• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans

Alterac is the only human kingdom available for the moment, though you'll have to wait until next turn to send in orders.
Wars of Warcraft: Month 5

PEACE IN THE NORTHERN FORESTS. Serenity has returned to the forests of the Amani and Quel'thalas. After last month's defeat of the elven armies north of Zul'Aman, the borders have been restored and a truce seems to be in place, though not of any official nature. The withdrawal has been recognized as a clear victory of the Amani, preserving their tribal lands against the elven incursion and invasion. Though fighting has continued between the trolls and humans further south, despite this unofficial truce, the elves seem to blame the human kingdoms for the failure of their war. Claiming the humans didn't help them to defeat the evil trolls, the elves have grown further inward and the relationship has become far colder.

RISE OF LEROY JENKINS. The armies of the human kingdoms in the east have looked for a new leader to be in command, and King Terenas has appointed one of the finest warriors in the land to be his new commander. Leroy Jenkins, a warrior who has distinguished himself in recent campaigns against the trolls, and in last month's skirmishes, was raised as a loyal son of Lordaeron. Born in the city of Stratholme, he has dedicated his life to service towards the king. He has now traveled to Tyr's Hand to take command of the combined armies of the Alliance to wage war against the barbaric trolls who have invaded human lands. It is hoped that with his cunning leadership, Leroy Jenkins will win the day for the human armies.

BATTLE OF TYR'S HAND. The amassed armies and forces from Alterac, Gilneas, Dalaran, and Lordaeron have pushed east against the forces of the Amani and Vilebranch trolls. These massive forces assembled have been thrown to liberate the human lands occupied by the invaders and to secure the coast. The battle was fought as the trolls built a new stronghold in the area, but faced it under attack before it could be completed. The battle was a vicious struggle in the field, as the humans overran the troll siege lines and pushed west with fire from mages covering the attack. The assault lacked any subtly and was a straight charge forward, and in the open lands, the human knights dominated the field, cutting down even the strongest troll berserkers. The troll center was crushed and with the fall of their stronghold, the armies were scattered throughout the region. Though the humans did their best to hunt down and destroy the remnants of the troll forces, a few Amani trolls did manage to escape as their destroyers approached under the cover of shaman-produced fog. The human blockade of warships was unable to detect them, allowing for a shrouded escape of the few lucky trolls to live. The Vilebranch tribe was not as fortunate, and their expedition was cornered and destroyed by a relentless human attack.
Casualty Lists
Alterac: 15 Warriors, 5 Archers
Gilneas: 30 Warriors, 30 Archers, 5 Knights (+1 Level to Genn Greymane)
Lordaeron: 110 Warriors, 50 Archers, 10 Knights (+1 Level to Leroy Jenkins)
Amani Tribe: 40 Warriors, 33 Axe-throwers, 10 Berserkers, 1 Shaman(+1 Level to Alakzak)
Vilebranch Tribe: 95 Warriors, 41 Axe-Throwers, 18 Shamans

RISE OF DARIUS CROWLEY. As the human kingdom of Gilneas begins to commit itself to a more active role in foreign policy and the Alliance, they have looked for new leaders to conduct their armies. To this end, King Genn has hired the mage, Darius Crowley, to lead his forces supporting the Kingdom of Stormwind against the orcish Horde. Darius Crowley, while born in Gilneas, was educated in magecraft in Dalaran before returning to his home nation and setting up shop for arcane goods. His arcane expertise has come much in demand and he has been considered the idea candidate to lead the armies in the south. As the new leader of the Gilnean expedition to the south, it is hoped that he will be instrumental in saving the greatest human nation from extinction.

STROMGARDE-WITHERBARK SKIRMISHES. The war between the Witherbark trolls and humans of Stromgarde has continued at a much reduced level this month, as both sides have been avoiding any real engagement. There have been some minor skirmishes, and a human mage was killed while trying to burn some trees on the borders of the Witherbark. For the most part the trolls have started ignoring these attacks, as they have proved irrelevant in every way. Instead, they chose to raid deep into Stromgarde's lands , pillaging several undefended villages and mines. The local militias were quickly slaughtered and their booty returned to the tribal camps of the Witherbark with relative ease. These raids have been mostly possible as Stromgarde's armies remain within their stronghold when not launching their ineffectual attacks on the trees. This has allowed wide open avenues of raiding and approach for the Witherbark trolls, who have cheerfully accepted what has amounted to a gift from the King of Stromgarde.
Casualty Lists
Stromgarde: 3 Warriors, 1 Mage
Witherbark Tribe: 5 Warriors (+140 Gold)

HUMAN MAGES JOIN THE DWARVEN RETURN. Apparently in return for the gift of the great sword Lion's Bite, the dwarves have received the aid of two of Stromwind's youngest mages, who have been sent away from the approaching Horde. The mages were selected to join Muradin Bronzebeard and the dwarves in their journey back to Ironforge, and also to keep them out of the way of the orc advance. It was hoped that these mages and the dwarves themselves will return with the word of the ferocity and barbarism of the orcish Horde. A highly public report was given to King Magni, as his brother told him of the great strength and size of the orc army, which had even begun to approach Stormwind itself by the time he had departed the port. The report has given some cause to consider negotiation with the orcs, though others have stated that perhaps the dwarven people should stand beside the humans in the defense of this world from invasion.

BATTLE OF FORT BAZJAK. The siege of the new Thorium Citadel has shifted, as the Dark Irons subtly diverted from the siege and turned towards the advancing gnome and Bronzebeard army. They had sought to bring these soldiers out for a battle in the field, and they were not disappointed. Almost the entire Bronzebeard army was brought out for battle, in addition to a considerable force from the gnomes. The force massively outnumbered and outgunned the Dark Irons, including four times as many gnomish and dwarven riflemen. Furthermore, from the skies came gryphons and their riders, throwing their enchanted warhammers into the masses of Dark Iron soldiers and reporting on their movements. The gnomish new autoguns proved devastatingly effective, despite being designed by gnomes. They slaughtered Dark Iron forces, leaving them dead with few casualties of their own. Despite a cunning flanking attempt, the Dark Iron army barely stood a chance at the combined enemy army and their only stroke of luck was that the Thorium Brotherhood never sallied from their fortress. The Dark Irons were broken at last with the death of General Angerforge, who fell to a hammer thrown from a gryphon rider. What was left of their army fled across the Badlands back to their lands and forts in the west. The Dark Irons were preserved only as the Bronzebeards regrouped as Magni Bronzebeard and Gelbin Mekkatorque were both badly wounded in the battle.
Casualty Lists
Bronzebeards: 65 Warriors, 20 Riflemen (-1 Level for Magni Bronzebeard)
Gnomeregan: 15 Warriors, 10 Snipers, 1 Mortar (-1 Level for Gelbin Mekkatorque)
Dark Irons: General Angerforge, 205 Warriors, 38 Riflemen, 4 Clerics, 2 Mortars

HORDE STEALS BOOK OF MEDIVH. The assassin Garona struck again, once more striking fear into human hearts, this time in a different manner. Penetrating human security around Stromwind, largely due to the fighting beginning in the south and the impending siege, Garona managed to enter the city once more. The mage Dakrin himself was distracted by the fighting and was momentarily inattentive to the Book of Medivh, being under threat of death himself. Garona had attempted to kill him once more after stealing the book, but again Dakrin has evaded death, while Garona escaped unscathed. It is said that she managed to elude any further human patrols and escape back to the Horde's defensive lines north of Goldshire. The Book was given to the ogre mage Cho'gall who has used it to restore his own personal powers and strength. (+1 Level for Garona)

BATTLES OF GOLDSHIRE AND NORTHSHIRE. This month the Horde was at last given the opportunity it has craved since the beginning of the war against the humans, an open battle in the field. Using their own forces and position, the Frostwolf Clan crossed the river north of Crystal Lake, putting their army quickly between Goldshire and Stormwind itself. Quickly, they used their forces to build a rudimentary fort and defenses, while the humans rushed their main army north to deal with the incursion, while the rest of the Horde raced to reinforce the Frostwolves. Dismounted and behind fortifications, the raiders and soldiers of the Frostwolves immediately put forth a defense as more allies arrived from the east. Unfortunately, this was not nearly enough and the Frostwolves, forced to fight an unfamiliar static defense were badly mauled and forced to retreat off the roads. The matter was made worse with the death of Durotan in battle, leaving his pregnant wife, the shaman Draka, to take up the mantle of chieftan. Unfortunately for the Alliance, their army was now out in the open, and the Horde could begin a major battle in the open fields of northern Elwynn. Forced into the initial battle, the Alliance armies held back the first attack in a bloody fight, and were bruised and forced back, but their line still held. As they fell back, the Horde scented victory and advanced, as over two hundred human knights swept into the flank of the Twilight's Hammer. The wave of armored horsemen took the orcs by surprise and descended into the ranks of warlocks and necrolytes, slicing through these lightly armored spellcasters with ease. Seeing their leaders fall before the humans, the Twilight's Hammer wavered and routed, leaving the Blackrock flank exposed. As reinforcements poured out of Stormwind, having only just arrived from the sea, the Allies struck back against the Horde. Despite their soaring morale and hopes for victory, the Blackrock Clan rallied the others, as Blackhand himself stood as a towering rock, cutting down human warrior after warrior, even punching the horse of a human knight to bring him down. Breaking upon the Blackrock Clan, what had been apparently a rising victory for the humans turned into a retreat, and only the brave defense of a handful of knights and clerics prevented the Horde from the retreat turning into a complete rout. The Horde has managed to follow them, and now, with the remnants of the Frostwolves looting western Elwynn, the main armies of the Alliance are surrounded and besieged at the great city of Stormwind itself.
Casualty Lists
Blackrock Clan: 740 Warriors, 54 Spearmen, 5 Catapults (+1 Level for Blackhand, Orgrim Doomhammer, Gulnarg, and Juibei)
Bleeding Hollow Clan: 190 Warriors, 5 Spearmen (+30 Gold; +1 Level for Killrogg Deadeye and Formak)
Frostwolf Clan: Durotan, 100 Warriors, 70 Spearmen, 125 Raiders (+420 Gold, +100 Lumber)
Gurubashi Tribe: 35 Warriors, 15 Axe-throwers, 5 Berserkers
Twilight's Hammer Clan: 110 Warriors, 32 Ogres, 75 Necrolytes, 28 Warlocks (+1 Level for Khadgar and Cho'gall)
Dalaran: 5 Mages (+1 Level for Dakrin)
Gilneas: 30 Warriors, 20 Archers, 10 Knights (+1 Level for Darius Crowley)
Kul Tiras: 35 Warriors, 20 Archers, 5 Clerics
Stormwind: 452 Warriors, 81 Archers, 129 Knights, 42 Clerics, 2 Mages, 4 Goblin Grenadiers, 4 Catapults (+2 Level for Alonsus Faol, Anduin Lothar, and John J. Keeshan; +1 Level for Marcus Jonathan; +200 Gold, +100 Lumber)

RISE OF JOHN J. KEESHAN AND MARCUS JONATHAN. The battles for western Elwynn, while ending in defeat have given way to the rise of two new heroes for the beleaguered people of the Kingdom of Stormwind. The first of these demonstrated his skill with a bow, said to rival that of the finest elven rangers. John J. Keeshan, formerly a resident of the province of Redridge, before it was burned by the Frostwolf Clan, is known for his fervent hatred of everything Horde. His skill with a bow allowed him to slay many Frostwolf spearmen, allowing for a clear approach to the temporary stronghold they had built between Goldshire and Stormwind. He demonstrated his skill again at the larger Battle of Northshire, bringing down numerous advancing Horde soldiers. The second hero to rise came to the forefront during the glorious charge against the Twilight's Hammer Clan. Leading the charge himself, he was at the tip of the crashing point against the orc casters and was responsible for killing three ogres, an impressive feat. During the later retreat, he rallied the Knights of Stormwind for the last fight as a rear guard, and only when physically forced by his men, did he join the rest of his army, the only survivor of that last stand.

RISE OF JUIBEI. The orcs were not without their own heroes during the Battle of Northshire, after the Frostwolves had been defeated at the earlier Battle of Goldshire. After the human knights were unleashed against the flank of the Twilight's Hammer, it seemed very likely that the Horde itself may be defeated and routed. Only the steadfast stand of Warchief Blackhand himself led to the victory of the Horde in the Northshire Valley. Fighting beside him, as a bastion against the human knights was the spearman Juibei, who kept enemy soldiers at bay as a stalwart guardian of his ruler and chieftain. After the battle Blackhand recognized his bravery and ferocity, and he has been noted as a great hero of the Blackrock Clan and the larger Horde.

DANATH RETURNS TO STROMGARDE. After fending for himself for weeks on his own against troll and Horde patrols in southern Elwynn, Danath and those following him managed to escape to Westfall, fighting water elementals to force a crossing. They further engaged in a series of battles with bandits, orcs, and trolls, scavenging from the ruins of the human settlements and farmsteads in the region. After making it to Westfall, Danath and his tired followers made it to the small port of Moonbrook, and managed to board a ship bound for Stromgarde. Exhausted, but eager to return home to Stromgarde, the heroes managed to dock in Stromgarde itself, bringing the full tidings of the war and the fate of the Stromgarde Expeditionary Force to light in the halls of their ruler.

THE BATTLE OF BOOTY BAY. A fight has emerged for the fate of southern Stranglethorn Vale, as the goblin commercial settlement of Booty Bay has come under direct attack by the troll tribes and elements of the orcish Horde. The fighting began at sea, as the human fleet station at Stormwind sailed south with a massive force. The trolls were forced to retreat, losing one of their picket ships, but otherwise falling back around the Cape away from the approaching enemy forces. They then attempted to summon a great tsunami, but this failed due to a lack of mana contributed, only managing to drive a couple smaller human ships aground, as the crews safely got away. The land battle was the truly decisive conflict, as it began with a daring goblin attack upon the besieging camps of the enemy. A small force of goblin engineers parachuted from the mountains protecting the cove of Booty Bay straight into the troll camps in the middle of the night. Though over half were killed, the rest managed to escape after planting timed explosives throughout the camps. The next morning, major explosions devastated the trolls, leading to dozens dead, the orc siege weapons destroyed, and a major delay in the assault. When the attack finally began, the primary assault went through the main access tunnel into the cove of Booty Bay, and the fight was vicious as the grenadiers and warriors of the goblins made it a vicious chokepoint. Regardless, the goblins suffered disaster when explosives in the tunnel failed to explode, and the engineers sent to detonate them were cut down by a troll berserker. Like a flood, the trolls and orcs poured through the tunnel, and the goblin overall defense plan began to crumble. Further disaster emerged as troll shamans managed to detonate a number of prepared explosives using fire elementals, and half the city burned as the other half was heavily fought over. Ultimately the goblins began fighting a delaying action, as they evacuated to the Kul Tiras ships, which provided massive cannon fire upon the enemy advance, while rocket sappers decimated concentrated groups. These tactics proved sufficient to allow the evacuation of most of the healers, civilians, and engineers, though the military forces suffered heavily. The remnants of the Steamwheedle Cartel have been withdrawn to Stormwind, where they assist the humans in the ongoing defense of that city.
Casualty Lists
Blackrock Clan: 93 Warriors, 5 Catapults
Darkspear Tribe: 20 Warriors, 20 Axe-throwers, 8 Shamans (+1 Level for Sen'jin; +300 Gold, +50 Lumber)
Gurubashi Tribe: 44 Warriors, 60 Axe-throwers, 12 Berserkers, 10 Shamans, 1 Destroyer (+1 Level for Ma'iq and Zanzil; +300 Gold, +160 Lumber)
Skullsplitter Tribe: 20 Warriors, 24 Berserkers (+1 Level for Ana'thek; +300 Gold, +50 Lumber)
Kul Tiras: 2 Frigates
Steamwheedle Cartel: 190 Warriors, 22 Grenadiers, 8 Engineers, 10 Rocket Sappers (+1 Level for Ratso Steamwheedle)

Massive Amount of Resources Arrive from Draenor for the Orcish Horde

Blackrock Clan: +300 Gold, +300 Lumber
Bleeding Hollow Clan: +400 Gold, +500 Lumber
Frostwolf Clan: +600 Gold, +400 Lumber
Lightning's Blade Clan: +600 Gold, +500 Lumber
Twilight's Hammer Clan: +400 Gold, +300 Lumber

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Bronzebeard Clan
From: Dunwald

We hear you are in the market for lumber, and we offer you 100 Lumber for 80 Gold, why do business with those erratic gnomes when you can do it with good dwarves instead?

To: Amani Tribe
From: Vilebranch

It is clear to us that the Amani are no better suited now to lead the Forest Trolls than they were under the Amani Empire. Consider our alliance at an end and your control of Revantusk lands forfeit as compensation for our losses at human hands.


@Thomas.berubeg: Not sure what you meant by "modern medication." Healing is already far more efficient and reliable than anything we'd see in the modern world, thanks to magic. Seems like a major waste of time and resources.

@bonefang: I greatly prefer orders being sent via Private Message rather than on the thread. It's much easier for me to keep track of everything that way.

World Map

Spoiler :
The sight was almost beautiful, Ratso thought, as he gazed down from the bridge of the “Screamer” at the burning remnants of what had once been his dream, his bold venture. As a particularly violent explosion tore through the burning capitol, ripping a few trollish figures to shreds, Ratso allowed himself a vicious smile of pleasure. Despair replaced the vicious glee as the import of what was happening fully sunk in.

There had been no time in the evacuation, no time as he coordinated the refugees, no time to think as he and his cadre cut down the troll berserkers rampaging through the refugees, no time as the zeppelins and ships made off from the burning city. There was time, now, to think, as the zeppelins floated above the fleet of human ships ferrying the goblins to Stormwind. And the Full implications were finally sinking in. He had staked his own personal fortunes on this venture, and the other trade princes of the Undermine would be snapping at his sinking assets like the sharks they were.

Perhaps he should just jump into the ocean now, end the suffering before it even started.

Ratso took a deep breath, and the cold briskness of the air reinvigorated him. He was Ratso Steamwheedle, Trade Prince of the Steamwheedle Cartel. The world was his Oyster. True, this was a setback, but, one that he could come back from with ease. The ships and zeppelins carrying him away from the burning past held the most valuable Steamwheedle assets, the Engineers that made the goblins so inventive.

There were so many options now!
Wow, this is one of the worst updates I’ve ever seen. I officially quit this nes. This is the second time my orders were not followed anywhere near their original intent or even in the spirit of its intent. In fact the way the update is written to me appears to be a mockery of my orders. I am quitting not because I lost a battle, far from it. I can take playing the losing side pretty well and gracefully. However, I cannot take the idea that every time I attack somebody, even in surprise (which has happened twice) I get nothing and when I get attacked by a force I know is out there I get hosed, even on defense! That is bad storytelling. The updates are supposed to occur over a month, yet they read and play out as if it was only 24 hrs. The mechanics of this game are broken, as well as resource distribution. Unless I get a damn good explanation as to the rationale of what the thought process here, then consider me out. There are better things I can be doing with my time than wasting it writing stuff that is not paid attention too.
@Shadowbound: If I thought for a second that you'd actually send orders for my NES, I'd offer you the position of warchief in a heartbeat. As it is, not so much, been burned one too many times by you in the past. Therefore, I'd suggest another faction, perhaps the Frostwolves, if you are sure you want to be orcish.

@Gen. Mannerheim: Very well, I shall now post your orders, and explain from them exactly what happened. I assure you, no mockery was intended. The system itself is created out a mod of Warcraft 3 I've had sitting around for years just for this NES. I'm pretty confident that it's not broke, but feel free to blame it.

Gen.Mannerheim said:
Amani Tribe: Gen. Mannerheim
Race: Troll
Capitol: Zul'Aman
Ruler: Zul'jin (Level 6 Berserker)
Heroes: Alakzak (Level 2 Shaman)
-Alakzak: No inventory.
-Zul'jin: No inventory.
Gold: 20 (+330)
Lumber: 210 (+230)
Mana: 415 (+130)
Army: 127 Warriors, 55 Axe-Throwers, 14 Berserkers, 21 Shamans
Navy: 5 Destroyers

Home Army: Zul’jin, 107 Warriors, 40 Axe-Throwers, 14 Berserkers, 16 Shaman

Lordaeron Invasion Army: Alakzak, 85 Warriors, 56 Axe-Throwers, 10 Berserkers, 1 Shaman
-Allied Vilebranch Army: 95 Warriors, 41 Axe-Throwers, 18 Shamans

Raventusk Garrison: 20 Warriors, 15 Axe-Throwers, & 5 Shaman


Homeland: After the victory over the elves has freed most of our lands from their filth, it is time to go on the defensive. Most of the home army will deploy in defensive patterns along the Elf-Troll border. The best scouts will watch for any movements, and the warriors (all types) will take to the trees to ambush any attacking elves. Hit and run strikes, targeting any leaders and mages in particular, will sap the momentum from any new attack.

Lordaeron: Alakzak still believes that he doesn’t have the forces to take Tyr’s Hand, lacking heavy artillery and the enemy’s new reinforcements. Alakzak also doesn’t want to risk battle with the Lordaeron navy in control of the waters. He orders a stronghold (300 gold,200 lumber) to be built in a position between Tyr’s Hand and Zul’jin’s Landing, the name the trolls have taken to calling the former human fishing village. The stronghold is to be close enough to Tyr’s Hand to threaten it but not close enough that human artillery can attack it without having to come in the open. The stronghold, added to the earthen siege lines the warriors and shaman constructed last month, will give the troll alliance a strong position to hold the humans at bay, defend their new territory, and await any reinforcements

Sea: The Lordaeron fleet has taken the seas off the eastern coast by surprise, though the troll fleet performed admirably we were still routed. We must try and win the sea back! Surprise has always been a friend to the trolls and it shall be again. The fleet will pick up shaman from the ports. Shaman on board will use nature to rise a dense fog in the early morning hours, a time when sailors expect fog, so quietly sail into the Lordaeron fleet’s position and ambush them. Troll sailors will board and try and destroy/capture human vessels while the shaman will rein fire and lightning on other ships trying to spread fire and panic among the crews. If total victory can be achieved, then every human ship should be destroyed, captured, or routed. If total victory cannot, then the shaman are to use wind and rain to cover the troll’s retreat after inflicting the greatest amount of casualties possible.

BATTLE OF TYR'S HAND. The amassed armies and forces from Alterac, Gilneas, Dalaran, and Lordaeron have pushed east against the forces of the Amani and Vilebranch trolls. These massive forces assembled have been thrown to liberate the human lands occupied by the invaders and to secure the coast. The battle was fought as the trolls built a new stronghold in the area, but faced it under attack before it could be completed. The battle was a vicious struggle in the field, as the humans overran the troll siege lines and pushed west with fire from mages covering the attack. The assault lacked any subtly and was a straight charge forward, and in the open lands, the human knights dominated the field, cutting down even the strongest troll berserkers. The troll center was crushed and with the fall of their stronghold, the armies were scattered throughout the region. Though the humans did their best to hunt down and destroy the remnants of the troll forces, a few Amani trolls did manage to escape as their destroyers approached under the cover of shaman-produced fog. The human blockade of warships was unable to detect them, allowing for a shrouded escape of the few lucky trolls to live. The Vilebranch tribe was not as fortunate, and their expedition was cornered and destroyed by a relentless human attack.
Casualty Lists
Alterac: 15 Warriors, 5 Archers
Gilneas: 30 Warriors, 30 Archers, 5 Knights (+1 Level to Genn Greymane)
Lordaeron: 110 Warriors, 50 Archers, 10 Knights (+1 Level to Leroy Jenkins)
Amani Tribe: 40 Warriors, 33 Axe-throwers, 10 Berserkers, 1 Shaman(+1 Level to Alakzak)
Vilebranch Tribe: 95 Warriors, 41 Axe-Throwers, 18 Shamans

You wanted to build a fortress. The humans attacked Day 1 with overwhelming, meaning that any fortress built would barely be begun at best. Forts aren't built in a day, witness the similar fate of the Frostwolf fortress further south. By the end of the second day your forces were routed by a far larger human army with no chance of recovery. The Vilebranch immediately split off to hide further south, and I'll remind you, they did not feel any obligation to obey your orders at this point. Therefore, at this point, less than 3 days in, your forces were beaten, scattered, and thrown about the countryside, thus rendering any attempt to defeat the (once again FAR larger) human fleet moot. As your forces would have been utterly destroyed without retreat, and your fleet would have been absolutely destroyed if they attacked, fog or no fog (which I will add, you did NOT contribute any mana for) the only sensible option was retreat. You WOULD have lost everything, that is 99.9999999% certain, barring some sort of miracle. Therefore, your soldiers in the field made their own decision to withdraw. In summary, you vastly overestimated your own capabilities while underestimating those of your enemy. Your troops did the best they could in battle, but took it upon themselves to salvage what they could when all was lost. If you'd prefer your units to be mindless drones, I highly recommend finding another NES anyways.
OOC: Great update! I should've given Durotan/Omega more than what he asked for in round zero though, oh well, the crossing held. :)

PS. I think Lightning's Blade clan isn't on the map.
First thing, you seem to be operating under the assumption that all warriors are equal, which isn’t and can’t be the case. A well-established element in WC lore is that Alliance armies are larger but are composed of physically weaker races. Trolls are supposed to have the same strength of Ogres and the intelligence of Orcs, which should be right under humans, see Tides of Darkness or Beyond the Dark Portal for examples. Thus, a troll army should always be outnumbered in every fight with humans, however the stronger physicality of the trolls makes up for the numbers difference. Again in lore humans beat “greenskin” armies with superior military tactics and the elves through being the most skilled fighters ever, not their numbers.

Having the human attack occur on “day one of the month” really looks like a cop out to explain you orders. The Kingdom of Azeroth was able to build two forts while almost the ENTIRE Horde was bearing down on them, harassing them the entire time. I also ordered earthen defensive barriers even since the approach to Tyr’s Hand, which you appear to have conveniently forgotten about (and if such an act was not allowed, you never corrected or mentioned it).

In respect to tactics, these also make zero sense. So the combined human armies, don’t even get me started on Lore issues, just charge forth cavalry in the lead and break the troll center. Sounds fantastic and makes me want to watch Gunga Din. Except this should never have happened. Remember those earthen barriers that I ordered build over two updates? How in the hell can horses charge through earthen banks!? Just trying it should have broken down the human attack and sapped all momentum. The mountains around Tyr’s Hand, plus the earthen works, create a natural choke point that would have eliminated any numerical superiority the humans had and stronger trolls in defensive works would have an advantage. Just having a charge that, “lacked any subtly and was a straight charge forward” on pre-established would never happen, if it could than the Union would have taken Richmond in 1864!

The war with the elves was actually pretty good and back and forth, the human war as not made any sense. Losing the battle for the siege lines, makes total sense and I should have lost. Losing everything makes zero. Any army that takes siege lines is battered and disorganized, look at ANY CAMPAIGN IN HISTORY!
To: Dalaran
From: Stromgarde

Would you be willing to send at least four more mages to join the ranks in Stromgarde for 200 lumber?
@Gen.mannerheim, I gave orders for the attack to begin as soon as, heh, humanly possible within the turn. Additionally I didn't order cavalry charges at your lines, I ordered our infantry to just die cohesively until we broke your defensive position. With the sheer amount of soldiers at my command, that has evidently been a winning strategy. In fact I gave specific orders only to use our cavalry against the flank and rear of your forces, considering the absolute decimation with occurred when we attempted to use cavalry against you conventionally in the opening battles of our little conflict. Frankly, you lost "fair and square" the same as I lost and rightly so when your shamans utterly crushed the paltry amount of mages I provided for the opening battles.
@Gen.mannerheim, I gave orders for the attack to begin as soon as, heh, humanly possible within the turn. Additionally I didn't order cavalry charges at your lines, I ordered our infantry to just die cohesively until we broke your defensive position. With the sheer amount of soldiers at my command, that has evidently been a winning strategy. In fact I gave specific orders only to use our cavalry against the flank and rear of your forces, considering the absolute decimation with occurred when we attempted to use cavalry against you conventionally in the opening battles of our little conflict. Frankly, you lost "fair and square" the same as I lost and rightly so when your shamans utterly crushed the paltry amount of mages I provided for the opening battles.

Restating, I agree with my loss as I said earlier. It's losing the everything in the history of ever in one fail swoop and the mod execution of our order that pissed me off.

As for this. Again human armies don't win with numbers, its with tactics. How can one flank entrenched positions in a choke point? Look at the map its a choke point. Taking siege lines that have been in place for two turns plus a half built fort would eat up the momentum and organization, and with a hero on the field, and the rest of a month to fight, the convenient collapse of a army makes zero military sense, read any book on WWI. From a storyline perspective, how does this help any of us, we aren't in major war anymore and the north is quiet, so much for all of those great battles that this nes was supposed to create. It feels like the game punishes anybody who tries to do anything proactive. Why have trolls in here to begin with, they don't have the strength to do anything worth while.
Armies win when they execute battleplans which make sense, properly. No plan survives contact with the enemy and all that. There is no right or wrong way to lead your forces so long as you lead them to victory, and whatever Blizzard may have said in the user's manual to any of the Warcraft RTS games or in background novels doesn't change the application of those truths to NESing.

Meanwhile, comparing medieval warfare (even with magic) to deep defense and trench warfare during the First World War is just incredibly wrong on too many levels. Almost none of the same principles apply.
@Gen.mannerheim, I gave orders for the attack to begin as soon as, heh, humanly possible within the turn. Additionally I didn't order cavalry charges at your lines, I ordered our infantry to just die cohesively until we broke your defensive position. With the sheer amount of soldiers at my command, that has evidently been a winning strategy. In fact I gave specific orders only to use our cavalry against the flank and rear of your forces, considering the absolute decimation with occurred when we attempted to use cavalry against you conventionally in the opening battles of our little conflict. Frankly, you lost "fair and square" the same as I lost and rightly so when your shamans utterly crushed the paltry amount of mages I provided for the opening battles.

Restating, I agree with my loss as I said earlier. It's losing the everything in the history of ever in one fail swoop and the mod execution of our orders that pissed me off.

As for this. Again human armies don't win with numbers, its with tactics. How can one flank entrenched positions in a choke point? Look at the map its a choke point. And "as soon as humanly possible" doth both equal day one. Taking siege lines that have been in place for two turns plus a half built fort would eat up the momentum and organization, and with a hero on the field, and the rest of a month to fight, the convenient collapse of a army makes zero military sense, read any book on WWI. From a storyline perspective, how does this help any of us, we aren't in major war anymore and the north is quiet, so much for all of those great battles that this nes was supposed to create. It feels like the game punishes anybody who tries to do anything proactive. Why have trolls in here to begin with, they don't have the strength to do anything worth while.
Look at the Orcs, we have managed to do lots of damage.

You have an army that is greater than or equal to all other races combined. Plus, you have a mission from god to be the driving force in this story.
More like a mission from Satan, but not a big difference in the warcraft world right? :p
Oh a different note,

To: Stromgarde

Send 300 lumber, and we shall allow four of our kin to join your ranks.
To: Dalaran

This can be arranged.

@EQ How come my mana wasn't stored from last turn? I didn't use any of it. :\
Armies win when they execute battleplans which make sense, properly. No plan survives contact with the enemy and all that. There is no right or wrong way to lead your forces so long as you lead them to victory, and whatever Blizzard may have said in the user's manual to any of the Warcraft RTS games or in background novels doesn't change the application of those truths to NESing.

Meanwhile, comparing medieval warfare (even with magic) to deep defense and trench warfare during the First World War is just incredibly wrong on too many levels. Almost none of the same principles apply.

Sorry for the re-post, I was writing on my phone and I don't know how that happened.

Again, you are missing the point. You should have won the battle, this is not in question. However, the idea that your army could continue on, or that my force, who still has their general btw, would just melt away is ludicrous. For a Medieval example, take the battle of Castillon (1453). The French, who had the larger army broke out of the English/Gascon siege lines, routed the enemy and even killed the commander. After this, the French had the clear advantage, however England did not automatically lose all of Gascony and the allied English army didn't just dissolve at the first sight of trouble, even without their commander in the field.
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