Persian Units from the Sassanid Empire

Yeah, you can certainly add it to your pack. Uses crusader anims (Warlords).

I'll add that I'm awaiting the horsearcher(s) too - the one unit I'm still missing.

BTW, although I'm useless for Hungary/Polynesia, I have lots of unreleased units for all other civs you mentioned - so discussing stuff with me you can save yourself some work if I provide you with those. I'm too lazy to release units here anyway.
Thanks Walter Hawkwood! The Persian Foot Knight was added to the download.

When I finish with Hungary and Polynesian, I'll contact you to see what you have made. Personally, I think it's great for the flavor packs of most of the well known civs (like Persia) to have a few extras and even duplicates for modders and scenario makers. Even if a normal civ flavor mod can use either my maceman or your Persian foot knight as a heavy infantry, plenty of mods can use both :).
If you don't have time to add your units to the database, I can add them to my packs, your work is too good not to release Walter Hawkwood.
Next up is Hungary/Polynesian units (I have a week off coming up and I plan to finish both of these)...

Wow, that's excellent news, I'll be going back to Hungary mod for VD in the next week so the timing is PERFECT!!! :goodjob:
Tell me if you need pictures, I'll do my best to find some.
Here are some source pics for Hungary. Hope you'll also give some loving to Croatians, their units would look very nicely and be generic enough to use in a wide variety of XV-XVIII century European roles and beyond (for once, I think, WHFB guys would be quite grateful for some of those).


Not bad, WH, but most of the pictures are not actually Hungarian.
These are:


Thank you both! Now I have more pics to add to my collection! :yumyum:
These will come in handy, especially the early costumes, I had problems looking for those.

Well, I may as well tell you the concepts for the medieval line up, I took them
from the Magyar Mod for Total War,

These are the Pikemen

These are the Longbowmen,

And the crossbowmen,

Of course, that leaves Knights and Heavy Infantry / Macemen. I found some good heavy infantry/ foot knights in the pics you all provided. But for the knight I have a question, did Hungarian knights armor their horses? In all of the pics I have found they have been unarmored, which is fine but I just wanted to make sure before I started to make them.
Look authentic enough to me.

The pics of Hungarian knights I saw featured only padded cloth armor for horses (which is actually quite effective at stopping arrows), never metal.

I also humbly suggest that you branch beyond medieval age.
I could, it will all depend on how much time I have. I probably will do the musketman line, if only for an excuse to make some of those early hussars. :D

For the horse cloth armor, do you have any pics of the horse cloth armor, or was it in the rar. file you already posted?
Seems like so much...

Just a random and slightly rude question, but when do you expect to finish this next Polynesian/Hungarian installement of yours?
Well, the first week of march is a holiday for me and I was planning on using the free time to make some units, so I was hoping that they would be done around March 7.
Just to make my bi-weekly schedule public,
Next up is Hungary/Polynesian units (I have a week off coming up and I plan to finish both of these), after that some Viking units, Holy Roman Empire (Frankish style ancient age, middle ages I haven't decided), then probably some Chinese units (killing two birds with one stone), Greece, Carthage, Nubia, and everything else is up in the air.
I am only doing ancient and middle ages sets at the moment, I'll probably do some later ages eventually.

Awesome, all of those units would be VERY helpful to me. Great work as always. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!!! :goodjob:
Well, no, it isn't in the pack I've sent. After some searching, I see that most Hungarian knights are indeed rendered with unarmored horses - but I still found some. Here's Janos Hunyadi with heavy cavalry, and they even feature metal armour.

Since I didn't find anything to back up my initial impression about them using padded cloth armor, just disregard it. I'd then go for unarmored horses - I guess Hungarians, in face of Ottoman threat, very keenly realized that it's speed not armor that is going to save them.
Oh, man, looks like there is really going on something... I knew Bakuel would be the right man to ask for making hungarian units when I saw some of his units for the first time... I really love it when a plan works :) Poor Bakuel... I only requested ancient units, now everybody wants to have medieval units as well. You gonna have a lot of work...

I also took a look at the pictures you guys have posted here. They are very good. I thought of something furry for ancient units, but that's no dogma. Also the Hungarus nobilis picture (fff990.jpg) could be a good base for a medieval warlord. But I think Bakuel got enough work for the moment. However, there may be other competent unit makers reading this (snipperrabbit?)... Poor Zerver he also made a hungarian unit set some time ago and certainly had a lot of work with them... Hope he is not angry at me...

There are also pictures in the posted collection showing more civilian clothing. I won't speak for all users here, but in my opinion it's not needed to create civilian units. Zerver started to work on superb hungarian settlers which I'll use as medieval and maybe modern settlers. As ancient settlers I'll make combination from avains ancient and medieval settlers. The current ancient worker I use is also okay for me. All I could need, would be a medieval worker and I already had certain ideas for it. So, from my point of view it's not needed that Bakuel spends time on that.

EDIT: This is was I was thinking about for a medieval worker:

But it needs backup whether it is authentic or not. Although I can't see why that webpage should lie.

Hmm... Maybe we should start a new thread as this starts to be more about requesting hungarian units then Bakuels wonderful persian units.

EDIT2: If you guys prefer we could continue the discussion in the magyar mods thread:
@cool3a2, If the medieval worker worker is accurate, I'll make it. I can't promise that it will be ready as soon as the other units are.

Thanks for all of the pics, this should be enough now!
Now all I have to do is start working ;), it should take about two weeks or so.
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