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Pie's Ancient Europe

@alexej: You can only research the religion, which is the historical correct religion for your civ (e.g. the Greek Gods with the Greeks, the Egyptians Gods with the Egyptians…)
Thx for your answer :) thats why all early was locked for me. As Persian/Xerxes i need to go for Zoroastranism maybe which is later i believe...
@Kel: this I call good news! :D thx!

@Alexej: yes! Dualism, about 1800 BC. In this version (IV), everybody gets a religion in time. don't worry ;) I even offer a free missionary unit of this religion, for those CIVs which can found one certain religion. This is also for random map reason, where all the Greek CIVs (Athen, Thebes, Sparta,..) or Sumerian CIVs (Sumer, Babylon) or Phoenician CIVs (Phoenicia, Cartaghe) or Celtic CIVs and so on... can get their special religion, no matter if they research it first.

ok so heres the civics screen - this is how it looks:
Spoiler :

i hope you like it, the size can be adjusted - buttons, texts, spaces, just tell me if you wanna change something.



  • CvCivicsScreen.zip
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  • Civ4ScreenShot0014.JPG
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oh. this is not the way I intended. you just set the columns smaller. I know this is no problem, I just edited the whole thing because I want that every text is sourrounded by the blue background, look at yours: economy and welfare is too short, and for military the column is too small sized.

For optical reasons I want all texts in the columns. the next problem is, when you set the columns too small: you can't read the advantages of the civic until you can select them (you have to research them first to select continuously). And I got lots of advantages, so that I am sure, you'll only read half of it...

but as long as I don't get the possiblity of an horizontal scroll, I will set the columns smaller for 1072 users only. that's the best alternative! I must say, I wouldn't have thought that there are still users, who play on such a low resolution. :D
hehe, yeah, for some reason i find it more fun to play on windowed mode,

and yeah i have a low power cpu and i play on low res, most of the civ4 players are old fanatics that keep on playing civ4 on their ancient cpu's i think huh? :)
just a thought.

well, i never saw someone made horizontal bar for the civics screen, and believe an old lurker like me, ive seen every thing available here...:)
although theres horizontal for religions and corporations, wonder why it wasnt done for civics.

well you can adjust the sizes as you please, its very simple to design the civic screen stuff to your preferences.
i think for now - you can offer both this and the regular scroll bar for players to choose if they play on low res.

Hi Keldath,
First of all, thanks for offering help. Maybe you find a way :)

I have two files for you:
First one is a WB-Save. With activated cheat and revealed map you can watch Hannibal and Alexander building and deleting workboats all the time. (Pericles had the same problem, but saving the game as scenario, helped him to change production to the palace).

After that I made some XML-changes, which finally helped (bRivalTerritory, bNoRevealMap, iXPValueAttack /defense). I also tried many other things: Freepromotions, no NoUnitAIs, changed the cost for fisher boats to 0 and even the original BtS-XML, but nothing worked. I included the UnitInfo in the file, so you can have a look to the changes.

Second one is a normal save of the game with the XML-changes, but the problem occurred again. Here Peri is in the loop, he also doesn’t modernize the open resources….

And here you can see the overwhelming statistic of the Greek AI in the second Game. 2oo rounds and only workboats :(


  • Save with UnitInfo.rar
    422.3 KB · Views: 80
  • Perikles.JPG
    350.9 KB · Views: 127
  • WB-Save.rar
    33.3 KB · Views: 62
i wasnt able to research greek gods while playing Alexander/Macedonia :O it was red
edit : same with Illyria, though Greece, Sparta works fine
i wasnt able to research greek gods while playing Alexander/Macedonia :O it was red

The Macedonian's technically aren't Greeks. Or at least the rest of the Greek peoples for the most part didn't consider them Greek, in part because of their preference to fight rather then sit down drink wine and talk. Which is ironic since it's that preference that kept the Greeks safe from the Thracian's, Dacians(spelling?) etc.

Their deity structure as far as I know was taken from the Greeks though.
Hello there!

I never played any mods but I got tired of playing the original game, I can play up to immortal. I wanted to play a game that focuses more on the inicial ages, that's when I found this mod! I started playing a couple of games with the version III, once on noble and then on monarch (epic speed). I really enjoy this mod and want to thank you for having the trouble to translate it to english! So in this post I have some notes about things I think could improve and some questions. This is going to be really long post, but that's to show how much I enjoy this mod!

When I played it I thought it was really easy, with the merchants and later the merchant boat I didn't have to worry that much about gold, plus as in any civ game the AI is really stupid so you can take that to your advantage. About the AI, since I had a large tech lead, my espionage rate was big enough so I could see what any city was building. I have no idea if the AI was changed from III to IV, this was in III: The AI for some reason likes to build research when it thinks there's nothing to do, the only time it's a good idea do build research is on the beginning and if there's nothing better to build. It's a lot better to build merchants and I think they don't build it that much. What is worse is that they were building research or even some random stuff even while they were getting owned by my troops, they really should be building units. They also almost never build walls in those games, in my current game on emperor they do build it so I don't know if it was the difficult change or the AI changed.

Now to make things easy I'm going to tell my notes based on what happened on my current game. The settings are: Julius Caesar, Emperor difficulty, Large Europe Scenario, Epic Speed.

First I have to say, the new hunter unit is great. He's not overpowered but is a lot better then warriors so I can explore a little bit and get some huts, but I still can't go too far. About the animals, they take damage from marsh and that make killing them a lot easier, it would be nice if they were immune to this kind of damage or maybe if they avoided entering on marsh tiles.

My first problem was that on emperor I couldn't keep my research at 100% at the start of the game, this slowed down the tech rate by a lot. Anyway, moving forward, I started building cities and I found it eventually became hard to keep the research rate at the what I call the minimum acceptable (50%). I could build the silk road so that helped me out A LOT, I always am the one to build it so I think the AI doen'st focuses on it (thank god!). I always had to keep a close eye on the cities to make sure they are working on the right tile and to build up some cottages. The lack of luxury resources at rome starting place also made things a lot harder, but I could trade the horses for some needed resources. It took some time for someone to spread a religion to my land so that made things harder specially because of the culture. Anyway, both boudica and brennus declared on me, this brings me to another problem of the AI, they don't care about being over the river and on the marsh, he just stayed there bombarding with archers and when their hp dropped I simply killed them.

Spoiler :

When I got merchants things got a little better, I started growing my cities beyond pop 4 (since colonies get less maintenance, i didn't let them grow earlier) and I could keep my research rate at 60% for most of the time, even getting negative money for it). Even with a lot of problems to manage my empire I could keep up with the AI on tech by trading, altough they are always ahead, but not by far. The problem of depending too much on merchants to be competitive is that if something happens that you can't use your merchant on anyone, you are literally screwed. Maybe making you being able to build wealth when you research merchants could be better. Since Building wealth only converts 25% of production to gold it's not a problem (merchants give more gold per hammer, but you have the risk of losing them).

I got really mad at something, the red text up there and rome on the following screenshot explains it:
Spoiler :

First I got surprised when I saw that making a unit could chop a forest, then on this turn that much happened, even another civ chopped one of my forests! (how did it even happened??) This is really, really bad, the main source of health at the begginning of the game is from forests and you can randomly loose it. >< I really disliked this feature.

Sometimes a event in original civ style shows up, I got a quest that said that if I build 15 swordsman I would get a reward, with hereditary rule I would get a bonus. First, there's no swordsman, it's shortswordsman, and obviously theres no herediraty rule! xD A similar event showed up about war chariots but I don't remember the details.

While I was able to deal with it, I have to comment on the economy aspect of the game. First, have a look at those 2 pictures:
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

On the first picture you can see the merchant spam so that I can keep my economy from crashing. Now that they are limited to 3 and are more expensive and give less gold things are harder, but I admit the nerf was needed, I could spam them and never worry about gold problems again. But this means they are still highly needed. I also found out how lucrative wars are, the gold from capturing cities + treasures are amazing, I also got a proposal of around 600 gold so that he would become my vassal. I also finnaly finished building the Mint Press so things became a lot better. I'm still building merchants and merchantman after researshing for it and have a large amount of gold due to wars so things are looking great now.

As you can see on the pictures, most of the gold is spent on civics and soldiers. This causes an issue, I feel that because of that I am stuck on civics that give free units, since units are expensive. I'm currently using 3 civics that give free units and by saving and loading I found out that changing to any other is a huge loss to the empire (considering I still don't have access to all of them). I'm later going to find out it's worth changing royalty to oligarchy so I will make a post about in the future.

One of the ways that you could keep up with the AI on higher difficulties on the original civ is by getting great people early and using them to research techs. This can't be done on PAE because when you can finally start making them they don't give enough research to be useful to using them this way instead of spending them on golden ages (or maybe on cults).

When you are on anarchy due to changing civics or religions, there's a chance that when it's over your's cities will revolt because of that. This makes changing civics really really painful and even sometimes not worth it. This is bad because there are a lot of civics now. So what I'm doing is saving up great people so that I can use them to make a golden age and change civics on that time. The problem is on the beggining there's no way I can do this. I also don't understand why this kind of revolt should even happen. You are already penalized when changing civics by not being able to do anything for a couple of turns, then you have a risk of losing a lot of money because of posterior revolts.

The syncretism civic says that your empire gets a no state religion, kind like the free religion from the original game. But this doesn't happen, I still have a state religion and get the 1 unhappiness from another civic (at least it's 1 less then it gave before). If this is how it's supposed to work then the civic description is wrong.

There's a text that says something like this: The governor of the province of Bribacte requires 31 gold gold to properly rebuild his on his command burnt down city! How you'd like to meet his wishes?
This made absolutely no sense! xD

I got the following event on a city that had no slaves at all:
Spoiler :

I stole a tech that I couldn't research, Glass Art. Not that it matters since it's useless anyway. xD

One of my cities got hit by a spy that poisoned the water, it got a -7 to health from it. That's too much for a mod that has so many problems from having too much bad health. I countered it by triggering a golden age, changing a civic so that I could sacrifice pop and then I build a leper colony by sacrificing. I was still with low health so I send some slaves to hush a part of the aqueduct and then I sacrificed pop again to build it. So much work just to avoid a epidemy! ><

Maybe it's my crappy computer, but when a general dies the screen freezes and a long time later it goes back and then shows all the cities that revolted. It's probably because of my computer but it's worth checking out.

About units:

Warrior with 200% city defense is nice, he takes a long time to become worthless and is a cheap way to defend you cities if you get declared early.

Shortbowman lost their bonus to city defense, just wanted to know if this is really intented and why.

Axeman is too powerful. In PAE IV he has 6 strength and 50% bonus vs melee. He's so powerful I didn't build even 1 shortswordman, ever. This means that an Axeman has 9 str against another melee unit, and since the best units to defend a city are melee... A 5 str axeman makes more sense, he won't get too strong from his vs melee bonus and still is good to counter melee, also wound't make shortswordsman useless. The swordsman should be the one with 6 str.

Also, the special unit Vulture (that replaces axeman) is exactly the same as the currently Axeman, but costs more hammer.

Checking the techs ahead I found out that the Equites is exacly the same as the currently War Horse, but has a +2 commerce cost instead of 1.

Principes and Hastati skins look the same except for the color. This isn't really a big deal but I once put the wrong promotion on a Velites because I tought it was a Prinpices.

About mounted units in general, I belive they are all incredible weak. They have to many negative % to their str. They are useless on forests (most of the map is covered on it) and most important, they are useless on cities. I honestly don't see a single use to them, I even trated all of my horse resources so that I could get luxuries. The problem is, at least for me, a unit that is weak against a city is useless, simply because all of the important fights happens on cities. Plus since they don't receive defensive bonus, they are even more weak then a melee unit with the formation promotion on a forest. To give an example, the strongest horse on the game has 9 (the camel has 10 but has only 1 movement point, which makes him even more useless), so I send this horse (that according to the description should be really powerful) and send him to attack a city. He has -50% city str. So this means that using one the strongest units of the game except that now he only has 4.5 str, a well promoted warrior could even defeat it not even considering fortify and other bonuses. On another, I think 9 str is really low for this unit, a Longswordman has 10 and bonus vs city.

Also, altough I love the Teutons units and haven't tested then on PAE IV. I do belive that 14 str turns them into gods. I can only imagine what a teuton general could do...

I have a question about the civics that increase the maintenance of cults, but you only spend gold on cults to spread it, unless there are cults that have maintenance? How does it work exactly?

The PAE part of the civilopedia is outdated now. I only found out how to "build" a slave market when I saw the unhapiness face on the city I settled a slave in! The Slave Market part of the civilopedia also doesn't say it.

To end this post, here's a funny screenshot of the barbarians getting a golden age! xD
Spoiler :

PS: I shouldn't have started a game on a large map, each turn takes ages to start and I don't want to start over because I'm enjoying this. :( I need a better computer!

Edit: Almost forgot, why does the greek and roman temples reduces the birth rate? It should increase it since, unless I'm mistaken, they were important philosophers. Great people is the way civ4 has to represent philosophy. I don't like building these temples unless I need to, I love the celtic and nordic ones. There was a game that after a while I started building both temples on the cities so I could get 2 extra exp!

Also, when I got the roman religion a window popped up asking if I wanted to spend 100 gold to make a great prophet, I said yes but no great prophet showed up. I saved before to test something out and then didn't really research it yet (the unhappiness wouldn't make it worthy to research it yet). Then when I really researched it no option showed up, I don't know if this happened because I changed to the syncretism civic or something.
The lack of luxury resources at rome starting place also made things a lot harder, but I could trade the horses for some needed resources. It took some time for someone to spread a religion to my land so that made things harder specially because of the culture.

Rome's starting position is next to swamp tiles, unhealthy like hell. Just as the real city of Rome is located in a "crappy starting position" in Civ terms. Wait until you've built sewers (or drainage or what it's called in English:confused:), I mean the city improvement that removes the swamp from the neighbor tile. During this phase of the game, the Romans will be getting aqueducts and baths (which "less civilized" Civs won't), both raising the city's health considerably. Meanwhile, advanced medical Techs become available. When you reach the classical age, Rome can grow really big.

As you know, Rome stayed small for a long time in history. In 400 BC, it was still a small village not even in control of the neighboring city Veii, which is, I believe, today within Rome's city boarders!

Don't you agree, it helps balancing the game, if the Romans start with some severe handicaps, if you look at the plenty of research and cultural buildings, that they can later build, but "barbarian" Civs have no access to? Not to speak of their superior military… I mean, you don't want to just march into Gaul without a fight;).

Velites and Principes: Are you sure about that, I think the Velites are wearing this animal (wolf?) turban, while Principes are the ones in your forest screenshot.

Your feedback would sound completely different, if you'd picked a Civ surrounded by woods (=lots of health) and able to found a religion (=happy temples).
didnt had time just yet - had to do some my mod stuff, ill take a look in a day or two.
No problem. At last there is a brand new updated mod called Dawn Of the overords ;)

Also, when I got the roman religion a window popped up asking if I wanted to spend 100 gold to make a great prophet, I said yes but no great prophet showed up. I saved before to test something out and then didn't really research it yet (the unhappiness wouldn't make it worthy to research it yet). Then when I really researched it no option showed up, I don't know if this happened because I changed to the syncretism civic or something.
Hm, the prophet isn't for free use. He is settled in the holy city of the Roman Gods, isn’t he?

The event should help the new religion, cause the real advantage is, that the Roman Gods spreads in some of your cities. And consider the new wonder temple of Mars.

Like Keinpferd I think the Romans are really difficult to play. For the start Greeks, Egyptians and Persians are the best...
Rome's starting position is next to swamp tiles, unhealthy like hell. Just as the real city of Rome is located in a "crappy starting position" in Civ terms. Wait until you've built sewers (or drainage or what it's called in English:confused:), I mean the city improvement that removes the swamp from the neighbor tile. During this phase of the game, the Romans will be getting aqueducts and baths (which "less civilized" Civs won't), both raising the city's health considerably. Meanwhile, advanced medical Techs become available. When you reach the classical age, Rome can grow really big.

As you know, Rome stayed small for a long time in history. In 400 BC, it was still a small village not even in control of the neighboring city Veii, which is, I believe, today within Rome's city boarders!

Don't you agree, it helps balancing the game, if the Romans start with some severe handicaps, if you look at the plenty of research and cultural buildings, that they can later build, but "barbarian" Civs have no access to? Not to speak of their superior military&#8230; I mean, you don't want to just march into Gaul without a fight;).

That is true, it's just that on civ games the start is usually really important.

In my game I just valassalized Brennus and Indibil. I could change a civic that gave free units for one that didn't (dinasty for aristocracy) but couldn't do the same to Royalt to another.

Currently Rome is at pop 15. Just finished building sewer in a lot of cities so that helped a lot.

I'm second on rank now but Hattusili is really dominating, he has 5 vassals and is close to another one. I think I will focus on techs that will improve my cities and wait until a lot later to engage on a huge war against him and his vassals.

Velites and Principes: Are you sure about that, I think the Velites are wearing this animal (wolf?) turban, while Principes are the ones in your forest screenshot.

Sorry, it's actually Principes and Hastati!

Your feedback would sound completely different, if you'd picked a Civ surrounded by woods (=lots of health) and able to found a religion (=happy temples).

A start I really liked was when I played with Boudica, her capital starts close to a lot of salt and that means a lot of early of commerce, and on the capital which is even better. I couldn't found the religion in this game but they send a emissary fast so it wasn't really a problem (later I also got a event that gave me a free celtic missionary).

Hm, the prophet isn't for free use. He is settled in the holy city of the Roman Gods, isn&#8217;t he?

The event should help the new religion, cause the real advantage is, that the Roman Gods spreads in some of your cities. And consider the new wonder temple of Mars.

Like Keinpferd I think the Romans are really difficult to play. For the start Greeks, Egyptians and Persians are the best...

Oh, didn't check to see the prophet settled inside the city, I tought one would appear so I could use anywhere! The biggest problem with spreading it is those unhappines faces. Since syncretism doesn't make you have a no state religion and I can't change to diarchy because of the huge commerce loss. Even with the unhapinness I might consider spreading it but the temples give -10% to birth rate. But I guess I'm going to have to that anyway since I just checked the Forum Romanum out and it seems it requires the roman religion to be present to be build.

I have a question about archers bombardment, the damage it deals is a fixed value or does it increases with things like combat promotion too?
I have a 300 BC game that is giving me a crash (when I discover Mosaic, perhaps?)

I tried restarting a number of turns earlier but the result was the same.

Also, PIE ... this is a great update. Well done and Kudos!


  • Julius Caesar BC-0145.CivBeyondSwordSave
    870.5 KB · Views: 43
A start I really liked was when I played with Boudica, her capital starts close to a lot of salt and that means a lot of early of commerce, and on the capital which is even better. I couldn't found the religion in this game but they send a emissary fast so it wasn't really a problem (later I also got a event that gave me a free celtic missionary).

I have a question about archers bombardment, the damage it deals is a fixed value or does it increases with things like combat promotion too?

Let me add to the starting position topic, that Pie last night pointed out on the German forum, PAE can be played on random maps just as well as any other "big" mod. I know, he invested a lot of time to make sure, PAE remains a game just as much as an immersive historical simulation. I think he's a bit afraid, just because it's historically themed, people might mistake it for a walk through a historical theme park like RFC, for example (interesting walk, though;)). Random maps are fully supported. And I'd rather not like to see the Romans on one right in my neighborhood with a really nice starting location;).

Ranged archers: I don't really know, but going by feeling, archers with barrage promotion not only do more damage to more units in the enemy stack but also on a single unit standing on the next tile.

New players: Archers are cheap and make your life easier because of their ranged ability. If you think, it's hard to take cities defended just by bloody warriors, who get 200% city defense in PAE, bring a bunch of archers to reduce their strenght. Tip!
Hey Magus,

I'm glad you like this mod and let's see what I can answer you:
it would be nice if they were immune to this kind of damage or maybe if they avoided entering on marsh tiles.
this isn't selectable in the XML files, sorry. I would have done like this.

My first problem was that on emperor I couldn't keep my research at 100% at the start of the game,
Intended, so that you have to research at 50% from the beginning. This is more difficult.

I could build the silk road so that helped me out A LOT, I always am the one to build it so I think the AI doen'st focuses on it (thank god!).
oh yes. if they got silk they build it. if you wait, the Persians (in the scenarios) will do.

AI, they don't care about being over the river and on the marsh, he just stayed there bombarding with archers and when their hp dropped I simply killed them.
the AI is silly. sure. but you have a good city location and that's it. you could have found your city on worse defending sites too. it's a fact that you should think of the location to found a city. on passages you could build a fortress too. even better, if a river is next to it.

First I got surprised when I saw that making a unit could chop a forest, then on this turn that much happened, even another civ chopped one of my forests! (how did it even happened??) This is really, really bad, the main source of health at the begginning of the game is from forests and you can randomly loose it. >< I really disliked this feature.
This feature is an important fact of history. The chance is about 10% (normal forests) and 20% (savanna) to chop forest when you create a unit from the Bronze Age on. 2 plots round the city that builds it, even if an enemy city is around. improve your forest/savanna with a lumber camp, the chance get reduced by 5% and enemy chopping 0%. there will be a concept text in the next upload version, which explains this feature.
Eg. Sumerians, Assyrians had a great expantion time in Bronze Age, but they didn't look at their forests. suddenly their might dissappeared. another example is Spain: a squirrel could jump from tree to tree from North to South of Spain. That's a fact. This mod shows up the desertification, even though there are certainly some more climatic reasons, but in this game, this is a good way like it is, I think.

I got a quest that said that if I build 15 swordsman I would get a reward, with hereditary rule I would get a bonus. First, there's no swordsman, it's shortswordsman, and obviously theres no herediraty rule
Hereditary rule is bad. thx, I have to look for the original BTS text tags. but swordsmen is ok, because there aren't only shortswordsmen, there are scimitarmen too. both are swordsmen and necessary for this quest.

I also don't understand why this kind of revolt should even happen. You are already penalized when changing civics by not being able to do anything for a couple of turns, then you have a risk of losing a lot of money because of posterior revolts.
This is intended. I don't want sby to change civics like pants. this is very annoying to citizens and it should be well planned. the normal anarchy effect in BTS is only a calm silence in the realm. this is completely unrealistic. here you can feel a real anarchy what anarchy can cause to your country! and be cautious and just change civics step by step, so that you do not have lots of anarchy turns! in real it was/is impossible to change 5 or 6 completely different systems without consequences! Even today we have discussions in Austria to go back to our old currency, away from the Euro! this is unbelievable.... in anarchy two different opinions can split the country!

I got the following event on a city that had no slaves at all:
this is a standard BTS event, which occurs because of former civics (Martial law and the civics before, I think)

I stole a tech that I couldn't research, Glass Art. Not that it matters since it's useless anyway.
I think you need it for mosaics.

One of my cities got hit by a spy that poisoned the water, it got a -7 to health from it. That's too much for a mod that has so many problems from having too much bad health. I countered it by triggering a golden age, changing a civic so that I could sacrifice pop and then I build a leper colony by sacrificing. I was still with low health so I send some slaves to hush a part of the aqueduct and then I sacrificed pop again to build it. So much work just to avoid a epidemy!
This is true and intended. Keep your health. In former days almost every illnes was dangerous and plagues were rushing through the country without merci. Lepra colonies may help and smaller cities. your cities are about 9 pop. that's a lot (for ancient times). Plague starts at pop 8 or 9. So, you can have mega cities with pop 15, producing army and wealth like factories, all this positive effects have to be protected from external events (spies, disasters, anarchy).

Shortbowman lost their bonus to city defense, just wanted to know if this is really intented and why.
It was a test. I can add again.

Axeman is too powerful. In PAE IV he has 6 strength and 50% bonus vs melee. He's so powerful I didn't build even 1 shortswordman, ever. This means that an Axeman has 9 str against another melee unit, and since the best units to defend a city are melee... A 5 str axeman makes more sense, he won't get too strong from his vs melee bonus and still is good to counter melee, also wound't make shortswordsman useless. The swordsman should be the one with 6 str.
That's true. I'll think of it.

Also, the special unit Vulture (that replaces axeman) is exactly the same as the currently Axeman, but costs more hammer.

Checking the techs ahead I found out that the Equites is exacly the same as the currently War Horse, but has a +2 commerce cost instead of 1.

Principes and Hastati skins look the same except for the color. This isn't really a big deal but I once put the wrong promotion on a Velites because I tought it was a Prinpices.

About mounted units in general, I belive they are all incredible weak.
You may not underestimate their strength in withdrawing and their strength in open terrain. Use mounted units to weaken the enemy (mostly with a big chance or extra promotions of withdrawal) and your infantries have an easy job afterwards. Horses are used for flanking but early horses against food soldiers had no chance. there was a Roman battle where the mounted warriors settled down to fight, because of that they won the battle.

Also, altough I love the Teutons units and haven't tested then on PAE IV. I do belive that 14 str turns them into gods. I can only imagine what a teuton general could do...
hm, I'll think of it.

The PAE part of the civilopedia is outdated now. I only found out how to "build" a slave market when I saw the unhapiness face on the city I settled a slave in! The Slave Market part of the civilopedia also doesn't say it.

Almost forgot, why does the greek and roman temples reduces the birth rate?
Because lots of people had to live in celibate as a temple staff, after they did sthg wrong, or even as protection against other rival families etc. Besides of that there was a tradition that the first born has to become a temple servant or sthg like this. This tradition lasts into the Christianity where it was a tradition to become a pastor.

Sorry, it's actually Principes and Hastati!
there is only one difference between them: hastati are experienced principes. the button should be different. (a litte bit)

Since syncretism doesn't make you have a no state religion and I can't change to diarchy because of the huge commerce loss.
Important: the civics are not intended to be like those in BTS, where every next civic is better than the one before! Here it depends on your playing style and military or economic situation!
An upper civic doesn't mean it is better. Perhaps you have to wait till you research more techs to update your economy so that some civics can become more effective.

@Red: I will have a look.
Red, I found another bug (an old civic in the event trigger python) but this one was not the reason for the CtD. I didn't found out yet...
I can only build 2 Spartans, the pedia says I should be able to build three, though the mouseover in game says two.
this is the WORST. . MOD. EVER !

how the do i turn of the constant city revolts??

not having population over 2 with 2 units in the city.

i want to turn off the random revolts because of my "high taxes"

PLZ be more kind, this modder put a lot of hours of work for free,
if you dont like something, just write a feed back with stuff to change, improve,

dont start with a frontal attack, it wont urge pie_at to help you like this.

p.s, its a great mod :)
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