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Nope, it isn't me. My laptop is pretty close to my head at night and leaving folding on always results in too much noise, so I haven't done any for a while.
I seem to remember him saying earlier on in this thread who he was (civfanatics that is).

I've searched this thread and the previous one for that name, and it doesn't come up as a name - only in its usual form as part of a URL.
I have started folding :) My laptop is getting very hot!

The only one left since RedDoor would be this poster who announced starting to fold. There have only been two currently active folders since the "old" Red_Door account. It moved from position 134 to 136 as they passed that position. No one has actively folded enough to change it to 137.

Trader/warrior and I were already past that point, when RedDoor announced and then RedDoor and Civfanatics folders were the only ones moving up the list. Since Camikaze, (the one who I thought was still folding) said no, and unless it is someone who does not post in OT, it seems that user name does not come up on the list. I just found Camikaze on the list. I guess I never looked for it after I saw Civfanatics going up the list.
Blarg. Another chunk of power outage, another valley in PPD. Hopefully back on track today.
I have noticed something interesting about my laptop. On full mode with the internet in use, the GPU is faster than the CPU. If I adjust down to medium, the GPU pauses and the CPU speeds up. When the internet is not in use, then at full both the GPU and CPU speed up.
what client are you using?

according to the F@H-whitelist the GT 555 should be able to fold.

Well it folded fine for almost a month. Then it failed. It folded a couple of more times, and then failed. I finally upgraded to version 7.4.4, but the GPU refuses to fold any more. It never would give any bonus points either. Like I said above, the folding has been acting strange lately. I thought it may be because of the optimization between the GPU and the I7 intel GPU. I cannot find any where to change the optimization in the drivers though. When running the Nvidea GPU 555m, it should not effect the CPU slot should it? For some reason it slows it down.
I changed the cpu to 6 cores. It tried two large folds and then settled on the small one. It has not failed yet. Windows aero just turned itself off. I then turned the cpu down to 5 cores. I cannot do anything else while it is running.
@ Quintillus

Is it possible to wipe the computer and re-install windows? Have you taken the cover off and checked for dust build up in the CPU heatsink? It may need a good vacuuming. Do not remove the heatsink, unless you have the ability to clean and re-apply thermal grease between it and the CPU.

As mentioned above, windows re-booted on me last weekend, and it took a couple of days for F@H to get back to allowing me to work on larger folds. Perhaps windows may be interfering at critical times.

Jan. 20 to April 22 made it to the millionaire club.

Very late reply, I know. I've considered re-installing Windows, but in the end it's only really F@H and Visual Studio that I'm having issues with, and it's not really worth it for just that. I probably will re-install when I get a bigger SSD, but again, I don't really need that yet as my old SSD for OS + 2 TB 7200 RPM HDD for everything else is still more than satisfactory.

There is some dust on the heatsink. I have been considering upgrading to a third-party heatsink instead of the stock Intel one. But that hasn't been urgent, either, as I've never had anything else overheat this desktop. I'm also not sure quite how to detach the heatsink, as the clips that attach it to the motherboard seem pretty secure. I'm much more used to swapping CPUs on laptops than desktops. That probably would be less effort than reinstalling Windows.

In the meantime, I started doing some World Community Grid on my laptop again. Got a few weeks of runtime on it with its on-sometimes off-sometimes schedule. But given that it's summer now and that does generate excess heat, I'm probably going to leave it off until the fall, and then perhaps look at getting both that and F@H working again.
I hope Mr. Missouri does not mind being relegated to the teens.
Blarg. Why my son-of-foldbeast always seems to wait for me to go on vacation before it develops a NIC issue is beyond me, but it is back online now, and so hopefully I'll be able to hold off Schmiddi for a bit longer. :lol:
What happened to Naskra? I think that you are at the top now, but my web page is not updating. Congratulations.
What happened to Naskra? I think that you are at the top now, but my web page is not updating. Congratulations.

Dunno, Naskra's contributions stopped a few months ago, and he dropped off the 'active' list a couple weeks back. :(

And thanks - my stay at the top is temporary, though, as Schmiddi will certainly be passing me soon.
Depends on the output of the foldbeast - before its hickup, you were producing more than I

That was in good weather, too. When it gets sweaty out, I get miserly with the folding on my home PC because I don't like to have it fight with my air conditioning unit... :snowcool:
Congrats on your number oneness, IgDude. I may give chase once a little seasonal global cooling sets in.
Congrats on your number oneness, IgDude. I may give chase once a little seasonal global cooling sets in.

There you are!!! We were worried you'd wandered off for good! :cry: Give chase, you know you want to. :mischief:
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