• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Pre-LizNES6: Fortune Favors the Brutal

Ooc it should just be assumed Korea is trading with just about anyone. I really do not want to clutter the thread. :p
I have to agree with Adrogans. Unless you are specifically signing a very intimate bilateral trade agreement or forming some sort of trade union, its not necessary to specify your private companies are trading with those of another country- they do that kind of stuff by themselves unless you specifically tell them not to. rather- you should put in the thread if you are specifically embargoing the products of a particular nation.
From Siam,
To its Fellow Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement treaty members

We move to invite the Central American Union and if Alaska does not object, Cascadia into our trading bloc. How do you feel about this?

From Siam,
To its Cascadia, Central American Union

If we agree to your membership, would you wish to join in our economic prosperity agreement?

(OOC: To everyone including Japan. Members of the Co-Prosperity sphere are already trading with most of the nations of the world. Membership in the bloc means more then trading-its more like the eurozone. Specifically:

1) Development of a common currency, the PUL (Pacific Union Luv).
2) Free trade of goods and services between member states. There shall be no tariffs between member states.
3) Free movement of signatory state citizens between the territories of signatory states.
4) Member states shall not engage in predatory pricing or dumping within the co-prosperity signatory states.
5) Member states shall share a common tariff policy towards goods, services, and currency of non-member states, the management of which shall be regulated by financial representatives of all member states at a regulatory agency headquartered in Bangkok.

from Siam, Korea (and presumably Manchuria, Ezo, Sumatra, Sarawak)

We hereby also invite you to join the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Mutual Support Agreement. You would be expected to contribute to the Pacific Defense Nectare and should be prepared to assist your fellow treaty members should they come under attack. We, in turn, will assist in protecting you from foreign misadventure.

from Siam, Korea (and presumably Manchuria, Ezo, Sumatra, Sarawak)

"Our relations have never been better. Our ideologies are nearly identical. We are already wholy dependent upon one another for local trade and industry. Let us extend our friendship to assurances of mutual protection and let us strengthen one another defensively as we already do economically and culturally. We invite you to join the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Mutual Support Agreement. You would be expected to contribute to the Pacific Defense Nectare and should be prepared to assist your fellow treaty members should they come under attack. We, in turn, will assist in protecting you from foreign misadventure."

(OOC: trying to salvage something from the 'indochina' project here :p)
To: Siam, Korea
From: The Greater Empire of Japan

We would be most interested in joining the Mutual Agreement you have proposed, and we agree to the conditions which you have laid out.
Dispatch From 한국의 웅대한 제국 (Grand Empire of Korea)

To Japan

We welcome you to send military liason to Buson to meet with your fellows.

General Lee Shi-Hoon
To: Norse Imperium, Russia
From: Franco-Germanic Empire

First, Russia it would be for the best that Finland's government be restructured in a way that truely reflects the people's wishes. However, Norse Imperium that means that it would be the Finns setting up their own government, not you installing a government unilaterally.
To: Norse Imperium
From: RRR

Ramblings, you say? Take war like a man? A true man would look every which way to ensure a reasonable peace before committing to war. Finland is a democracy right now, ruled by their own people. Yet you are going to invade both Russia and Finland just because we have closer foreign relations!

And you say take this war like a man: this is what i have to say about that. If you want to talk about being a man, either man up and accept that you have no right to meddle in the policies of either Russia or Finland, or man up even more and go to war against us on your own instead of dragging others into it with you. If you truly wish to face Russia in a war, do it yourself. We here in Russia find it disgusting that in order for you to go to war with us, you must bring in friends of yours to team up against us, thereby plunging half of europe into war.

If you are a man of peace, end this threat of war. If you are a man of war, face us alone, and we will face you alone. It is as simple as that.

To: Franco-Germanic Empire
From: RRR

We know that the Franco-germanic empire does not approve of this war over Finland, so this may be unnecessary, at least in part. But if the Norse Imperium decides to face us on their own, and their little friends agree to remain neutral, we also ask, possibly needlessly, that you stay completely neutral as well. We ask the same of Poland and England, because this is not their affair. if the Norse Imperium wants to challenge Russia, they can do it by themselves.

However, if Poland, England, and whatever others decided to gang up on Russia, we ask that you uphold our defensive pact until this unjust war can be brought to an end, hopefully with minimum bloodshed. Even if you dont uphold it, as we understand that the people of your country have some reservations about it, we promise that if we are in any position in the future to help you should you come under attack we will, regardless of your choice here.

EDIT: X-post with above post.

ITT someone can't tell the difference between OOC and IC parts.
To: Norse Imperium, Russia
From: Franco-Germanic Empire

First, Russia it would be for the best that Finland's government be restructured in a way that truely reflects the people's wishes. However, Norse Imperium that means that it would be the Finns setting up their own government, not you installing a government unilaterally.

We would like to note that Finland IS a democracy after all. Their people's wishes ARE represented fully.

ITT someone can't tell the difference between OOC and IC parts.

Hmmm? Am I to assume this was directed at me?

EDIT: Sorry for the double post.
From: Norse Imperium
To: Russia

Concede to our terms, or we will make you regret crawling out of the hovel you call a city to threaten the peace of Scandinavia.

From: Norse Imperium
To: Franco-Germanic Empire

You have nothing to gain from throwing away the lives of your able-bodied men in Russia's war. It is easy for the Russian tyrant to fight a war against Finland, a nation that has throughout its history kept only a provisional military. It will be anything but easy for the tin-pot dictator who calls himself president of the Russian Republic of Russia (I thought it was of Basqueland) to fight a war against the Imperial Army, tempered in blood and steel. And when he loses, you will have to share his disgrace, for your impulsiveness. We have no ill will for Franco-Germany. Russia will be broken, but you don't have to be.
To: The World
From: England
CC: Russia

Russia is nothing but a tyrant and a hypocrite. They invade Finland, yet they use the excuse that they are a democracy to discredit the Norse Imperium's invasion. They commit genocide, yet they complain about other nations abusing human rights. Russia represents what is the worst in humanity. Russia must be destroyed.
I'm in Europe and I find this all quite entertaining as well. Now quit hogging the popcorn I wants some too.
To: Siam
From: Cascadia, Central American Union

Sorry, but we aren't interested at this time.

To: Siam
From: Indochina

We don't want to feel particularly obligated to send our young men to die in far off places, for other nations. What would you say, if we proposed an alliance between our two nations instead?


Welcome Nader!
From: Norse Imperium
To: Russia

Concede to our terms, or we will make you regret crawling out of the hovel you call a city to threaten the peace of Scandinavia.

From: Norse Imperium
To: Franco-Germanic Empire

You have nothing to gain from throwing away the lives of your able-bodied men in Russia's war. It is easy for the Russian tyrant to fight a war against Finland, a nation that has throughout its history kept only a provisional military. It will be anything but easy for the tin-pot dictator who calls himself president of the Russian Republic of Russia (I thought it was of Basqueland) to fight a war against the Imperial Army, tempered in blood and steel. And when he loses, you will have to share his disgrace, for your impulsiveness. We have no ill will for Franco-Germany. Russia will be broken, but you don't have to be.

To: The World
From: England
CC: Russia

Russia is nothing but a tyrant and a hypocrite. They invade Finland, yet they use the excuse that they are a democracy to discredit the Norse Imperium's invasion. They commit genocide, yet they complain about other nations abusing human rights. Russia represents what is the worst in humanity. Russia must be destroyed.

Where is the evidence of these Genocides that you speak of? Russia has done no such thing!

A country can be a tyrant and a hypocrite eh? Choose your words carefully if you wish to make sense. But in any case, the leader of Russia is no hypocrite, nor a tyrant. He rules because the people of Russia has chosen him, and all his actions are checked by the Senate. Perhaps you should revisit your sources.

We invade finland only to reclaim Russian land. The rest of the country is now a true democracy, following the will of its people. Yet the Norse Imperium threatens that with its invasion. Russia will not stand for it, as Finland remains a sovereign nation, and is ruled by its own people. Therefore, who the hell are the Norse liberating them from?

Yet, I ask the world to notice that the Norse refuse to respond to all my points in this debate, and all they do is to call us names and threaten war while claiming its to liberate Finland. Liberate it from whom, I ask again? There has been no annexation of their country. He merely wishes to install a government favorable to his own country, that would ignore the will of the Finnish people.

And he says RUSSIA threatens the peace of Scandinavia? THEY are the ones threatening MORE WAR.
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