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Putin: "Britain is no longer a colonial power"

".. and there are no more colonies and, thank God, Russia was never British colony"

Nice remarks by admirable president Putin about British "colonial thinking" (EDIT), which can often be seen on this forum by some British posters.

one of sources.

Jesus :shake:

Russians do have a neck for hypocrisy. If there is one country that still behaves like in the colonial times, it's Russia.

So I'd politely tell Mr. Putin, that he can go to hell :)
I dunno I think most of Britain's former colonies turned out relatively okay.
Well, Putin is stating the obvious... thank god British Empire is gone -- it was, after all probably the most brutal and ruthless empire in human history. But thank god Soviet Empire is gone too, now I'm hoping that the American empire will be consciously abolished before it will fall with potentially catastrophic consequences. Call it the "laws of political gravitation".
Russia: Your no longer an Empire. Haha!
Britian: So what? At least I wont die at 60
Russia: You b@stard! Im gonna cut you of gas
America: Hold it there Russia, lets not be rash. Lets talk this out
Russia: Ah buzz off worm! You cant even handle Iraq, how are you going to take me on! Now, you Britian! Give up accusing the state! (Push)
France: Here dont push him!
Germany: Yeah leave him alone!
Russia: You and what army
EU: This army!
Russia: Um, uh You guys are wieners! Hey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan! Back me up!

Fighting ensues.....

India: This is why, one day we will rule them
China: Yeah they are going to be so weaken from fighting, they wont notice our plans until its too late! Isnt that right boys?
African Union: Right!!!!!
Does Putin knows that Russia once owned Alaska at one time? I guess not :p.
Well, Putin is stating the obvious... thank god British Empire is gone -- it was, after all probably the most brutal and ruthless empire in human history. But thank god Soviet Empire is gone too, now I'm hoping that the American empire will be consciously abolished before it will fall with potentially catastrophic consequences. Call it the "laws of political gravitation".

Odd to me that a Finn would see Stalin as better than Victoria....
he is technically wrong britain does still have a few colonies, although most of them have the population of a small town, and can putin really talk about britain having ilusions of grandeur he seems to think hes leader of the soviet union and can actually intimidate people
Why does he say that? It's obvious that Britain doesn't have an empire. It still somehow manages to be in G8.
Russia would be a lot better off if it had been a colony.
So...you're not going to consider the possibility that the convicted war criminal who vowed to kill the first one might be be behind it, and you're trusting the word of a man who hung out with the Rafia and said Russia was behind the September 11th attacks...
You people are taking "colonial empire" too literarily.
This is simple building of nationalistical pride from Putin. (especially considering where the statement is given)

Let me translate Putin's statement for you:

"You haven't had any power for long time in order to tell others what to do, we on the other hand are still prominent power, so please, **** off."
I dunno I think most of Britain's former colonies turned out relatively okay.

Also this is "turned out okay" as in, after the British left. The British were far more inhumane imperialists that Russians ever were, even under Stalin.
Russia would be a lot better off if it had been a colony.

Russia was virtually a "colony" (a resource appendix of the neoliberal empire) under Yeltsin and it wasn't that great... wages were halved, economy went down the gutter...
Also this is "turned out okay" as in, after the British left. The British were far more inhumane imperialists that Russians ever were, even under Stalin.
Turned out okay until the British left, you mean? Yes, I thought so.

Yes that's right. We had secret camps all over the world where we sent millions of people to mine precious minerals. Where else do you think the crown jewels came from?
These death camps were so secret that no-one's found them yet. There are at least a million skeletons in every colony, brutally mudered because although they didn't cause a fuss or try to kill us, we thought that they might not be enamoured with our system of rule.

You must have a very strange definition of inhumane, or else be making some point about how the Russians weren't imperialists.
Also this is "turned out okay" as in, after the British left. The British were far more inhumane imperialists that Russians ever were, even under Stalin.

To be fair, you can't say that these countries have become dictatorships, because they once were British colonies.
To be fair, you can't say that these countries have become dictatorships, because they once were British colonies.
Right, but thats why "they turned out okay afterwards" is a bad standard in the first place. If you want to judge British Imperialism, judge it by the centuries of suffering it caused and the mountains of corpses it produced.
Right, but thats why "they turned out okay afterwards" is a bad standard in the first place. If you want to judge British Imperialism, judge it by the centuries of suffering it caused and the mountains of corpses it produced.

To call it more inhumane because it lasted for centuries rather than decades seems a little far-fetched. Who exactly suffered for centuries? Is it inhumane to produce mountains of corpses?
Surely what matters is how those mountains were produced. If they were produced from people attacking Britons, then I don't see a problem. If they were produced simply because someone was so paranoid that he didn't feel safe without there being a constant culling of the population, I see more of a problem.
To call it more inhumane because it lasted for centuries rather than decades seems a little far-fetched. Who exactly suffered for centuries?
Ireland would be the first.
Is it inhumane to produce mountains of corpses?
That is the General Consensus yes.
Surely what matters is how those mountains were produced. If they were produced from people attacking Britons, then I don't see a problem. If they were produced simply because someone was so paranoid that he didn't feel safe without there being a constant culling of the population, I see more of a problem.
How bout killing people because of forced methods of economic regimentation induce mass famine, something the British and Russians were both very fond of. Also I like how you try to make out the Britons as victims acting in self defense there.
"I was just marching into his country, taking his wealth, enslaving his countrymen, raping his women and that Blighter attacked me!"
Turned out okay until the British left, you mean? Yes, I thought so.

In India, 12 million and 29 million Indians were killed. These people were murdered by British state policy. In 1877 - 1878, at the height of the famine in India, merchants exported a record 320,000 tonnes of wheat into UK. Undoubtely, this sort of genocidal and kleptocratic colonialism was commited in Africa too. Actually, it is worse in Africa... where the results of the colonial economic system are still vert much visible.

These death camps were so secret that no-one's found them yet.

Of course there were death camps... But victors write the histories, so we may never know all the victims.

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