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NiNES: A Broken Galaxy

11:36 UTC, JANUARY 25, 0010AE


I want to thank the members of the United Planetary Nations Council of Sol for inviting me to speak before its delegation following the ascension of the United Systems Commonwealth to the governance of the Epsilon Eridani and Kapteyn Systems, and express what an honor it is for me to address the inheritor of such a historic body and to visit the human cradle of Earth.

I have come before you all today to state that the U.S.C. is of common mind and heart to the U.P.N.C.S. in objectives and goals. Indeed, as you are all likely well aware, our constitution is itself partially based upon that of the U.P.N.C.S., and is founded upon the basic pillars of universal law: equality, liberty, and fraternity. It is the interest of both myself, my government, and my constituents, to see the growth and reestablishment of the human race throughout the former vastness of human space, and to seek the establishment of righteousness and justness for all mankind.

In the pursuit of such goals, we are most thankful for the U.P.N.C.S., both in its former and present incarnations, for establishing a strong moral example for the rest of humanity to follow in its exercise of restraint, fairness, and principles without compromising its own moral integrity.

The people who have chosen me to represent them also wish to express their profound thanks for the forthrightness of the U.P.N.C.S. in pledging its moral support to their cause of security following the unprovoked attack of the Nekomi upon the system of Epsilon Eridani in 0007 AE. The people under the former rule of Shuurai Heavy Industries did not seek war, but it was brought to them, and in the interests of defense, they responded as was their prerogative. Despite the offering of peace to the Nekomi with a fair and amicable offer of reparations, it was refused. Although we cannot stand by all actions of Shuurai Heavy Industries during its tenure, we stand behind the principle of the directives it undertook to protect the people under its charge, much as the members of this Council did. I wish to make it clear, however, that the government of the U.S.C. is not and never again will be Shuurai Heavy Industries.

One part of my intention in coming before this Council tonight is to restate the necessity for peace talks with the Nekomi people. Although they have demonstrated an irrational hostility and a wanton abandon toward the notion of peace with their fellow man, we believe that the opportunity for diplomacy must be given every chance to succeed, and that open dialogue between men and women of whatever persuasion must exist if humanity is to successfully rebuild from the ashes of the Scourge and rise once more to its former glory. With this in mind, I announce that the government of the U.S.C. has officially reopened negotiations with the Nekomi and requests the aide of the U.P.N.C.S. in convincing them that it is the just and proper course. In this I hope we shall have your backing.

The other part of my intention in coming before this Council is to state the need for not just a strong moral foundation for the pursuit of peace, but also of a strong practical one. One of the greatest failings of past organizations dedicated to the preservation of peace and democracy was their unwillingness to back such words with force. This was the major root cause of the failure of the League of Nations, United Nations, Solarian League, and the predecessor to the U.P.N.C.S. itself, the Human Space Federation. It is to be implicitly understood as a lesson of history that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and that with the inherent irrationality of the human animal, that sometimes diplomacy will fail, and force will be needed to restore the reign of peace. It should always be the aim in the utilization of such force to subdue rather than to destroy, but it must be acknowledged that ultimately it may be required to bring unyielding instigators of violence and flaunters of human rights to justice.

With this having been stated, I wish to make known to this Council I have been granted the authority to make by my constituency. The U.S.C. and the U.P.N.C.S. are of such similar cause that the citizens of Epsilon Eridani and Kapteyn have passed, with a majority vote, authorization to combine the legal entities to form a single political union of common cause: that of peace and stability. To this end the U.S.C. has and makes known a willingness to give the sum total of all its military forces to the directorship of the U.P.N.C.S. to use as necessary to maintain order in human space and to place itself under the direct authority of the decisions of the U.P.N.C.S., provided the U.P.N.C.S. becomes a member of the U.S.C. such that Sol itself may contribute to such unified efforts.

Our goals are equivalent, and if we stand together, we will be much stronger than we ever might be apart. It is my firm belief that such openness and camaraderie is necessary if humanity is ever to use the Scourge as tool to advance beyond petty skirmishes over resources and come to develop a more enlightened and beneficial society. We have a chance to alter the course of history together for the better, and it my hope, and that of millions of others, that the U.P.N.C.S. is willing to join with us in such an endeavor.

I thank you for your rapt attention and the honor of allowing me to speak at this function tonight, ladies and gentlemen of the Council, and for your time as well.
TO: United Planetary Nations Council of Sol
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

As expressed in the speech by President Carter, the U.S.C. proposes a complete political union between the U.S.C. and the U.P.N.C.S. with the following terms:

- Sol system becomes a member of the U.S.C. with all rights and freedoms thereby associated.
- Sol system becomes the capital of the U.S.C. in honor of its primacy amongst the Core Worlds.
- The U.S.C. will abide by all directives of the U.P.N.C.S. and will fund its mandates and operations.
- The U.S.C. will allocate all military forces not necessary for defense of its citizens to the protection of the U.P.N.C.S. and the execution of its directives and wills for the improvement of mankind.

We are willing to further negotiate whatever clauses are necessary for such an arrangement to be created, and await a U.P.N.C.S. response.

TO: Nekomi
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

Despite the initiation of hostilities by the Nekomi against the people of Epsilon Eridani and Kapteyn, the continued hostility of the Nekomi people toward the citizens of those systems, and the efforts of the Nekomi to forcibly subvert those citizens to Nekomi rule against their will, the new government of the U.S.C., on behalf of those citizens presents the offer of peace to the Nekomi on three conditions:

1.) The Nekomi will accept full blame for the initiation of the New War, having invaded the system of Epsilon Eridani with the intent of conquering it for their own purposes and having fired the first shots of the war, and thereby being legally responsible for all reciprocal actions which followed thereafter.
2.) The Nekomi will pay reparations of 20EP to the U.S.C. for the damages caused and expenses incurred by the prosecution of the New War by the U.S.C. and its predecessor, Shuurai Heavy Industries, in undertaking self-defense against blatant Nekomi aggression.
3.) The Nekomi will allow a referendum to be held within the Rana system, which chose to subsume itself to Nekomi governance prior to the beginning of the New War under the pretenses of the peaceful nature of the Nekomi, during which the citizenry will vote for whether they wish to remain under the dominion of the Nekomi or would instead seek representation under the U.S.C. This referendum will be monitored by U.S.C., U.P.N.C.S., and any other third-party personnel seeking audience to ensure truthful tallying of results.

This offer is fair and just in light of the advent of the New War by the Nekomi for the purposes of conquest and their revelation of their hostile nature toward their fellow man. Should the Nekomi refuse to sign peace or otherwise negotiate the U.S.C. will consider a state of hostilities to continue and will take all necessary steps to defend itself against future Nekomi aggression.
Great update.
... the Gate buster WAS a space ship. It had a Propusion system and was piloted Through space. that is the defnition of a space ship. a Craft or object that moves through space under it's own power.
The Democratic Autarchy of Huris applauds Shuurai's actions, for a peaceful stepdown of corporate government is an infinitely better path than the brutal revolution required to remove the IG Corporation from Huris.

OOC: I assume that the Democratic Autarchy model is less representative than you would like.

Also, if you lose the corporate state negative, do you lose one of your positives as well?
EDIT: Oh, never mind. Xpost.
lurker's comment: I'd just like to say how impressed I am by this NES. If only we could get this many stories in other NESes...
I begged for a space NES because it's potential for storytelling is great. SPACE IS HUUUUUUGE!
lurker's comment: I'd just like to say how impressed I am by this NES. If only we could get this many stories in other NESes...

OOC: That's true, though some of the stories are ridiculously short and only written in an attempt to gain bonuses :p
OOC: Mind signing on AIM sometime soon symphony?
OOC: Going to a movie in an hour, not at home (and you're asking yourself "then where did those stories come from?") so, not unless you want to wait awhile.

Lord_Iggy said:
Also, if you lose the corporate state negative, do you lose one of your positives as well?
I simply selected a new negative. I believe it is roughly equivilent in terms of effects--certainly as much as Alex's is for the same benefits. ;)

TerrisH said:
... the Gate buster WAS a space ship. It had a Propusion system and was piloted Through space. that is the defnition of a space ship. a Craft or object that moves through space under it's own power.
A ship is a human-consturcted object. I bolted engines onto an asteroid. That is not a ship, that is an asteroid with engines bolted onto it. It is not a time-intensive process nor one that requires it to be constructed in a planet or a dry-dock. It is, in fact, simply attaching some machinery to the ground. If you attached wings to a rock, would you call it a plane? No, you wouldn't. So do not try and tell me that doing something similar to a bigger rock constitutes a ship, because it doesn't. There were no pilots, and no thrusters. It was turned on and aimed. If it was anything, it was a giant iron missile studded with nukes.
TO: United Planetary Nations Council of Sol
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

As expressed in the speech by President Carter, the U.S.C. proposes a complete political union between the U.S.C. and the U.P.N.C.S. with the following terms:

- Sol system becomes a member of the U.S.C. with all rights and freedoms thereby associated.
- Sol system becomes the capital of the U.S.C. in honor of its primacy amongst the Core Worlds.
- The U.S.C. will abide by all directives of the U.P.N.C.S. and will fund its mandates and operations.
- The U.S.C. will allocate all military forces not necessary for defense of its citizens to the protection of the U.P.N.C.S. and the execution of its directives and wills for the improvement of mankind.

We are willing to further negotiate whatever clauses are necessary for such an arrangement to be created, and await a U.P.N.C.S. response.

TO: Nekomi
FROM: United Systems Commonwealth

Despite the initiation of hostilities by the Nekomi against the people of Epsilon Eridani and Kapteyn, the continued hostility of the Nekomi people toward the citizens of those systems, and the efforts of the Nekomi to forcibly subvert those citizens to Nekomi rule against their will, the new government of the U.S.C., on behalf of those citizens presents the offer of peace to the Nekomi on three conditions:

1.) The Nekomi will accept full blame for the initiation of the New War, having invaded the system of Epsilon Eridani with the intent of conquering it for their own purposes and having fired the first shots of the war, and thereby being legally responsible for all reciprocal actions which followed thereafter.
2.) The Nekomi will pay reparations of 20EP to the U.S.C. for the damages caused and expenses incurred by the prosecution of the New War by the U.S.C. and its predecessor, Shuurai Heavy Industries, in undertaking self-defense against blatant Nekomi aggression.
3.) The Nekomi will allow a referendum to be held within the Rana system, which chose to subsume itself to Nekomi governance prior to the beginning of the New War under the pretenses of the peaceful nature of the Nekomi, during which the citizenry will vote for whether they wish to remain under the dominion of the Nekomi or would instead seek representation under the U.S.C.

This offer is fair and just in light of the advent of the New War by the Nekomi for the purposes of conquest and their revelation of their hostile nature toward their fellow man. Should the Nekomi refuse to sign peace or otherwise negotiate the U.S.C. will consider a state of hostilities to continue and will take all necessary steps to defend itself against future Nekomi aggression.

We will Agree to Condition One and Three, but not condition Two. As you Have Opted to Switch to a Democratic Form of government instead of the Corrupt and Disruptive coperate Imposed order, we no longer have any Quarrel with you. We will not Agree to condition 2 Because the Damage you have inflicted Into Our Own fleet Is equal or greater then the damage we have inflicted upon you, and see no point to it.

We would also Wish to Express Our wishes that should the UPNCS dose merge with you, and a peace is reached, we would be interested in joining the UPNCS also.

OOC: and yes, I REALLY do mean that last line. ^_^ the Story is all, and plot twists are great.
OOC: *gulps* My, my... how pleasant :eek: I hate it when terrisH does this.... *remembers Emor*
Whoah, a possible superpower already?

Which would naturally lead to another superpower being formed in self-defense and perhaps a huge apocalyptic interstellar war? yikes! :eek:
OOC: Well, there's a good chance that Sol won't join anyway, as it would entail dominance from Shuurai Heavy Industries, at least in an indirect manner.
Good point

keep your fingers crossed! ;)
OOC: Well, there's a good chance that Sol won't join anyway, as it would entail dominance from Shuurai Heavy Industries, at least in an indirect manner.
OOC: S.H.I. proper has been reduced to mostly its manufacturing and weapons production base. Hence the "Baby Shuurai" which are independent companies. Officially, the government is opposed to complete monopolies--the reality of the situation is however that the "Baby Shuurai" are the most powerful companies in their respective fields. Sol presumably has its own corporations which are capable of competing, however, so no, it wouldn't really dominate them. The government is now in control.

That's not to say that the Baby Shuurai and S.H.I. don't function like the Keiretsu or Zaibatsu (wouldn't that be insidious?) within the business world, but for all intents and purposes, aside from government contracting and the potential for political lobbying, they are excluded from government affairs.


Whoah, a possible superpower already?
Somebody isn't paying attention to just down the block.
OOC: who is that aimed at?
OOC: The faction which has 171EP (well over double the U.S.C.'s GDP) to spend this turn, multiple Tier 3 Technologies that the U.S.C. doesn't, has openly spoken (out of character) of spying upon and glibly contemplated invading nearly all surrounding powers, and controls either nominally or truthfully over half a dozen systems? Do I really have to spell these things out? :p
OOC: The faction which has 171EP (well over double the U.S.C.'s GDP) to spend this turn, multiple Tier 3 Technologies that the U.S.C. doesn't, has openly spoken (out of character) of spying upon and glibly contemplated invading nearly all surrounding powers, and controls either nominally over half a dozen systems? Do I really have to spell these things out? :p


I just wanted you to come out and say it :p
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