• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans

To: Stromgarde, Dalaran, Kul Tiras, Lordaeron
From: Stormwind
CC: All Civilized Races

Brothers, thank you for your support to the Kingdom of Stormwind. Together we have brought down the vile sorcerer Medivh. Together we have brought defeat onto the Trolls. Together we have crushed the Orcish raiders who pillaged Redridge. Thanks to the direct and/or indirect aid your nation has sent us, whether it be with the lives of your finest young soldiers, the gold from your coffers, or the lumber from your forests, you have, in some way or another, aided in bringing down one of the largest threats this world has ever met.

But there is still more war ahead of us. The fall of Medivh does not mean the rampaging Orcish Horde has fallen, too. On the contrary, it seems the Orcs may grow even more desperate without the aid of the Human traitor. While you may have pressing matters at home to deal with, we implore you continue sending us aid. While the Trolls of the North may be rising up against you, know that they are nothing compared to the Orcish invaders who continue to ravage the South. The Orcs have killed the king of Stormwind, my closest and oldest friend, and have sacked Lakeshire, Grandhamlet, and Raven Hill. They are at the banks of the Nazferiti River, nearly within sight of Stormwind City itself. Should Stormwind fall to the Orcs, know that they will not be satisfied. These beasts are driven by a bloodlust never before witnessed, and it will not be satisfied until every non-Orc is dead.

I beg you, send more aid to Stormwind. Send soldiers. Send supplies. Ask your allies to do the same. In the name of the Light I ask you to send more to Stormwind so that we may, together, hold back the Orcish tide and, mayhap, even push them back into their wicked portal, and out of Azeroth all together.

Light Save Us,
Anduin Lothar, Regent of Stormwind
@Eliteofwarman8: He challenged you to a duel to the death, stating that if he won, he got control of your tribe. I'd hardly call that traitorous. And yes, Gilneas, Alterac, and Kul Tiras are currently open human kingdoms. Alternatively, the Frostwolf Clan need a leader, if you wish to remain on the same side you have at the moment.

Yes it is.

Sign me up for Gilneas and send me info on them.
If you're Gilneas then we're not really seeing eye to eye very well for Genn Greymane calling my war foolish and me saying he couldn't fight trolls very well. That's all I know that you should know diplomatically.
To: King Magni
From: King Llane

We have heard that the Dwarves of Khaz Modan will smith the finest weaponry ever made by a mortal. In our struggle against the Orcish Hordes that now threaten the very security of the world, we would be willing to purchase one of these weapons in order to arm a Champion of Stormwind to defeat his foes.

On a similar note, we would like to invite the Dwarves to deliver the weapon to Stormwind itself, and perhaps they can visit the front lines, in order to better understand the dire situation we face. And, on the return to Ironforge, a pair of Stormwind Magi will accompany your ambassadors.

Signed, Llane Wrynn, King of Stormwind

As soon as we heard this, which has taken some time, we regret to tell ya, we've fired up the forges. We're gonna make ya a sword the world won't soon ferget! We'll send a few men down to take bring the weapon and take a look around. We appreciate the mages yer'll be givin' us.
If you're Gilneas then we're not really seeing eye to eye very well for Genn Greymane calling my war foolish and me saying he couldn't fight trolls very well. That's all I know that you should know diplomatically.

Also, Gilneas and Alterac are the most isolationist of the human nations, if you wanted to stay in character.
@ELITEOFWARMAN: Gilneas as stated is a very isolationist nation and has already pledged a small force to aid Lordaeron in the fight against the trolls. Its priority remains defending its own borders and trying to stay out of conflicts it doesn't have to fight in.

Anyways, as some of you may already know from the Capto Iugulum thread, I'm out of town until Sunday morning. While I will do my best to answer any questions, this does not invalidate the update order deadline on Sunday. Get those orders in, with or without my input.
Just popping on to state that this is the 48 hourish[b/] warning to get those orders in.
To: King Thoras Trollbane of Stormgarde
From: King Magni of the Bronzebeard Clan

Hail, fellow sovereign. I have a request of ya. Now, we dwarrow are not partial to making vessels that float on the high sea, and since yer kinda are fond of that, we'd like to ask ya to give a few of our dwarrow a lift down to Stormwind and back. If ya could, we'd appreciate it.
To: King Magni
From: Thoras Trollbane

We will send ships as soon as we can to bring your dwarven brothers to Stormwind.

(@EQ can you add this to my orders to bring them to Stormwind so I don't have to just re-write my entire orders?)
Just got back in town, this is the 12 hour warning to get those orders in.
Beginning update now. No more order revisions will be accepted beyond this point, though I will still take new orders.
Wars of Warcraft: Month 4

QUEL'THALAS-AMANI WAR. Fighting has continued between the elves of Quel'thalas and the trolls of the Amani Tribe this month, as the trolls struck forth in a surprise attack. The elves, deep within the woods of the trolls and far from their base of supply were not expecting an attack so far from Zul'Aman itself, and were caught off guard. They fell under attack from three sides, and it seemed that the trolls had even greater numbers than they. Attempts to wield natural magic by the elven mages were easily defeated by the far more able shamans, who have a far superior knowledge and connection to natural magic. Having been ordered to use this magic, which is far outside of the mages' own abilities, the elven mages were kept at bay by a third of their number of shamans. The trolls thus attacked viciously upon the ground, using the cover of their forests to easily sneak within melee range of the elven soldiers. This nullified the abilities of the elven rangers and allowed the trolls to have a far more fair chance in battle. Regardless of these advantages, the mages ultimately returned to their more traditional use of arcane magic, rather than elemental ones. The sheer numbers of the elves proved too much for the trolls to overcome, and they suffered heavy casualties, especially as the elves broke through the would-be trap, escaping back to their own lands in the west.
Casualty Lists
Amani: 110 Warriors, 44 Axe-throwers, 5 Berserkers (+1 Level for Zul'jin; +50 Lumber)
Quel'Thalas: 120 Warriors, 50 Rangers, 10 Mages, 30 Clerics, 4 Ballistae (+1 Level for Anasterian Sunstrider, Sylvannas Windrunner, Alleria Windrunner)

GOBLIN ZEPPELIN GOES MISSING. As part of a deal with the elves of Quel'Thalas, the Steamwheedle Cartel sent off a zeppelin to go north and deal with the elves, providing them their services for a fee. This zeppelin never arrived to the elves, and is quite likely lost somewhere across the span of the entire continent of Azeroth. Due to the vast distance between the two lands, it is more than probable that any number of possible disasters happened, and it is also likely that the goblins sent away on this fool's journey would never been seen again. Similarly, no elven traders were even sent south, across the many great seas or mountains that would surely bar the way to any futile attempt for these two powers to trade or conduct any serious diplomacy or commerce. With luck, the leaders of both factions have learned from this tragic mistake.

THE SIEGE OF TYR'S HAND. After last month's brutal battles upon the eastern coast of Lordaeron, it seems that the fighting has subsided as the trolls and humans dig into siege lines around the city of Tyr's Hand. This bulwark against any invasion of Lordaeron from the sea continued to stand firm against the trolls, and its defenders have remained behind the sturdy walls, despite attempts by the trolls to lure them out. The fighting has been limited only to the smallest of skirmishes, and no fatalities have been reported on either side in the land warfare and combat. The situation has been more secured for the Alliance, with the arrival of reinforcements from Dalaran, Alterac, and Gilneas, a considerable army which has greatly bolstered the defense of the city. The real action of the month took place at sea as a human fleet stationed upon the northern coast of Lordaeron traveled around Quel'Thalas to smash the troll fleet. A naval battle was engaged off the coast, as the human warships opened fire upon the main Amani fleet. Using cannons from a great distance and their superior firepower, the humans managed to win the battle, but the troll ships did a surprising amount of damage. The trolls managed to close to their own effective distances, managing to sink one human battleship and a few frigates. This victory allowed over half of the troll fleet to escape, taking shelter in their various ports, though they have conceded control of the seas to the Alliance, threatening to cut off and destroy their forces in Lordaeron.
Casualty Lists
Amani Tribe: 5 Destroyers
Lordaeron: 3 Frigates, 1 Battleship

STROMGARDE-WITHERBARK WAR. The brutal defeat of the human armies in last month's battle has caused a bit of a lull in the fighting between the Kingdom of Stromgarde and the Witherbark Tribe. Both factions have begun digging in as the humans attempted to skirmish along the frontiers and lure small troll forces into battle. These skirmishes have led to several casualties, but have been mostly minor and insigificant for the larger war effort. As Stromgarde's army remains abroad, fighting with the Alliance forces against the orcish Horde, the trolls have been assured at least a moderate amount of stability and peace. The humans themselves have begun asserting their own territorial rule, with the construction of Trollbane Keep, to protect their new holdings which had previously been taken from the Witherbark. The new keep has been constructed to help defend against troll raids that never came from the Witherbark lands.
Casualty Lists
Stromgarde: 15 Warriors
Witherbark Tribe: 5 Warriors

ATTACK UPON THORIUM CITADEL. Following up on the war against the rebellious Thorium Brotherhood, the dwarven Dark Iron Clan has marched across the Badlands to lay siege to the newly constructed Thorium Citadel. This major fortress, built with the support of the Bronzebeards, has been constructed to stand against the very army besieging it. Possessing well placed mortars of their own, the Brotherhood quickly destroyed the Dark Iron siege weapons, and inflicted a major toll upon the attackers. At the expense of many dwarven lives, the Dark Irons were repelled from the fortress' walls, though not defeated. With the forces they have had remaining, the Dark Irons have continued to lay siege to the Thorium Brotherhood's new home, digging in and preparing for a long haul battle against their enemies. Meanwhile, the forces of the Thorium Brotherhood continue to main the walls and look north for the arrival of a Bonzebeard army to relieve them.
Casualty Lists
Dark Iron: 105 Warriors, 20 Riflemen, 2 Mortars (+1 Level for General Angerforge)
Thorium Brotherhood: 30 Warriors, 15 Riflemen, 1 Mortar (+1 Level for Malyfous Darkhammer)

DWARVES PRESENT LION'S BITE TO LOTHAR. The Lion's Bite is a sword crafted with a pommel in the shape of a lion's head, and it was crafted by the finest and most experienced artisans of the Bronzebeard dwarves. The dwarf Muradin Bronzebeard presented this noble weapon to Anduin Lothar in Stormwind as the fight continued against the orcish Horde. The blade is said to be one of the finest in the world, and is crafted out of the best thorium available to the mines of the dwarves. Anduin Lothar has graciously accepted this gift from the dwarven king, and invited the dwarven entourage which accompanied it to witness the fury of the Horde from the ramparts of the Goldshire Garrison. Unfortunately, there was not much fury to behold as the fighting and war drifted further east towards Fort Eastvale.

GOBLINS JOIN ARMY OF STORMWIND. Despite the failed efforts of the goblins to trade with other entities, they have struck a growing partnership with the humans of Stormwind. This month, a goblin zeppelin set down in the courtyard of Stormwind Keep, as a new weapon for the use of the armies of Stormwind. Furthermore, over thirty goblin mercenary grenadiers have been added to Stormwind's army, fighting for the cause against the Horde. The humans have responded, with a missionary group being sent south to the goblin mercantile headquarters of Booty Bay, sending fifteen clerics of the Clergy of the Holy Light. The Clergy has been charged with assisting the goblins, providing healing and aid in whatever manner is deemed possible.

DAKRIN EVADES ASSASSINATION. The half-orc Garona has continued to be a one-woman reign of terror behind the lines of the human Alliance, and she has struck again, this time with considerably less success. This time, her masters sent her after the Dalaran mage Dakrin, and in the dark, she struck as the mage slept. The mage proved fortunate beyond belief, as the initial knife blow missed him entirely in the dark. Awoken by the attack, the mage casted wards to protect himself, and flung fire and arcane power at the tricky assassin. Barely escaping with her life, Garona fled out of the Alliance camp, as the alarms were still being rung, and Dakrin has survived to fight another day. Attempts to locate the half-orc failed miserably, and it is believed that she is using some unknown magic or skill to conceal herself from all the forces and scrying efforts of the Alliance.

ALLIANCE DESTROYS BRIDGES. Under the guidance of the mages of Dalaran, the human kingdom of Stormwind has demolished virtually all of the bridges along the Nazferiti River, denying any real points of crossing to the Horde. Using the powers of the arcane, the mages simultaneously brought down every bridge and crossing of significance along the majority of the river. To further enforce their success, the mages have created water elements to patrol and deny any future crossing attempts by the Horde. Due to the low amount of magic provided for this effort however, the water elementals no longer respond to commands and have apparently just begun attacking anything attempting to cross the rivers on sight, including humans and random wildlife. The Horde has easily slain any water elementals barring their crossing much further east, and the effort has proven mostly irrelevant.

BATTLE FOR EASTVALE. The war for Azeroth has continued, as the Horde has launched a new fight against the humans shifting their forces to the north. After the Frostwolf Clan's major defeat last month while attempting to take the new Fort Eastvale, they retreated back across the river to lick their wounds. In a bold move, a human force of soldiers from Stromgarde and Stormwind led by Danath Trollbane crossed the river to destroy them. Unbeknownst to the humans, the rest of the Horde had crossed the river, and the force found themselves surrounded on all sides. The human force was vastly outnumbered and was wiped out to a man, with the sole exception of Danath himself, who was badly wounded and left for dead. Danath ultimately managed to sneak across the river back to Allied lines, but he was the only survivor of the army sent after the Frostwolves. The Horde immediately begun a new attack, overrunning the river defense of water elementals, as well as passing around Stone Cairn Lake to the north. Attacking across the river from two sides and overland from the north, the Horde threatened to cut off the fortress from the western supplies. The Horde unleashed hitherto unseen forces against Fort Eastvale, including the resurrected Khadgar, wielding frost and necromantic magic against the frightened human forces. The combined efforts of local mages helped temporarily strike down the lich, relieving a bit of the onslaught. The final blow was the unleashing of the ogres of the Twilight's Hammer Clan which shattered through the fort's gate as though it wasn't even there. They smashed through, and the humans were routed and devastated in the heavy fighting. Thanks to the Raiders of the Frostwolf Clan, not a single human escaped the massacre, being torn apart as they fled down the road to the west. The Stromgardian hero Jacob Bolle died in the battle, cut down while defending the gate. Danath, recovering from his earlier wounds has gone missing, though is still presumed to be alive, as he was seen in battle with the powerful orc Orgrim Doomhammer, who he wounded badly before escaping. With this great defeat the eastern bulwark of Stormwind had fallen to the Horde, and with it eastern Elwynn.
Casualty Lists
Blackrock Clan: 310 Warriors, 50 Spearmen, 4 Catapults (+1 Level for Blackhand; -1 Level for Orgrim Doomhammer; +200 Gold, +50 Lumber)
Bleeding Hollow Clan: 120 Warriors, 10 Spearmen, 1 Catapult (+1 Level for Formak and Kilrogg Deadeye; +200 Gold, +50 Lumber)
Frostwolf Clan: 20 Warriors, 55 Raiders (+1 Level for Durotan; +200 Gold, +50 Lumber)
Twilight's Hammer Clan: 40 Warriors, 15 Ogres, 5 Necrolytes (+1 Level for Cho'gall; -1 Level for Khadgar; +200 Gold, +50 Lumber)
Stormwind: 300 Warriors, 75 Archers, 50 Knights, 35 Clerics, 5 Mages, 4 Catapults
Stromgarde: Jacob Bolle, 170 Warriors, 100 Archers, 20 Knights, 7 Clerics (-1 Level for Danath Trollbane)

RISE OF GULNARG. The Battle of Fort Eastvale gave rise to yet another hero for the Horde. During the intense fighting, the human knight Jacob Bolle acted as a bulwark against nearly everything thrown at him, even withstanding the dire casting of orcish warlocks. Leaving over twenty bodies before him, the Horde's attack began to falter within the walls of the keep as the humans rallied. The Blackrock orcs launched a desperate attack, and one lone warrior, the orc Gulnarg engaged him in single combat. Though outmatched, the orc warrior proved cunning in the fight, and vicious once in melee combat with the human. The human was able to inflict several telling blows, but Gulnarg would be the one to end the fight, striking down Sir Jacob, and slaying the Stromgardian in battle. Gulnarg has since been recognized as one of the rising heroes of the Horde, and as a proud example of Horde skill in combat.

THE CALLING OF MA'IQ. The Gurubashi trolls have found among their number one who is truly skilled in the arts of battle and war. The troll Ma'iq, often called "the Liar" for his tall tales of combat, which have never been proven, has at last shown his skill in battle. During the goblin bombing of the Gurubashi Arena, a number of goblins simply fell from the sky, but were still eager to do battle. Ma'iq went into an enviable rage, beyond that of the greatest berserkers known, and slashed down over a dozen goblins in the charred arena. Since then he has been recognized for his skill by Mandokir, who has welcomed the Liar into the ranks of the Gurubashi berserkers. He now leads the forces south to do battle once more with the hated goblin slavers.

SIEGE OF BOOTY BAY. The attack upon the duel in the Gurubashi Arena last month and the slaving raids against the Skullsplitter Tribe in the south has led to the unification of the troll tribes against the Steamwheedle Cartel. The tribes have been called together in a massive army, marching towards the goblin stronghold in Booty Bay with the tribal forces scattered across Stranglethorn Vale, the Darkspear and Gurubashi Tribes have sent their own forces to join the Skullsplitters. Furthermore, a considerably sized expedition has been sent by the orc Blackrock Clan, to assist the trolls in the upcoming assault upon the new city. So far the fighting has been minimal on land, as the goblins wisely pulled back to proper defenses and positions along the access tunnel to the city. The fighting therefore has only been skirmishes and small goblin raids against Skullsplitter villages, taking more slave to sell in Kezan. The true battle has been on the seas as twenty-five troll destroyers struck against the goblin battlewagons. The trolls won a major victory, using shamans on their vessels to cause fires and detonations throughout the hulls of the goblin vessels. With the goblins distracted, this allowed the trolls to close in and engage, boarding the goblin ships. Unfortunately, the fires the trolls set caused several of the goblin warships to explode, taking troll destroyers with them. Despite this, the shamans managed to calm some fires, and seize several goblin ships for themselves, enforcing a blockade around Booty Bay. The troll Captain Grabjabzul has distinguished himself as a fine naval mind in the battle, commanding the fleets of the trolls.
Casualty Lists
Darkspear Tribe: 1 Destroyer
Gurubashi Tribe: 10 Warriors, 5 Destroyers (+3 Battlewagons captured in battle)
Skullsplitter Tribe: 10 Warriors, 10 Axe-throwers
Steamwheedle Cartel: 10 Warriors, 5 Battlewagons (+20 Gold from Slave Trade)

ARRIVAL OF THE LIGHTNING'S BLADE. The first clan to arrive since the Blackrock Clan under Blackhand arrived to establish the position of Warchief arrived this month. The Lightning's Blade Clan has crossed through the Dark Portal under Chieftain Zarantu, a noted warrior from Draenor. The Lightning's Blade finished its crossing and has arrived to provide reinforcements for the war effort against the humans, and to stake its own claim to territory in the new world. Representatives from the clan have presented themselves to Warchief Blackhand and pledged their support for the Horde and its war against the Kingdom of Stormwind. Six hundred strong orcs now stand ready to join the larger armies of the Horde on Azeroth, pushing against the forces of the Alliance.

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Bronzebeard Clan
From: Thorium Brotherhood

We must request you honor your alliance with us and help us renew our fight against the corrupted Dark Irons. Our fortress is in dire need of relief!


@Milarqui: Unfortunately there's no mushrooms which can actually be used as lumber. On this world anyways. Also, the dwarves did not participate in your trade, therefore you have retained that lumber. Also, if you want to sell your guns, make that offer ICly on the thread, not in your PM.

No lumber mills can be built. Ever.

It seems that all of you have forgotten about travel time. In most of your cases, none of the reinforcements could be used in your plans, thus resulting in the various disasters which had occurred. Serves you right for ignoring my many, many previous statements on this.

SoFarSoGood has been dropped due to inactivity.

Tomorrow I will be adding update links to the front page for ease of use and reading.

World Map

Spoiler :
OCC: Sorry about that EQ. You had mentioned a price to me earlier about the lumber mill and I hadn't noticed that you that you refined the rule set afterwards.

Also, did I get those mages I was trading for?


To: High Tinkerer Gelbin Mekkatorque of Gnomeran
From: King Magni of the Bronzebeard Clan

We'd like to offer up our deepest apologies ta ya gnomish folk, since there seems ta hae been a miscommunication and we didn't understand yer position when ya first proposed it ta us. We'll make it up by buyin' last month's lumb'r and as well at this month's. Ain't no sense in makin' ya hold on to somethin' ya don't need. So we hope yer still willin' ta make trade with us dwarrow-folk.

Also, would ya be willing ta lend a few of yer men ta test out yer toys? Us dwarrow-folk hae a conflict that is needin' ta be resolved.


To: Lord Malyfous Darkhammer of the Thorium Brotherhood
From: King Magni of the Bronzebeard Clan

Aye, my dwarrow will be there. Ya nae worry about that.

King Magni

To: King Dagran Thaurissan of the Dark Iron Clan
From: King Magni of the Bronzebeard Clan

We're comin' fer ya, Dagran. I suggest ya make yer peace with the Ancients.

King Bronzebeard

To: King Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde
From: King Magni of the Bronzebeard Clan

We'd like ya ta fergive us fer askin' of another favor during the time of the loss of yer champions, but could ya give my brother a ride back to our land?

Our deepest sympathies,

King Magni
To: Magni Bronzebeard
From: Thoras Trollbane

We will bring your dwarves back. Would you be wanting to send troops down to fight the Horde? If so we can pick up your warriors while we send our forces down to fight those bastards and find Danath.
To: King Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde
From: King Magni Bronzebeard of Clan Bronzebeard

We thank ya fer yer offer ta take us to a good fight, but we've dwarrow have clan business servin' as a prior obligation. This business demands the full attention of Clan Bronzebeard. Once our business is taken care of, we might again be lookin' at yer request.

King Magni
OOC: Awww, no giant mushrooms? Can't I even start crossing experiments to grow such mushrooms? My hopes to make this a bit more like Dwarf Fortress have gone down... :(

To: King Magni of the Bronzebeard Clan
From: High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque of Gnomeregan

Oh, oh, don't worry, we expected you to be, you know, busy, because of the war, and the forges, and the travels, and the war, and the trolls, and the war, and the savage orcs, did we mention the war already? Yes, yes, we did, but, you see, we forgot about it because I just had some idea about redirecting some rivers to create a dam that would overlook the main entrance to Gnomeregan...

Oh, but we were talking about trade! Yes, yes, trade. We were surprised not to see your traders, because we thought we had asked to make this a monthly thing, but, well, maybe we did not stress that part in our messages to you, we still have to find out ways to do things with all this wood, we hoped to be able to make underground forests that would give us nearly unlimited wood to sell it to anyone that asked...

Trade, trade, trade, the thing is trade, Gelbin!

Yes, we hope to be able to continue the trade of lumber for gold between our nations, because, remember, it is something that benefits both of us, something both of us need to grow.

And we have also heard of your going to war to aid your brothers of the Brotherhood, and that maybe you might welcome our help, which we are willing to provide, because it's been years since we tried to do something on the battlefield and we are ready to help our best friends, and also we really want to test our Autogun in battle, how well it does in battle I wonder...

There was also one little thing we were wondering about, one tiny thing that might help both of us as well as the lumber for gold trade does...

We have heard of the magnificence of the Unyielding Starfall mortar cannon, and how it destroys anything it is pointed at... we were wondering if we could study it... so that we could make versions of undoubtly less quality than the Unyielding Starfall, but that could be used in the battlefield without putting our soldiers in danger... what do you say?
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