I decided to make this my first try on Emperor - I shouldn't be surprised to find it tougher! Not sure how much that is me, the extra barbs the more expensive tech or this map.
Turn 81
Just had to settle 2 cities in an emergency as Willie was about to settle Nicea or near enough. My IW has only just come through so I hadn't realised the importance of that location. I was planning to settle on the coast for the fish and the cow. Settler is waiting by Antioch for my econ to recover a little. Antioch was going to be settled later but I wanted to completely block Willie for the time being. I've 5 workers and more will be whipped once the whip anger has subsided and the pop has recovered a bit.
Going back to the start I moved settler to 1S of Constantinople thinking I'd prob settle there. Then next turn two blue circles turned up on the coast NW and SSE and settling there could spoil fish so I ended up moving 1N into some plains woods which cost me another turn before settling. I like the location well enough but not sure if it was worth losing a couple of turns for.
After that 3 cities as soon as I could - close in trying to take advantage of cap border pops and river trade. Tech was Ag, Pot (early cottages seemed vital but I've no been able to nuture them as I would have liked), Hunting for the Ivory happiness, and then AH to make sure I could work cows to N when I settled Adi. Mining then BW as slavery was needed asap and chopping some wood would help. No copper and barb defence was becoming critical with my warrior fogbusters being killed by archers and a spearman from South. Tech rate was collapsing and I couldn't wait for IW even though clearly necessary and besides units would take longer to built so just got archery in time to make a defence with a bit of whipping. I then teched fish cos it was cheap and useful. Now on writing
Lack of happiness resources has kept cities small too - I need Mon and HR but settling more cities seems more important so Sailing next and hopefully Willie will trade alpha at some point. We've just opened borders and I hope I can convert to Judaism soon. Not too worried he'll attack but same religion will help. I know CRE culture will be oppressive when I butt up borders soon so Libraries and Monuments when I can. I've a couple archers FB and exploring further Soutn. I'll send more soon but supply was becoming costly. Piggies and stone looks interesting so far, presumably this late I'll find a barb city somewhere too.
So far so good... but then it always is until it ain't
Turn 81
Spoiler :
Just had to settle 2 cities in an emergency as Willie was about to settle Nicea or near enough. My IW has only just come through so I hadn't realised the importance of that location. I was planning to settle on the coast for the fish and the cow. Settler is waiting by Antioch for my econ to recover a little. Antioch was going to be settled later but I wanted to completely block Willie for the time being. I've 5 workers and more will be whipped once the whip anger has subsided and the pop has recovered a bit.
Going back to the start I moved settler to 1S of Constantinople thinking I'd prob settle there. Then next turn two blue circles turned up on the coast NW and SSE and settling there could spoil fish so I ended up moving 1N into some plains woods which cost me another turn before settling. I like the location well enough but not sure if it was worth losing a couple of turns for.
After that 3 cities as soon as I could - close in trying to take advantage of cap border pops and river trade. Tech was Ag, Pot (early cottages seemed vital but I've no been able to nuture them as I would have liked), Hunting for the Ivory happiness, and then AH to make sure I could work cows to N when I settled Adi. Mining then BW as slavery was needed asap and chopping some wood would help. No copper and barb defence was becoming critical with my warrior fogbusters being killed by archers and a spearman from South. Tech rate was collapsing and I couldn't wait for IW even though clearly necessary and besides units would take longer to built so just got archery in time to make a defence with a bit of whipping. I then teched fish cos it was cheap and useful. Now on writing
Lack of happiness resources has kept cities small too - I need Mon and HR but settling more cities seems more important so Sailing next and hopefully Willie will trade alpha at some point. We've just opened borders and I hope I can convert to Judaism soon. Not too worried he'll attack but same religion will help. I know CRE culture will be oppressive when I butt up borders soon so Libraries and Monuments when I can. I've a couple archers FB and exploring further Soutn. I'll send more soon but supply was becoming costly. Piggies and stone looks interesting so far, presumably this late I'll find a barb city somewhere too.
So far so good... but then it always is until it ain't