really! :cool: .

30 ton, 30ft tall future tanks with 100:strength: and +50% vs. everything would rock. The key to balancing it is just make it hard to research all the late tech while going for a late game victory.

Well, we already have SDI and Space Elevator in Vanilla :)

Actually the mecha, if done Battletech style will completely outmaneuver a traditional armor vehicle.

The mechs are worrying, to say the least. I really don't see the point of mechs. Given the choice, would you rather ride into battle in an all-terrain armoured tank, or a bipedal robot that falls over whenever it goes up a steep incline?

(<- is still holding out hope for the inclusion of Empress Wu)

I'm really looking forward to BTS now----mid-sea blockades, revolutions, corps, non-redundant units. The only thing cooler would be Colonization!-type resources and air/sea promotions.
In continuation of the previous image comparison between the "Oranje" picture and period painting of Willem of Oranje, I found this image of Suleiman the Magnificent

In the portrait he is pale white, blue-eyed and white-bearded. Firaxis has him bronze-coloured and black-haired. :crazyeye:
What's up with Firaxis 'de-Caucasian-izing' Civ4? In the portrait he is pale white, blue-eyed and white-bearded. Firaxis has him bronze-coloured and black-haired.

He's not pale white in the top picture: look at it closer. There's a light source on his forehead that makes him look lighter. Note that both his hands and the skin near the edge of his beard is darker.
That's self-propelled artillery like the USA's Paladin
Modern shells include the 'copperhead' which is laser-guided so it's kind of an armor destroyer too.

A tank destroyer:

Not a lot of obvious difference, but tank destroyers were basically phased out because they're too fragile versus tanks. Some TD's look like tanks with turrets and some look more like early turretless SPA .
The main difference between early SPA and a tank destroyer is basically the gun type (howitzer vs. anti-tank gun).


That vehicle to the right, is it a Tank Destroyer?
In the portrait he is pale white, blue-eyed and white-bearded. Firaxis has him bronze-coloured and black-haired. :crazyeye:

Yes, but i think that his skin colour may be a lighting issue. If you look at Mehmed's picture ingame his skin colour is fairly light.
Don't know why they changed his beard.. Maybe it is some sign of inherent ageism in the design team! Let's picket Firaxis' offices immediately! I can see it now.. ten or twenty of us old coots waving protest signs outside their offices.. :lol:
What mainly drew me to the picture is their similarity in dress. The only thing missing is the feathers on top of the turban in the painting..
IGN (regarding the AP) said:
This is a Wonder tied to the state religion of the player who built it. Depending on the influence of the palace's religion on their civilization, players get votes to cast on decrees like holy wars, trade embargos, or peace enforcement.
I wonder how it calculates this influence?

I am surprised they went for a second Ottoman leader - the Spanish, Greeks and the Japanese are in more need of one imo.

Did anyone notice the Great Spy in the spy shot? It's probably obvious, but I haven't notice anyone mention it.

Damn I wish those supply units were apart of the game.... that would make for a really interesting strategy for conquerors.

Also, I hope the AI is capable of conquest/dommination victories.
I wonder how it calculates this influence?
Perhaps Apostolic Palace adds just a positive diplomacy modifier, so other civs could more easily vote in your favour about resolutions.......considered how is hard to bribe other civs to go to war with other civs i suppose AP effects aren't too strong or declaring holy war could become a cheesy tactic and make vassals or other diplomatic options less important.

Did anyone notice the Great Spy in the spy shot? It's probably obvious, but I haven't notice anyone mention it.

What do you mean by Great Spy in spy shot?I just see the female model of the spy.

Among other things the mobile SAM artillery how do you think will be different from SAM infantry, isn't it a bit redundant as unit?Wouldn't be more fit a SAM site buildable in cities?
I have a feeling that civil wars and colonies breaking away are going to be tied into random events so people who don't like the idea can turn random events off.

However I hope they aren't completely random and things like like health, happiness and distance from the capital factor into it. I mean a perfectly fine city next to your capital should have a 0&#37; chance of breaking away while a unhappy, unhealthy city located on the far reaches of your empire should have a fairly high chance of breaking away.
I hope the four units in the screenshot are not scenario or unique units.
A elephant UU would be strange since war elehants require ivory, and I really hope Catafracts will be a new unit between Horse Archers and Knights.
Why? there is like 5+ units that require horse's.

There's a difference in map distribution, though, between horses and ivory, so the situation isn't analogous. That said, the Indians had an Elephant UU in Civ 3, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.
There's a difference in map distribution, though, between horses and ivory, so the situation isn't analogous. That said, the Indians had an Elephant UU in Civ 3, so it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

The Elephant UU in Civ 3 was a Knight replacement that required no resources at all. It was like the Camel Archer. I don't see a civ getting the benefit of an Elephant UU without requiring Elephants to build them. And as posted above, elephants are pretty rare to have a UU requiring them.
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