Personalized Maps

i think it's time to throw in my view into the discussion.

first of all it's a very nice idea. landmarks named after the discoverer sounds cool, however renaming landmarks is not so cool. if must be than allow manual renaming or something (if in culture range). city naming after landmarks is a very funny idea especially if they use civ specific names.

to extend the naming idea: many city names are composed of multiple words too of which one often comes form a landmarks name and the other from the 'settlement type'. look for example at the germany city of düsseldorf. directly translated is means 'düssel village'. so my idea is to modify the city names list to reduce the names to their core (e.g. just 'düssel') and add a special letters on on the end IF a suffix can be added (e.g. 'düssel0' or if the name can be prefixed '0düssel'). each civ would therefore need an own list of possible suffixes. to get both suffix and names list i bet you can count on the community.

and one little remark on the graphics: i'd prefer if the landmarks would be displayed with the name only without that civ-colored label.
You should explore whether or not Personalized Maps will distort scenario maps. If it does, add a warning when you are ready to release it that the players who want to play with scenarios should not use Personalized Maps or accept the results.
...The names are random, and generated by a much better Random Name Generator, which will reject names with too many consonants or vowels in them,

So no Eastern European, Dutch or African explorers got to name the places.:mischief:

I've added a few civic effects to the OP, which are all already coded and in my latest Alpha builds. One change is that building improvements on, or cutting down landmarks will remove the landmark and/or cause anger temporarily in nearby cities. (To clarify, only Jungle and Forest landmarks can ever be removed. If you just build an improvement over a landmark, it doesn't remove it, it just ticks people off).

In that case shouldn't building a park (or whatever it is called) increase happiness and not remove the sign?
So no Eastern European, Dutch or African explorers got to name the places.:mischief:

No, you misunderstand me. It rejects names with > 75% consonant or vowel. Otherwise, you might get a name like Aeotieo, which is garbage. You can still get a lot of weird names, trust me. ;)

In that case shouldn't building a park (or whatever it is called) increase happiness and not remove the sign?

I'm sure the aborigines would like that, us building a park in their sacred lands. :rolleyes:
I'm sure the aborigines would like that, us building a park in their sacred lands. :rolleyes:

You mean like Uluru (used to be Ayre's Rock). Its a national park, a sacred site and a tourist attraction! (Yes, there are conflicts of interest, but that's humans for you.) The whole point of parks it to preserve the landmark. Isn't national parks one of the best USA inventions?
What gives you the idea that they're an American invention? Setting aside patches of land to maintain their natural beauty is pretty much a global thing.
What gives you the idea that they're an American invention? Setting aside patches of land to maintain their natural beauty is pretty much a global thing.

Name six parks in the UK which were set aside for the average person? as opposed to being the private estate of some noble which turned into a park
I'll accept Killtech's response rather than yours, Civ king, as yours proposes an unfair question :)
No, you misunderstand me. It rejects names with > 75% consonant or vowel. Otherwise, you might get a name like Aeotieo, which is garbage. You can still get a lot of weird names, trust me. ;)

I'm sure the aborigines would like that, us building a park in their sacred lands. :rolleyes:

I have a feeling naming lakes, rivers, mountains and such will be cool for the first couple of games. After that they will just add to the clutter, which is already pretty heavy. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it will help in reaching the long sought after "suspension of disbelief". :confused:
How many landmarks will it generate? I would propose that less is more.
This is copied from Wikipedia after a quick google search;

Spoiler :
The world's first public park is claimed to be the City Park, Budapest, Hungary, which was property of the Batthyány family. In 1808 an Imperial law converted it to the English style. Some years later the Count Batthyány ordered that it should be established as a public park. The second public park in the world is the Peel Park, Salford, England opened on 22 August 1846.[1][2][3] Another possible claimant for status as the world's first public park is Boston Common (Boston, Massachusetts, USA), set aside in 1634, whose first recreational promenade, Tremont Mall, dates from 1728. True park status for the entire common seems to have emerged no later than 1830, when the grazing of cows was ended and renaming the Common as Washington Park was proposed (renaming the bordering Sentry Street to Park Street in 1808 already acknowledged the reality).

Doesn't really answer the question of the "first park" but its still kind of interesting
Is there a way to include the standard city name with all or part of the landmark name? For instance, if I found Madrid near the Bay of Whistledom, it is founded as Madrid Whistledom. Just having it named Whistledom takes the whole sense of culture away.
You can change city names at any time, including foundation, you know.
I just downloaded the newest version of AND which has this option. I had read about it here and was curious to know how it works. But does this feature work only for humans? I wonder this because I moved my warrior to a hill and found a landmark near abyssinian border. This made me to look at the world builder and there were no other landmarks than mine. Is this how it's supposed to work?
I just downloaded the newest version of AND which has this option. I had read about it here and was curious to know how it works. But does this feature work only for humans? I wonder this because I moved my warrior to a hill and found a landmark near abyssinian border. This made me to look at the world builder and there were no other landmarks than mine. Is this how it's supposed to work?

World builder alone does not reveal them. You have to reaveal map in world builder to see them.
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