• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans

While the rangers lamented at the losses of the sisters in arms, there was another strong emotion through the ranks of the elves. While we have assisted the humans before against the greenskins, it seems such sacrifices and duty mean nothing to the short pale skins. Even with the messenger at the human empires' door, asking for help, there were none.

The Elves are ancient people; Masters of magic and arcane learning. Yet there was something, that the world cared little about. The elves are vengeful as well. Neither do we forget, not do we forgive. The sunstrider, a great supporter of the human-elf brotherhood, has finally realized that these people are anything but honorable.

For now, the elves would not declare a war on the humans. But this remains a clear warning to the Humans of the Northern Alliance. Consider this in effect.

We have also considered to "white peace" agreement with the Amani trolls.

we would train some more troops, to replenish the ones that have fallen in battle.
Rangers : 30 (600 gold, 300 lumber)
Warriors: 20 (200 gold)
Mages: 10 (250 gold, 500 Mana)
OOC: Bank the rest ?

Our mages and clerics have been a certain task to learn one of the most basic concepts of the Arcane: Imbue, where in the effects of the natural elements could be imbued into the weapons of our soldiers. Another project that we have taken up, is the ability of the Clerics to cast Divine armor, a divine sheild of light, that protects the bearer from minor
damage and provides increased line of sight. It has also been noticed that the wearer was more effective in battles versus undead and other creatures not
from this realm.While it might not be of much use now,as this is in fact one of the steps towards another great project.​
To da Steamwheedle Cartel
From da Gurubashi

We'd be willin ta make peace wif da Goblins only if certain conditions were met

First, every troll ya sold into slavery is returned to da tribes and ya not sell any more in fa future

Second, each tribe is compensated for any and all losses we've suffered so far, including ya cowardly attack on da Arena

Third, da Cartel cut all ties wif all factions other den da trolls and da Horde. Your soldiers and inventors would den work for a...discounted rate

Fourth, ya be payin' da trolls a protection fee every month, so dat we make sure no one be disturbin' ya

Finally, ya be compensatin' da Darkspear and Skullsplitters for takin' dere land

Otherwise, we kill ya all, so people know what happens when ya anger da trolls
To da Steamwheedle Cartel
From da Gurubashi

We'd be willin ta make peace wif da Goblins only if certain conditions were met

First, every troll ya sold into slavery is returned to da tribes and ya not sell any more in fa future

Second, each tribe is compensated for any and all losses we've suffered so far, including ya cowardly attack on da Arena

Third, da Cartel cut all ties wif all factions other den da trolls and da Horde. Your soldiers and inventors would den work for a...discounted rate

Fourth, ya be payin' da trolls a protection fee every month, so dat we make sure no one be disturbin' ya

Finally, ya be compensatin' da Darkspear and Skullsplitters for takin' dere land

Otherwise, we kill ya all, so people know what happens when ya anger da trolls

My friends, my friends, my friends

What kind of business man would I be if I accepted a deal as pitiful as this one? I'd be voted off the board of directors! This is ludicrous.

-Ratso Steamwheedle
To: Ratso Steamwheedle
From: Warchief Blackhand, Ilkhan of the Clans (OOC: sorry guys, too much Battletech)

We may be able to offer you some of Stormwind's lands to expand into, but only if you accept this deal. Switch your allegiance now or be wiped from the face of Azeroth. The Trolls will not fail, and even if they do and we are destroyed in our battle with Stormwind we will come south with our remnants to offer one last blood sacrifice to the Gods.
A steamwheedle Always pay his debts. Which means not breaking agreements We have made with people. As such, I find myself unable to accept.
Orcs and Trolls always pay their debts too. You have taken the land of our allies, and mistaken their generosity and distraction two months ago for weakness, and further bombed their ceremonial duel.
Your people will pay your debt.
- Warchief Blackhand
OOC: Didn't the Bloodscalp clan agree to a duel of leadership with Gurubashi? Anyway, that's kind of an OOC reason (even though humans DO hate trolls). :p
This is the less than 24 hour warning to get those orders in.
OOC: @ELITEOFWARMAN8, you're pissed off at jungle trolls, not forest trolls, don't be a racist! Not all trolls are the same ;)
OOC: Game is addictive and real life is demanding my attention. Orders were sent this turn, so ya don't need a new Warchief till next. Good luck destroying our enemies, Orc boys! And to all dese udders... well, good luck not getting eaten by an ogre (or a demon... hopefully). ;) Game on

PS. Hmmm, I guess I better find a way to turn over the social group. Edit: I tried to give it to EQ. That didn't work so I offered to give it to you Gem Hound, since the army is the same type as Twilight Hollow, just bigger, plus all the comms you have to keep up. If you don't want it maybe Justo will, though he seems very happy with his current clan. :) Well, either of you shouldn't feel the need to take over because I left. If that is the case I'm sure EQ will NPC Blackrock very well since he actually knows WoW in and out and I just played several scenarios over a decade ago and read up on it recently.
Pushing the deadline back to tomorrow, as I've got stuff to take care of today IRL.
OOC: I'm back. I think playing as Warchief was too much for me, sorry again. I'll join as the awe-inspiring Lightning's Blade clan next round if that's all right...?
Edit: My account isn't a week old yet with the requisite number of posts, so adding me to social groups won't work yet, but thanks!
Beginning the update process now.
OOC: Hey! I hope I am not too late but ss the Alterac Kingdom up for grabs? Or any other human realm?
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