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Post your tourny results here! :)

Ack - thats the way I read it originally - but changed it.

I'm happy to restart or stayas it is.

I've replied with a Sicilian against your e4 Tenna.
Since everyone seems to have done the way it is, I guess we'll just keep it (for Group 2, at least).

I actually thought for a pretty long time about what my first move was gonna be. I ended up checking some of the games you played to see what openings you played against what, and ended up just deciding to play good ol' e4. :crazyeye:
Both luceafarul and bathsheba666 have too many games at the moment, so I can't start either of them.
:confused: I just set up the game against Cuivienen,punkbass and you without any trouble, but for some reason I can only challenge bathsheba666 to 7- or 14-days games...
In that case I will do my best to keep a fast pace myself in my game with you, then.
And by the way, I just visited QueenAlice and this time I was able to set things up right now, so the game is afoot...
I lost to col. Actually, I got crushed. :(

Spoiler :
1. e4?! c5 2. Nf3?! d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Be3?! Bg7 7. f3 O-O 8. Qd2 Nc6 9. Bc4?! Bd7 10. O-O-O Rc8 11. Bb3 Ne5 12. h4 h5 13. Bg5 Rc5 14. g4 hxg4 15. h5 Nxh5 16. Nd5 Rxd5 17. Bxd5 Qb6 18. c3 e6 19. Bb3 gxf3 20. Bf4 Qc5 21. Bc2 Nc4 22. Qh2 Rc8 23. Nxf3 Nxb2! 24. Rdg1 Qxc3 25. Ne1 Nxf4 26. Qxf4 Nd3+ 0-1

Good game, I think I learned something from that game. :)
Fun - the game effectively lasted 6 moves - all the rest followed the book. 20 Bf4 was the first 'new' move.

Its dangerous playing a line like this. Either side loses very quickly if they make a mistake.

Final position is neat. neither the knight (mate in 1 ) nor the bishop (pinned) can capture the knight so white loses his queen.

Nb2 was the killer move. I'd looked at it the previous move but it wasnt quite clear enough. Rdg1 was the losing move. Now Nb2 just destroys whites position.
I dreamt about this game tonight. And when I woke up, I realized that 23. Kxb2 Qxc3+ 24. Kc1 wasn't mate. It still leads to a losing position though, since the the queen is overworked and can't defend both the f4 and the c2 bishops.
Its dangerous playing a line like this. Either side loses very quickly if they make a mistake.
This (combined with a recent game with the Max Lange) means I'm ready for a few games with the Barcza (gah, can't spell it right) opening...

EDIT: Ooh, it looks like all three games in group 2 so far are dragons. Interesting...

Maybe I could have held out for longer with Rcf1...
I'm still waiting to find who my other two opponents are - but I'm black in a dragon against bluemofia. He has played it rather quietly though and stayed out of the sharp lines.
@Truronian/Arachnaphobia: How's the tiebreaker going?
Hey, I'm having trouble getting enough time in one chunk to concentrate for Yahoo chess would it be possible for me and Igloo to play our game all at once in QueenAlice?

I've forfeited to nc-1701; I'm having trouble making time for the chess games, and frankly am content (actually, stunned and thrilled) at my record in the first round against what I see as generally better players.

Good luck, nc-1701 and all the rest of you second-rounders! :)
Ok - I'll open a game against nc aswhite.
Cuivienen hasn't logged on for a long time. I sent her a reminder with no success. What should we do ?
We have two choices, I suppose.

1) Let Truronian or Arachnaphobia take Cuivienen's spot.
2) Wait.

I'd wait for a week or so (PM her at CFC?) and then see what to do.
Started a game vs nc-1701, lost to Tomoyo. And losing to Col.

Ah well. At least I learned out of it, just in time to play Chess at State on February 9th.
As I stated in this thread, I am leaving CivFanatics, which is unfortunate, given that I just was reminded of this tournament by kryszcztov. Someone should take my spot rather than myself simply surrendering, given how little of my games have been played.
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