So, where the hell is UK?
It's the country on the island north of France.
So, where the hell is UK?
It's the country on the island north of France.
Swiss Confederacy
Direct Democracy/Federal Parliamentary Republic:
Economy: (4/2/0/6(4))
Technology: Second Industrial Revolution
Army (Mobilizable): 3 infantry divisions (64 infantry divisions)
Navy: None
Military Upkeep: 1
Area: 2
Population: 3
Infrastructure: 3
Education: 6
Living Standards: 5
Confidence: "have our babies!" (7)
National Background: Switzerland is the famous neutral state of Europe. Tucked up in the Alps, while having it's entire nation able to be called up for military service, which is specialized in the mountain warfare, if conflict does erupt. It has no political relations, but does have strong economic ties to France and Austria, and, to a lesser extent, Germany.
From Bulgaria
From: the UK
To: the Boer aggressors
The UK cannot offer Boer civilians the amnesty usually given to civilian populations as your people continue to support your war effort. They continue to directly help your armed forces or join them.
Also, it cannot be said that the Boers have not killed British civilians. Your sieges and bombardments have devastated the people in the cities. Your rampaging armies have taken food from the land and displaced numerous civilians. Do not try to take the high ground when you are so unqualified for it.
To: the World
From: the UK
Not only do we remind the world that the Boers instigated this war but we also point out their disregard for the conventional rules of engagement. What we attempt to do now is end the war quickly. If it requires a strategy of total war to save both British and Boer lives, so be it.
Also, the Royal Navy will stop and search any ship approaching within 5 miles of the Transvaal and Cape Colony coast.
To: the Boers
From: the UK
Yes, until the taste of war truly becomes terrible in your hearts and minds we will not have peace.
Understand that we did not attack you until after the recent attack mobilized by your nation.
You offered us a rump state. Murder? Hatred? Is that not what you have committed in northeast Cape Colony?
OOC: The rhetoric and saber-rattling is fun, but I have a Calc test tomorrow. What follows (or rather, the lack of type that follows) is neither diplomatic silence nor guilt-induced isolation.