• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Pre-NES: Whispers- gathering ideas, players, etc at present.

I must know more about how I am here and why....
I search the books of the dead men (or the knowledge I "absorbed" from the books) for references to myself and search for any other clues to explain the situation.

These are liturgists, men of the Holy Church, who have uncovered scrolls from long ago and from them learnt some few words of 'the tongue'. The books speak of a time before the tower of Babel and warn against the sin of Hubris. But they also describe the incredible power of naming something in its true tongue.

Your TRUE NAME is in the book. The rest is in the 'shattered languages' (greek, latin, other languages associated with early Christianity).
Onions and beasts are Dull. That is one thing I remember. I hate Dull... Peer into the man again. Can his soul be taken? can I use his body as a vessel? I remember lusting after a body in the past... Maybe?
OOC: What delusional, LSD-influenced idea did I just find :p

It will have structure once it gets going. This is more of an intro. I'm really enjoying it though. Ultimately this is sort of a god-nes but the gods are incredibly weak and for the most part unable to affect the world.

Onions and beasts are Dull. That is one thing I remember. I hate Dull... Peer into the man again. Can his soul be taken? can I use his body as a vessel? I remember lusting after a body in the past... Maybe?

As you focus your efforts, his pattern begins to ripple and move in strange ways. You worry that you might rip the ribbons that are his pattern. You cannot focus on the physical plane while you are doing this but suddenly the 'shell' of his pattern collapses. You try again, gently, and all you do is send tremors through his pattern. Do you want to continue trying? You find the effort 'exhausting' if such a thing could exist for you- for one thing you are much more removed from the physical world at present.
I tire of these games. Drift away, where the wind... wind! Wind is interesting! Follow the wind where it will take me.
I tire of these games. Drift away, where the wind... wind! Wind is interesting! Follow the wind where it will take me.

The wind takes you nowhere. The wind has no effect upon you.
Nothing happens. You cannot affect the dull grey world.
I must know more... This sparse knowledge will not suffice....
I seek out other men near the area that knew the dead men and search them for clues as to what the dead men were doing.
I must know more... This sparse knowledge will not suffice....
I seek out other men near the area that knew the dead men and search them for clues as to what the dead men were doing.

You peer into the minds of countless men and while you find many that knew the men that lie dead downstairs- you realize that none of them knew of the liturgy or tomes they carried. You suspect they might have been part of a secret society.

You worry what others could do with the tomes that contain your one true name.
Examine the mortals. Choose a man who seems a leader, and follow him with part of my conscious. With the rest, force things to go badly for him.
I am unhappy. Or as close to unhappy as I can be. Am I stuck here? motionless, destined to watch the world drift along? No. Lacazar will not accept that. Drive myself into the man, again.
Examine the mortals. Choose a man who seems a leader, and follow him with part of my conscious. With the rest, force things to go badly for him.

Your 'influence' affects his pattern. By willing ill upon him the light of his pattern seems to darken somewhat. By reading his pattern you realize he feels a malevolent presence and fear has crept into his 'mind/heart/soul'. Nothing bad actually happens to him.

A man's pattern is rippling strangely near where you are 'focused' (ie- within the temple). By reading his pattern you realize he feels a malevolent presence and fear has crept into his 'mind/heart/soul'. Nothing bad actually happens to him.
I am unhappy. Or as close to unhappy as I can be. Am I stuck here? motionless, destined to watch the world drift along? No. Lacazar will not accept that. Drive myself into the man, again.

You hear him speak (in Greek), "I am ill. What is this?" and he sits down. You do not control him anymore than you once did. His pattern is darker and weaker than before. You feel your link to the physical world much reduced.
I feel urgency...surges of things long sense forgotten...concern perhaps? If my Name may bring be here it may drive me away...or worse. I must hide my Name...but I lack form on the physical plane. Perhaps the ones that called me here may be of use...

I attempt to posses one of the dead bodies.
Reach out with my mind and rip one of the ribbons of his pattern.

The effort exhausts you tremendously.

The ribbons come apart. His pattern unravels.... briefly. And slowly reform. On the physical plane the man says, "I feel the Devil's hand." (in Latin) and falls to the ground, gripping his chest, breathing quickly. men and women crowd around him and many call to God and make the sign of the cross.
He is carried away- alive but badly hurt.

You believe your efforts could have killed a lesser man or a child. You are now thoroughly exhausted and will not be able to influence the patterns of others- until you regain your strength. You can only hope that it will come back with time. Perhaps you require some sort of 'food' though this thought is alien to you and you don't think you did in the 'before' times.
I feel urgency...surges of things long sense forgotten...concern perhaps? If my Name may bring be here it may drive me away...or worse. I must hide my Name...but I lack form on the physical plane. Perhaps the ones that called me here may be of use...

I attempt to posses one of the dead bodies.

No go. Its as dead as a stone and about as useful to you. You are not exhausted by your efforts.

This will not work. Can I move myself? I will try to hunt for one of my peers.

Your presence expands and your focus shifts. You are now over/within/with the coast though part of you remains where it once was also.
You cannot perceive your peers beyond knowing that they 'may' have been here and 'may' have felt confusion. Now you do not feel their confusion or really even their presence and you suspect that you remain too weakened from attempting to posses that onion merchant.
as my being expands, I "See" humans, creatures, plants, eating, consuming... perhaps I need this? though Lacazar... Does not remember this. I will try to consume things. anything... Souls/minds/beings, physical things, the Temporal and intemporal.
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