• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Well...I figured I'd post this here, as it seems to be getting a fair bit of activity
The bad news: Thanks to an unlucky glut of school projects at once, I have gotten maybe about 10% of the update done in two days.
The good news: I was able to finish said projects however, and now am getting back to work on the update. It'll be up this weekend at the very latest.

You post good updates fast normally. No need to explain anything. Getting it done this weekend is still fast.
In the meantime, let's all write some ahistorical facts about our countries: Instead of Moorish or Arabic -the official languages of Cordoba- the majority of the Emirate of Cordoba speaks Andalusi, an odd mixture of Arabic, Moorish, Vandalic, Latin, and some Hebrew. This language is surprisingly like our modern day Spanish (mostly so not everything I find on Wikipedia about Spain needs to be totally Arabified).
The Vandalic Sultanate does not follow many of the traditional practices of Sunni Islam, due to its unique nature as a fusion of a Germanic Barbarian culture and that of the Islamic Berbers of Carthage. For example, alcohol is not only tolerated under Vandalic Islam, but almost encouraged by the Vandals warrior culture. Since the return of the Vandals to Carthage, traditional Germanic meadhalls began springing up like mushrooms across North Africa. In fact, almost every village with a sizeable warrior population boasts many Meadhalls for the warriors to drink at and brag of their exploits and wealth on their return from their raids.
Well, Venice maintains relations with some Arabic countries, despite being Catholic :p

Aquitaine stands the same way.

Aquitaine is unique in this time line, and in France, that the Gaullic-Roman towns were not destroyed or directly conquered by the Franks in real life because the Visigothic Empire of Toledo was stronger during the Frankish migrations. Latin is much more widespread than it would have been, with most nobles and such speaking it along with the priests, and even some of the old Roman towns still maintain the Latin tradition.

The Aquitaine Cost is dominated by Gaullic-Roman culture, the Pyrenees by the Basque culture, the Toulouse Highlands by Visigothic culture and Provence by Mediterranean-Italian culture similiar to Savoy.
Muslim countries are still watched warily by Sicily. I was going to explain the decision to split Epir with Castille in a story, but SK's gotta get that top post. Basically, the King feared that Castille would declare war if they didn't get their half of Epir, and then, being untrustworthy Muslims, would call in other Muslim nations to help them. So basically paranoia, lack of trust, and fear of coalitions.
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. I think I took care of that problem.
About the update:
I do not understand why "war" had any such a total effect on my missionary work? Since when do missionaries not function in time of war? Its not in the rules nor in reality, so at least give me back some of my economy? It was entirely spent on missionary and you just rubbed it off with "there was war so it failed". Uh? Failed why? The missionaries were killed? Returned? Weren't even allowed to enter? If its the latter two some of the economy spent should return...
I'd like to know one thing. Venice and the Byzantines signed a peace treaty, but did that end the war in its entirety, or just that one front? The update made it seem like it was the whole shebang, but I just wanna make sure.
That treaty settled peace with Byzantium and Venice, then the Pope called off further crusades. Then I settled a different peace with the Vandals.

EDIT- The pope called off crusades, THEN Venice and Byzantium settled peace. Remember, Venice always takes it's directions from the Pope.
Technically speaking, Sicily, Castile, and Aquitaine are (at least until now, not sure how the HRE affects diplomacy of its vassals) still at war with the Roman Empire. Just because the Crusades are over doesn't mean the war is.
Savoy didnt listen to the pope. Look what happened to them... They were dead long before the franks came. All my work ^^

I don't see why what I do as pope, or Venice as faithful is more stupid than the emperor trying to kill everyone... Or the Muslims aiding a catholic crusade... If anything I'm the only one in character. My aim is only to spread Catholicism and maintain strong influence on their nations.
Exactly! Everyone is looking at this like, "oh, it didn't happen IRL so it can't happen here," which is untrue. People back then just didn't have the same thinking as we do.
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