• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Pre-LizNES6: Fortune Favors the Brutal

To: The Chinese Empire, Indochina, Sarawak
From: The Greater Japanese Empire

We would like to start trade convoys with your nations in hope to increase our relations with you.
To: Far Eastern Soviet
From: Russia

We trust that you by no means intend to pursue annexation of the Siber Confederacy, even though your latest message seems to suggest different? Doing so could lead to....frosty relations at best.

The New Russian Federation officially guarantees the independence of the Siber Confederacy for as long as our two peoples may live in peace!

To: Franco-German Empire
From: Russia

Would you be willing to enter a defensive pact between our peoples so that we may survive through any storm that may befall us together? perhaps this could even lead to an alliance.

To: Poland
From: Russia

You do realize that even the amount of trade mighty Russia can shell out to other countries is limited in this time of recovery? Perhaps in the future, but right now, we have higher trading priorities. Perhaps if we share a border in the future.

To: Scotland
From: Russia

Would you care for a defensive alliance between our two peoples? Your culture fascinates a great many Russians, and they are pressuring us heavily to get on good terms with you so that you may deign to send some examples of said culture to Russia! In particular your food has become a luxury in Russia that only the richest can afford to enjoy.
From The Project

Annex? No. We merely wish to rebuild and we need access to such systems to do so. It is up to them to decide and if they like what we have to offer they can of course join us. And why shouldn't they? As your actions have shown the New Russian Federation is much like the old one. Run by gangsters and ex-KGB, murdering and exploiting your way to power. How long until you begin selling pieces of our Motherland again? Despicable.

To Japan

We would like to increase trade with you, particularly in food and sciences. Collaboration in Food sciences! We increase yields, everyone prospers.
To: New Russian Federation
From: Franco-Germanic Empire

We accept your offer of a defensive pact.
To: Franco Germanic Empire
From: Russia

May generation of peace and prosperity flourish between our nations as nobody will dare attack either of us now.

To: Far Eastern Soviet
From: Russia

It is easy to banter words and accuse somebody of being something. But it is quite another to actually do better than them, or even to prove your accusations. What are your accusations that we are led by gangsters led by? You come to us and insult us,and yet we have done nothiong to you except make sure the Siber Confederacy doesnt feel pressureed to join your evil empire. It may look good on the outside, but on the inside nobody yet knows what the essence of your nation truly is. Perhaps you are peaceloving as you say, or perhaps you truly wish to conquer all of Russia once again. But we think you should choose your words wisely lest it land you in a world of trouble.
From the Project

The careful phrasing of your words betrays your guilt. Stories of your brutality and extortion are well known among the Siberian peoples. The only pressure inflicted upon the Siberian Confederacy has been from your brutes. Our only care is for the Motherland and its peoples. The only words we bandy are truthful words, in all matters be they political, scientific or philosophical. Something which professional con-men like you decry as poison.
From: Norse Imperium
To: Russia

Such a relationship could be arranged. We look forward to mutually beneficial trade and commerce.
His Majesty Tadeusz Kościuszko, King of Poland and Protector of the People to the citizens of Poland and the surrounding Slavic peoples without unified states…

[Static]… My loyal companions! Tonight I have the honor of addressing many of you by radio and rest assured that those loyal citizens to whom this speech is delivered by messenger that soon all of us shall enjoy the infrastructure a pre-plague world. For too long has humble Poland allowed others to dictate the course of history but now is our time! We shall be ready to lead the Motherland to greatness when any opportunity arises and already your glorious government has begun to restructure and prepare.

Starting next year, all Polish citizens will be required to serve their nation with three years between the ages of seventeen and twenty-four. The work will be strenuous but none shall go hungry or suffer want while gainfully employed for the greater of their comrades. These three years will give citizens military train to supplement their national fervor should our Mother Poland ever need defending. Also, citizens shall build infrastructure and aid in irrigation and resource collection. Already my eldest son and heir Jozef has joined the proud ranks of the Polish infantry and I urge all of my children able to do the same.

To create greater efficiency in industry, all major industries are hereby nationalized. I have personally overseen the creation of several new ministries to guide the development of the industries with care and precision, adding in whatever technology our scientists can recover. In conjuncture with the move to increase industrial output I have realized the importance of combating the ignorance that plagues our glorious nation. Henceforth, all Polish citizens are required to attend public schools until the age of fourteen and are strongly encouraged to continue past that age. It pleases me to announce the opening of the new Polish Universities of Warsaw and Wroclaw!

Any suggestions for the furthering of Poland should be submitted to the nearest government center and will be studied earnestly. To those Slavic peoples who have no state: Poland offers you food, industry, education, protection, a home, and a future! Our emissaries shall be visiting each of your population centers in a timely fashion to discuss your merging with the Motherland.

Peace and blessings upon the blessed Slavic peoples and the Motherland! [Static]
OOC: When do you want our BT orders by?
Would Saturday be unreasonable?
Saturday, saturday....yeah Id better get them up by tonight as well. Also bear in mind that my internet access will be slow and possibly unreliable next week, so I might be a bit slow responding.
To: The Dixie Confederacy
From: Virginia

While this is true, perhaps we should wait before we intertwine our futures together? Separate is better sometimes. Perhaps the future will prove us wrong..

To: The Project
From: The Republic of Ezo

Huzzah, and all that.

To: The Project
From: The Siber Confederacy

If you only wish to rebuild for us, we'd be happy to allow it. Nothing past that, though.

To: The Greater Japanese Empire
From: Sarawak, Indochina


To: The New Russian Federation
From: Scotland

While we appreciate the show of friendship, we don't particularly wish to meddle in affairs that aren't ours, especially affairs so distant from where we are. Hopefully trade will be a substitute for an alliance, at least for now. After that, who knows what time will bring.


Tecknojock, welcome! There haven't really been any relations as of yet.. you could always initiate them. :p
Spoiler :
New Russian Federation

Highest: Agriculture and Health
High: Military
Medium: Industrial
Low: Economy

Maintain the current level of economic prosperity, and allow the momentum from the last two decades to continue to carry us forward.

Utilizing new tools and knowledge from various countries such as the Imperium, ensure that we can establish a firm Industrial base for our country's future.

Farm new land, research new ways to make more crops in shorter amounts of time and on smaller areas of land.

Enlarge our military by providing multiple health, dental, and retirement benefits for our veterans and by glorifying it in the public image.

Continue to expand west aggressively, and use all means possible to convince towns and villages and cities to join us peacefully. Use the military only as a last resort. Start to set up a series of forts for our military to defend and garrison our new found territory. In the caucasus, continue to expand further south around daghestan, and try to grab the coast of the Caspian sea on the eastern side as we expand to the SE.

Build a series of military forts and garrison them heavily around Daghestan and do not allow them to expand, but allow traders and refugees out of it and into our lands only. If they respond to this with military force, bring in more troops, and annihilate their army and push into their land. If they dont use bloodshed against us or any other form of violence, ensure that we stay peaceful at all times as well.

NPCs cant see in spoilers right?
BT (Poland)
Spoiler :
Name: Poland
Leadership Situation: Absolute Monarchy
Industrial and Resources:
Food and Health

The Polish military will go through the areas that are "unowned" bordering the nation and try to convince the people to join Poland follow the king's broadcast. Anything short of outright warfare is acceptable but any unsavory methods will of course be denied by the government.
In Poland I would like to carry out my plans to start mandatory national service and public education. Science in Poland is geared toward the military and industry, and to a lesser degree building communication and infrastructure. While I have nationalized the major industries and placed officials in charge of them, the king will not tolerate these new ministers to indulge in corrupt behaviors but expects them to actually better the industries.
Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement

The undersigned states hereby pledge to economic cooperation and union by adopting the following policies.

1) Development of a common currency, the PUL (Pacific Union Luv).
2) Free trade of goods and services between member states. There shall be no tariffs between member states.
3) Free movement of signatory state citizens between the territories of signatory states.
4) Member states shall not engage in predatory pricing or dumping within the co-prosperity signatory states.
5) Member states shall share a common tariff policy towards goods, services, and currency of non-member states, the management of which shall be regulated by financial representatives of all member states at a regulatory agency headquartered in Bangkok.

The Republic of Siam,
The Empire of Korea,
The Greater Japanese Empire,
The Republic of Ezo
The Manchurian Kingdom,
The Chinese Empire,
Republic of Alaska

Spoiler :
Need a better name for the currency. Any suggestions?

Union of Unfederated Pacific States Mutual Support Agreement

The undersigned states hereby pledge mutual support and and union by adopting the following policies.

1) Member states shall recognize the sovereign territorial rights of all fellow signatory states.
2) Member states shall guarantee non-aggression and peaceful coexistence amongst fellow signatory states.
3) Member states shall cooperate in affairs of security and in response to outside aggression, pledging to come to the aid of signatory states that might come under attack with the full might of their diplomatic, espionage, and military apparatus.
4) Member states shall support one another in matters of public health or pandemic, sharing vaccine, medicines, and treatments at reasonable cost.
5) Member states shall assist one-another economically and shall sign the “ Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement”.
6) Member states shall respect the cultures and religions of their fellow signatory states and adhere to a policy of freedom of religion, and freedom of speech, as well as the recognition of the equivalent value of citizens of all genders, ages, races, or other self-identifying characteristics, amongst signatory states.
7) Member states shall provide representatives, diplomats, security specialists and ambassadors at a Union headquarters located in Bangkok.

The Republic of Siam,
The Empire of Korea,
The Republic of Ezo
The Manchurian Kingdom,
Spoiler :
Parliamentary Democracy, to be moved to a federal Democratic Republic
Military: Low
Industrial and Resources: High
Economics: Highest
Food and Health: Medium

I'd like to move my government from a Parliamentary Democracy to that of a federal Democratic Republic similar to that of the old United States but with some tweaks. First there should be a system set up to allow for more than two parties to be effective and none of the electoral college nonsense. The exact details of the government are to be worked out in negotiations between the current Irish Parliament and the Connaught Republic, and once a government is agreed upon our two nations will join together and be known as the United Irish Republic.

The nation is to continue its economic development internally on the island as well as send trade companies into England and Scotland. we are to also allow the English and the Scots to send their own traders.

We are to begin rebuilding the old Pre-Collapse factories and harbors with a focus on improving our shipping and ship building capabilities.

We are to continue to improve our agricultural abilities to produce a surplus to trade with.

In dealing with the Northerners we are to send the delegates back to attempt join the new republic but this time with troops to be used as guards only. They are to attempt to persuade them with numerous tactics depending on the group, allowing them measures of autonomy under the federal system, economic benefits, steady supply of food, protection, etc. The troops are under strict orders that they are not to fire unless they are fired upon first. Any soldier that harms anyone or tarnishes the name of the republic with any crime is to be punished.

Delegates are to be sent to the Spanish conference to discuss the current world climate, while there our delegates are to meet with those of other countries and attempt to secure trade opportunities with them.
Name: The Empire of Korea
Spoiler :
Leadership Situation: Constitutional Monarchy
Industrial and Resources:
Food and Health

Ride the wave of this new Asian trade block to increase the economic situation of the nation. We will strive to become a center of trade both in and outside the Asia-Pacific Bloc.

Watch the plebecites in Korean held Kyushu - options are independence or join Japan as an autonomous region, make sure they are fair. If independence is voted then lobby to add them to the Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement and offer a defensive treaty with them. If they join Japan say glad we can help and hope you do well.

Watch the plebecites in the small region between the four nations, maintain fairness there as well.

Finalize the constitution (details to be posted/pm'd later) and continue to foster stability in the Asian region.

Send a representative to this conference in Spain, but mainly to observe and not sign any binding treaties. Build relations in the hopes of trade growth and fostering stability but again mainly just to see what the waters are like. Also offer the treatment to any nation who still needs it.

Even though they are not a member maintain cordial relations with Mongolia.
To: The Kingdom of Spain
From: Poland

With great effort our scientists and historians have compiled a mutli-volume work of the pre-plague histories and technologies to which we have access. Our delegates to your conferance at Toledo shall bare two copies of this work, one to work from during the meetings and the other to leave with His Majesty King Alfonso XIV of Spain as a gift.
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