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Patriarchy Debate

Oh, c'mon. A female Dr Who is long, long, long over-due, imo. And she should be black, and Jewish. So Diane Abbott it is, then.

I'll phone the BBC right now, and tell them.
I heard on the radio today that women make bad scientists because... (wait for it: this is good!), according to a male scientist:

Spoiler :
1. They fall in love you;
2. You fall in love with them; and
3. They burst into tears if you criticize them.

You think I've made this up?

If people can't take jokes any more then we have lost our soul as a people.
That's basically the argument that a Nobel Prize winner recently used about the presence of 'girls' in labs. The reason certain genders can be found more in certain fields is not 'cuz girls', but rather (as the 'cuz girls' indicates) preconceived ideas, which are (consciously or inconsciously) fed to children from a very young age. Simply put: the reason is tradition.

Nah. He'll just tell you that evidence has shown that men and women behave differently, and therefore men and women are objectively different.

If people can't take jokes any more then we have lost our soul as a people.

So you're saying that all manner of jokes are okay, then? Somehow I don't think the people who get behind your pulpit would agree when it comes to certain jokes.
This patriarchy thing is a bit of a nonsense. Western societies that were allegedly highly sexist against women sent tens of millions of men to their deaths in wars just for being men, while having 'women and children first' ethics towards life saving. Since our elites decided they wanted women in the workforce for a more productive economy, our society is now allegedly less sexist. Now it punishes women for having families and stigmatizes those who do not give up healthy reproduction in service of their economic overlords.
Pangur Bán;13861715 said:
This patriarchy thing is a bit of a nonsense. Western societies that were allegedly highly sexist against women sent tens of millions of men to their deaths in wars just for being men, while having 'women and children first' ethics towards life saving. Since our elites decided they wanted women in the workforce for a more productive economy, our society is now allegedly less sexist. Now it punishes women for having families and stigmatizes those who do not give up healthy reproduction in service of their economic overlords.

a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.
a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
a society or community organized on patriarchal lines.
plural noun: patriarchies

So literally a patriarchy? Holding women back from power?
There is no society in history that has not been patriarchal. While matrilineal, matrilocal, and matrifocal societies are known and not uncommon, no matriarchal society has even been discovered. Our own society may be the first where a non-patriarchy is even possible, but current feminist myths serve 'patriarchy' very well. I guess if you want a society like that of the meerkats, where senior females force weaker ones to have abortions whenever they get pregnant, this is the way to go--though of course we, being loftier beings than the primitive meerkat, we will be nice and civilized and use social and economic pressure rather than direct violence for our anti-patriarchal ends.
Can you use words that make sense?

"Patriarchy is nonsense except in every society ever, but maybe you want to be a meerkat" -Pangur 2015
Can you use words that make sense?

"Patriarchy is nonsense except in every society ever, but maybe you want to be a meerkat" -Pangur 2015

This post makes your look like an idiot. I'm sure you're not, so post again if you have something actually worth saying.
I find strange the notion that people base their career choices on their innate biological characteristics as opposed to learned cultural factors. I have yet to find career advice that discusses your physical attributes.
I don't think strippers make up a considerable portion of any North American labor market.
I find strange the notion that people base their career choices on their innate biological characteristics as opposed to learned cultural factors.
It is strange that most babysitters are female? That most soldiers are male? You really think that's pure cultural conditioning?

I question whether the 100% nurture crowd is truly being fully self-honest.
What kind of networking advice do they give to babysitters and soldiers?
I see you are evading the question. In the off chance it's a real question I haven't read alot of war books or the Babysitters Club so not sure.
Nah. He'll just tell you that evidence has shown that men and women behave differently, and therefore men and women are objectively different.
All the transgendered people will be thrilled to know they've really made a big fuss over nothing.
A lot of people avoid male babysitters due to too much stigma that thinks all men are child molesters.
Let's be brutally honest here to make it short.

"The Patriarchy" as a tool to exploit womanity is the feminist construct which is a pure simulacrum and based on Marxist delusions.

On the other hand, patriarchy as the social structure where a man is given formal authority to manager his household and its members and reflection of this idea to higher level up to the emperor -- is the best way to run civilization.

I refer everyone to Robert Filmer's "Patriarcha, or the Natural Power of Kings" for more details.
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