New Version - 3.9.1 (August 29, 2023)

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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Hey all,

3.8.4 inadvertently broke savegames. As such, I am deleting that release and merging it into 3.9, which has all the fixes from 3.8.4 plus additional bugfixes, one of which also breaks savegames.

Irritating, but necessary. Feel free to stay on 3.8.3 if you want to finish your savegames.

The insane tribute yields should be toned down in this version, as a bug was causing them to scale with era twice.

- Fixed tribute yields scaling with era twice
- Fixed new spy points system not being saved
- Fixed a bug with AI deal equalization
- Fixed Archaeologist help text still referring to Public Schools instead of Museums
- Small performance improvement when Venice is ingame
- Fixed bugs with "Construct Wonder", "Construct National Wonder" and "Build Buildings" quests preventing them from working properly
    Puppets are no longer counted as valid cities
    Putting a building/Wonder in the production queue no longer cancels the quest

- 3.8.4 never existed. But if it did exist, 3.9 contains all the changes it would have had, plus some fixes to them.
- Said changes are listed below:

- Buffed Siam meeting influence bonus: 40 -> the answer to life, the universe and everything
   Due to a nerf in their yields of ~2 turns with the new gradual Influence decay between 1 and 99 above resting point

- Added UNIT_SUPPLY_MINORS_USE_HANDICAP custom mod option (disabled by default)
   When enabled, City-States only receive the unit supply cap specified in DifficultyMod.xml
   These values can be modified with new defines for each City-State trait and personality type
   As well as a multiplier for City-States that have multiple cities
   These defines work even if the custom mod option is turned off (but they are disabled by default as well)
   Bonuses from buildings like Barracks, reduction from tech, and anything else do not apply

- Added "per era flat" unit supply column to DifficultyMod.xml
- Separated unit supply values for AI players and City-States in DifficultyMod.xml
- Improved internal version identifier when building the DLL
- City-States are now longer blocked from disbanding oversupply units when they've been recently bullied
- Tactical AI now prioritizes border citadels more
- Fixed a tactical AI bug causing units to retreat unnecessarily
- Fixed a tactical AI bug double counting cities as adjacent enemies
- Fixed City-States not awarding XP to gifted units from the correct city
- Fixed "You aggressively attacked this City-State!" timer counting up instead of down (UI bug only)
- Fixed dummy policies awarding a difficulty bonus
- Fixed missing Great People unit supply entry in Military Overview
- Fixed unit supply tooltip not accounting for some extra possible bonuses in DifficultyMod.xml
- Fixed several other unit supply bugs
- Unhardcoded unit supply reduction from war weariness
- Database cleanups

If you do not know what the answer to life, the universe and everything is, why not ask Google? :)

Online as of 9:10 AM CST. Not savegame compatible.

Version 3.9.1 released. Link above has been updated.

- Added a 10 turn cooldown on demanding tribute from the same City-State, scaling with game speed
- Added a 1 turn cooldown on making peace after declaring war on a City-State
- City-States will now always give 30 Influence for each unit that is gifted during a "proxy war" (when a major civ is attacking them and the City-State's ally is not at war with the same major)
- You can now get this bonus Influence even when you are also at war with the target, as long as you aren't the City-State's ally
- City-State AI won't disband over supply units while at war (but still can't build new ones)
- Fixed the tooltip for the new Find City CS quest
- Fixed Make Peace button appearing on City-State popups for human vassals
- EUI: Removed some desync-causing LUA calls
- EUI: A special icon is now shown under the banner of cities that have equal local Happiness and local Unhappiness
- Text fixes

Online as of 3:09 PM CST on August 29. Savegame compatible with 3.9 versions.

Hopefully this is the end of the hotfixes and we can have a peaceful month of playtesting. :)
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@Recursive Hypothetically if 3.8.4 did exist, would updating to 3.9 break the current save?
If this alleged version known as 3.8.4 were to exist, then yes, it would break savegames to update to 3.9, due to the spy points fix.
Version 3.9.1 released. Link in OP has been updated.

- Added a 10 turn cooldown on demanding tribute from the same City-State, scaling with game speed
- Added a 1 turn cooldown on making peace after declaring war on a City-State
- City-States will now always give 30 Influence for each unit that is gifted during a "proxy war" (when a major civ is attacking them and the City-State's ally is not at war with the same major)
- You can now get this bonus Influence even when you are also at war with the target, as long as you aren't the City-State's ally
- City-State AI won't disband over supply units while at war (but still can't build new ones)
- Fixed the tooltip for the new Find City CS quest
- Fixed Make Peace button appearing on City-State popups for human vassals
- EUI: Removed some desync-causing LUA calls
- EUI: A special icon is now shown under the banner of cities that have equal local Happiness and local Unhappiness
- Text fixes

Online as of 3:09 PM CST. Savegame compatible with 3.9 versions.

Hopefully this is the end of the hotfixes and we can have a peaceful month of playtesting. :)
3.9.0 CS still give quest to find the elusive cities of .
CS tribute is much more sensible.
Started playing this game again after some years, so I figured I'll give my experiences from recent games, all 3.8 and 3.9, epic speed, large/10 civs, communitu map with circumnavigation on and "stringy" continents.

First game was Byzantium, I was going to try out the (potentially) overpowered double religion WC votes, but that was scrubbed immediately and I didn't feel like testing an obsolete change. One question: I noticed the double votes from 2 founder wonders were kept (I think?) and instead Byz can only build one now; But what happens (for any civ) when you conquer another holy city with one already built, do you then get the votes from both religions? It would feel much more intuitive if it was reverted to the way it was before, Byz being able to build both founder wonders but only getting single votes.

Second game was Spain. They have their pick of faith-weak pantheons due to their massive UA faith income, so I took Tutelary Gods for the early hammers in all cities. Still founded first. Didn't get to try out the good parts (conquistadores and faith ship spam), so I can't comment on that. I'd say it's not a particularly fun civ to play, and planning the future UI placements in the early game is a pain, but it's alright.
Abandoned in Medieval because the difficulty (6) was too low, and upped it to 7 for the Venice games.

I saw Venice got multiple buffs/changes in the last versions, and they've always been one of my favourite civs to play, so Venice it is. The quality of life changes are much appreciated, Venice actually feels very comfortable to play now. One thing I'm still missing is the ability to change tiles in range of 2 cities to be worked by another city (puppet), since you can't click the tile with a puppet. Again abandoned in Medieval due to save-breaking 3.9 being released.

In all 3 of those games, I went Authority. The new barbarians in early game are what I feel is the biggest difference to versions from years ago. In some cases, they can even curb the AI's early expansion, and I imagine this will be even more noticable on lower difficulties. Authority feels VERY strong now, and is certainly my favourite ancient policy tree at the moment, even without warmongering. All you need is enough land for a constant stream of barbies, and you're making good :c5culture:/:c5science:/:c5gold: just from farming them. I also like the culture+happiness bonus switched from garrison to Barracks. But I'm not sure Authority needs nerfed or the barbies toned down, to me it feels to be in a good place.

Current game, again Venice. My preferred policies with Venice are Authority -> Statecraft (and keeping my victory condition options open), but my starting position this game wouldn't have allowed it: Almost no land for barbie spawns, few good nearby city state prospects, and closest neighbour (Portugal) protected by a mountain range that only left a single tile gap. So instead, I'm going the Tradition -> Artistry route, with no chance for anything other than a culture victory, and hope Japan doesn't bully me too much. At least we're separated by a bit of sea. Currently in the Classical era.

Planning out my Venice playstyle before actually playing, I expected a weak early game but overlooked one massive advantage Venice has in the very early game: Since you don't need to build settlers, you save a TON of hammer turns in your capital that can instead be used for wonders, military and/or trade units. And on top of that, you also save the food/population hit from settlers. I actually took a whole 3(!) Ancient era wonders this game, Stonehenge -> Petra -> Mausoleum. I'd say Petra and Mausoleum are near must-haves for this civ, and are almost never contested by the AI. I have noticed that the AI loves to rush Zeus, Terracotta, Great Lighthouse, Parthenon and Angkor Wat, so I rarely ever try any of those unless I'm magically not behind on science. Sadly I didn't get the Oracle this game, another extremely synergetic wonder for Venice that I always go for with this civ. Took Goddess of Beauty pantheon with strong intent to found, and managed to do so tied for 3rd/4th (out of 6). With Tradition and that pantheon, I got a very early Great Artist and Engineer (bulbed on Mausoleum). Goddess of Beauty feels perfect for founding with Venice, due to said ability to build many early wonders. Revelation was my choice of founder belief, but I can't tell yet from just the info text how good or bad it will be.

Transcendent Thoughts (previously Way of Transcendence), apparently an often overlooked founder belief, was already nerfed hard a few years ago, but it should at least have a place for someone like Venice. And yet I passed on it both of these games: Now with the additional nerf of removing tourism and especially GAP from "all yields", it just feels useless. My stance: "All yields" should mean ALL fudging YIELDS. But my biggest gripe with this founder has always been the utterly annoying struggle to somehow make use of the instant hammers, which is even worse when you get unexpected science from somewhere and the age-up happens a turn earlier than planned.
I see that rationalism have been nerfed a little (this was needed) and imperialism have been buffed, both somewhat restructured.
I suppose I have to test imperialism

Rationalism still looks good for science and unhappiness but not as op as before, depends a bit on how much jungle, religious unrest and great works.
Faith buying scientists remains a very strong option.

Imperialism ... Colonialism, martial law and civilizing mission looks good (and that you can go direct for regimental system as japan/sweden).
I assume Civilizing mission converts unique buildings to standard/mine and doesnt allow multiple national wonders (I guess I will see in time).
Buffed Imperialism also makes glory of god a higher prio reformation belief (progress+rationalism mean gog isnt really needed).

I tried the new Divine Teachings and it was nice to faith buy these buildings, the extra science from libraries was also very welcome, it scales good with wide play.
I dont understand why the 20 Faith for expanding a great person is there for, its basically zero as the only scaler is era.
National Wonders are never kept on conquest. Buildings are always converted into your civ's version if you manage to keep it.
It seems to me that worker road logic has gone completely off the rails in latest versions. I'm tired of removing auto roads, so I just let them be. Of course, I could improve everything manually, but it's a chore. It would be nice to have an optioin to automate workers but forbid them from constructing roads.

In the screenshots, I circled the automated roads. Often they don't even shorten the distance between cities.


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Also, does anyone else have the issue of city-states randomly declaring war on your AI vassal? I can make a bug report, but I use a lot of mods, so I suspect it would be a waste of developers time
It seems to me that worker road logic has gone completely off the rails in latest versions. I'm tired of removing auto roads, so I just let them be. Of course, I could improve everything manually, but it's a chore. It would be nice to have an optioin to automate workers but forbid them from constructing roads.

In the screenshots, I circled the automated roads. Often they don't even shorten the distance between cities.
An easy fix would be to just remove road maintance :D I wonder how much it would distort the balance, because maybe road maintance is not that significant?
Hey all,

3.8.4 inadvertently broke savegames. As such, I am deleting that release and merging it into 3.9, which has all the fixes from 3.8.4 plus additional bugfixes, one of which also breaks savegames.

Irritating, but necessary. Feel free to stay on 3.8.3 if you want to finish your savegames.

The insane tribute yields should be toned down in this version, as a bug was causing them to scale with era twice.

- Fixed tribute yields scaling with era twice
- Fixed new spy points system not being saved
- Fixed a bug with AI deal equalization
- Fixed Archaeologist help text still referring to Public Schools instead of Museums
- Small performance improvement when Venice is ingame
- Fixed bugs with "Construct Wonder", "Construct National Wonder" and "Build Buildings" quests preventing them from working properly
    Puppets are no longer counted as valid cities
    Putting a building/Wonder in the production queue no longer cancels the quest

- 3.8.4 never existed. But if it did exist, 3.9 contains all the changes it would have had, plus some fixes to them.
- Said changes are listed below:

- Buffed Siam meeting influence bonus: 40 -> the answer to life, the universe and everything
   Due to a nerf in their yields of ~2 turns with the new gradual Influence decay between 1 and 99 above resting point

- Added UNIT_SUPPLY_MINORS_USE_HANDICAP custom mod option (disabled by default)
   When enabled, City-States only receive the unit supply cap specified in DifficultyMod.xml
   These values can be modified with new defines for each City-State trait and personality type
   As well as a multiplier for City-States that have multiple cities
   These defines work even if the custom mod option is turned off (but they are disabled by default as well)
   Bonuses from buildings like Barracks, reduction from tech, and anything else do not apply

- Added "per era flat" unit supply column to DifficultyMod.xml
- Separated unit supply values for AI players and City-States in DifficultyMod.xml
- Improved internal version identifier when building the DLL
- City-States are now longer blocked from disbanding oversupply units when they've been recently bullied
- Tactical AI now prioritizes border citadels more
- Fixed a tactical AI bug causing units to retreat unnecessarily
- Fixed a tactical AI bug double counting cities as adjacent enemies
- Fixed City-States not awarding XP to gifted units from the correct city
- Fixed "You aggressively attacked this City-State!" timer counting up instead of down (UI bug only)
- Fixed dummy policies awarding a difficulty bonus
- Fixed missing Great People unit supply entry in Military Overview
- Fixed unit supply tooltip not accounting for some extra possible bonuses in DifficultyMod.xml
- Fixed several other unit supply bugs
- Unhardcoded unit supply reduction from war weariness
- Database cleanups

If you do not know what the answer to life, the universe and everything is, why not ask Google? :)

Online as of 9:10 AM CST. Not savegame compatible.

Version 3.9.1 released. Link above has been updated.

- Added a 10 turn cooldown on demanding tribute from the same City-State, scaling with game speed
- Added a 1 turn cooldown on making peace after declaring war on a City-State
- City-States will now always give 30 Influence for each unit that is gifted during a "proxy war" (when a major civ is attacking them and the City-State's ally is not at war with the same major)
- You can now get this bonus Influence even when you are also at war with the target, as long as you aren't the City-State's ally
- City-State AI won't disband over supply units while at war (but still can't build new ones)
- Fixed the tooltip for the new Find City CS quest
- Fixed Make Peace button appearing on City-State popups for human vassals
- EUI: Removed some desync-causing LUA calls
- EUI: A special icon is now shown under the banner of cities that have equal local Happiness and local Unhappiness
- Text fixes

Online as of 3:09 PM CST on August 29. Savegame compatible with 3.9 versions.

Hopefully this is the end of the hotfixes and we can have a peaceful month of playtesting. :)
Repo a Bug. Granary should cost 32:c5production: after investment (down from 65:c5production:). But after the policy Imperium gives me 20:c5production:, it suddenly costs 42:c5production:
Repo a Bug. Granary should cost 32:c5production: after investment (down from 65:c5production:). But after the policy Imperium gives me 20:c5production:, it suddenly costs 42:c5production:
Post bug reports on our GitHub Issues tracker, please. Bug reports on the forums have a high chance of being ignored.

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