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Overlords Playtest Thread - Testers Welcome!

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Aug 31, 2001
"Fight to the last teabag, lads!"

Latest scenario zip uploaded: 19/1/22

A new thread for the now playable version of the Overlords Scenario. Apologies to anyone who was playing the previous files.
I closed the thread as I wanted to be able to have a new one, where files are easy to grab on page one.

I had discovered a few game-warping bugs that involved fixing events and the scenario file. So, I fixed them and made a new zip.
Some major adjustments to the scenario settings were added to try and balance the AI tech rate at "Field Marshal" level.

Lua allows a few levels above "Deity"...And here, the civs don't mess about...:D

This thread will be for reports, bugs (I'm sure there are still a few!) and any info/suggestions for improvement.
I will also being doing my own playtest, and will make updates on this page, and keep everyone informed of changes.

Installation is the typical Civ2 ToT method, unpack the zips into an "Overlords" folder,
and make sure the Lua folders are in place...Your folder should look like this...
File Layout1.png

As a side note, the scenario was made with Lua 0.16, and will update to 0.18, when
it comes out...With those 189 units and hundreds of techs...Just think about that...!

Recommended play at the "Field Marshal" level for maximum fun.
The available civs are as follows:

USSR - Reasonable Challenge.
Imperial Japanese - Good Challenge.
German Reich - Reasonable Challenge.
Neutrals - Not for play.
USA - Easy Challenge.
British Empire - Reasonable Challenge.
Chinese Republic - Tough Challenge.

Please feel free to jump in give the scenario a try.
I'd be honoured to hear your reactions!


  • Overlord Sound.zip
    7.8 MB · Views: 62
  • Overlord Sound2.zip
    10.9 MB · Views: 60
  • Overlords v2.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 65
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USA, East Coast defenders...

UK in peril...Can they hold out?

USSR and Japan, the shaky peace...
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Lua Events and Legacy Events have been updated, and the invasions streamlined...They were a mess. Working much better now.

Please DL the Overlords scenario zip - :)
It will ask for Lua to clear/update the events, so please select that option.
Doing a new China playtest, at Field Marshal...Once I got the civil unrest under control, I am holding off the relentless Japanese attacks. :)

In June, the Soviets launched a pre-emptive attack on Germany, taking Budapest and Kishinev, then the following turn, the Reich unlooses
their attack, so Icebreaker and Barbarossa are clashing with each other head on...Leading to massive battles...Many cities being crushed.

I am wondering, should I make cities unable to be destroyed by conquest? Meaning the AI can not wreck towns as they change hands.
If you want to preserve cities, copy-paste these settings over your COSMIC settings at the end of "rules.txt".

Fixed an event bug in legacyevents - When USA takes over Tokyo, a period instead of comma in tile numbers.

Please unzip into your "LuaTriggerEvents".

UPDATE! New zip - Changes to events Lau and Legacy!

Please grab ASAP!


  • legacyEvents.zip
    35.7 KB · Views: 41
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Calling @Prof. Garfield !

I am at the very end of the scenario, and playing as China. I took the city of "Aomori" and suddenly this Lua error appears...

File number 1 event ending at line 7345 successfully parsed.  Event number is 298.
Enter console.commands() to see a list of keys in the console table.  Some give access to functions in modules, others will run event code.
...s\CIV2 TOT\1_Overlords Update\LuaCore\generalLibrary.lua:2791:
The variable name 'legacy' doesn't match any available local variables.
Consider the following possibilities:
Is 'legacy' misspelled?
Was 'legacy' misspelled on the line where it was defined?
(That is, was 'local legacy' misspelled?)
Was 'local legacy' defined inside a lower level code block?
For example:
if x > 3 then
    local legacy = 3
    local legacy = x
If so, define 'legacy' before the code block:
local legacy = nil -- add this line
if x > 3 then
    legacy = 3 -- remove local from this line
    legacy = x -- remove local from this line
If you really did mean to access a global variable, write:
If you are trying to work in the console, use the command:
to restore access to global variables (locals don't work well in the console)
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'error'
    ...s\CIV2 TOT\1_Overlords Update\LuaCore\generalLibrary.lua:2791: in metamethod '__index'
    ...\CIV2 TOT\1_Overlords Update\LuaRulesEvents\onSchism.lua:5: in function 'onSchism.onSchism'

Have I run out of event space? I cannot see anything wrong with the legacy event for the capture of Aomori.

I can only imagine this is a bug with the new ToTPP 0.18 version.
Got this error with Brunei too.

I think it is the schism legacy event causing this...Both cities were Japanese capitals.
Removing the schism event from legacy, and see what happens...

Captured the Japanese capital, and no error.
I assume it is caused by a Lua feature that deals with empire schisms.
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Curt do you intend to substantially alter this because of 0.18? The temptation was far too great for me. I just figure if you're going to plug away at it for a few more weeks I'll wait for you to finish before starting a playtest. If you're satisfied with what you have and onto other projects, then I can start now(ish as I'm trying to get HoF done).

I just thought I'd ask before I got too involved.
Calling @Prof. Garfield !

I am at the very end of the scenario, and playing as China. I took the city of "Aomori" and suddenly this Lua error appears...

Have I run out of event space? I cannot see anything wrong with the legacy event for the capture of Aomori.

I can only imagine this is a bug with the new ToTPP 0.18 version.

Based on the error, this is not a 0.18 bug. The error is that in the file LuaRulesEvents\onSchism.lua:5, the variable 'legacy' is being used before it is defined. I probably forgot to add the line
local legacy = require("legacyEventEngine")
to the top of the file in that release of the template.
Yep - It was right there in my error, and I missed it...Thanks for shining the light for my weak eyes, dude. :D
Got this error with Brunei too.

I think it is the schism legacy event causing this...Both cities were Japanese capitals.
Removing the schism event from legacy, and see what happens...

Captured the Japanese capital, and no error.
I assume it is caused by a Lua feature that deals with empire schisms.

They really conquered Tokyo? It's time to teach the Chinese a lesson.:D
I think I will start a complete new game after updating the files as I played only a few turns until now.
The US conquered it first, lost it, then my KMT soldiers took it over once the IJA was exhausted.

I will upload the very latest file up soon. :)
It's May 1941 and I conquered Pantow, Changteh and Wenchow with loses on both sides.
Currently I'm researching technologies for better weapons and trying to convince the Soviet Union not to attack me :D
Nice going, sir! Keep us updated!

I'm thinking of adding the CitySpritesPerTribe feature, and letting each civ have their own City GFX file.

I'll add this to an upcoming update. It'll free up some techs, and stop the AI stealing the exclusive tech that
controls the Japanese/Chinese city styles. In my last game (which ended in Japan being conquered!) I saw
the USSR steal the "Ind" tech, which is a "no,no" tech, and should be impossible to steal...

And given there are no spies in this scenario, it is the AI being a jerk. :D
Hi Curt,

I started playing a couple of days ago as the Germans. As recommended, I selected the Field Marshall difficulty level.

The first 2 observations is that when I began the scenario maybe 15 of 48 of my cities went immediately into civil disorder and that I start with a very large income versus cost deficit (607 to 1277), and a very low science output (1 advance per 44 turns). I can only assume that was intentional on your part?

I was a little unsure how to undertake my campaign as the scenario begins in December 1940, so I decided to opt for initial Balkan and North African land offensives and to be aggressive in the Atlantic with my U-boats.

By December 1941, I managed to complete the conquest of the Balkans (including Crete), and in North Africa moved on to capture Benghazi, Alexandria and Port Said.

In the Atlantic, my U-boats were initially successful in finding and sinking some Freighters (and receiving their generous monetary bounties) but were nonetheless driven out by British escorts. As such, I assigned two cities, Hamburg and Bremen, to the production of submarines and restricted my activities along the coast of France, which has provided me with many hunting opportunities.

Given that June 1941, was only 7 months away, I was wondering how I was going to get the ‘Russian Campaign’ advance in time (as it is required to declare war on that country). My only recourse was to increase the science rate to 60% while running a 1000 gold deficit per turn. Fortunately my conquests and successful merchant marine operations kept a positive flow into my treasury, despite running an income deficit.

All the same, even with this change, I didn’t develop the advance before the beginning of December 1941 but was able to launch my invasion immediately on that turn.

By the end of February 1942, I managed to conquer L’vov, Kishinev, Odessa, Kiev, Kharkov, Korsun and Rostov in the south. In the north I’ve captured Vilnius, Minsk, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Riga and finally Moscow.

I also ran into the schism error when I captured Moscow but added the local legacy = require ("legacyEventEngine") line in the onSchsim.lua file and that fixed the problem.

It’s now March 1942 and I have to go deal with a major British invasion in the north!
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Good feedback, sir - I will look into making sure the civil disorder is not so crippling for the civs on that level. I'll tweak the riot seed numbers a bit.
As for income, the scenario will award some bonus cash each turn, based on what government and civic techs each empire has. I'll review these events too.
My intention was to allow the player to jam the research slider to max, and not run dry on gold...I will adjust the tech-rate a little for the next update.

Glad to hear the invasion kicked off for you immediately...That is the greatness of Lua!

Nice work in looking into the schism error - I'll use that fix you created.

Keep me posted - I appreciate your input!
Good luck with the Allied invasion, more will come!
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