Question re: Using the BBCode [code]

Valka D'Ur

Hosting Iron Pen in A&E
Retired Moderator
Mar 3, 2005
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
I tried using the "code" tags in a PM to explain something to someone, and when I tried to preview my message, I got this:

This page isn’t working
Opera detected unusual code on this page and blocked it to protect your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, and credit cards).
The only "unusual code" present was the
tags. No personal information was involved.

Apparently this is a problem for Opera.

I see I was able to preview the post here... maybe it's only a problem in private messages.

If anyone can help explain this, I'd appreciate it.
I installed Opera and successfully previewed a conversation that included the code tag. Couldn't find any problems with Xenforo and Opera using Google. What was the specific text within the code tag in your PM?
I installed Opera and successfully previewed a conversation that included the code tag. Couldn't find any problems with Xenforo and Opera using Google. What was the specific text within the code tag in your PM?
I was trying to explain how to do links, as in linking other posts, pages, or sites. Maybe the combination of the tags for "code" and the tags for "url" confused it? The specific link was to the page on CFC that explains the various BBCodes that are available. The person I was PMing with was unfamiliar with how to do them.

I prefer to preview my posts before submitting in the forums, and also when I'm PMing. Opera let the submission go through, but I couldn't preview first. I did have all the tags done correctly.
This page explains how to suppress the error message. I haven't tested the solution, though.
Thanks, but I'm not sure how this applies to my situation. It seems similar, but I don't use Chrome. I use Opera, and I wasn't trying to embed media.

The solution says:
Google Chrome does this because there is a slight chance the embed code could include XSS scripting that might include malware. I appreciate Google's concern, but in their vigilance, they block valid code from their own products (YouTube) as well as valid and secure embed code from other video sharing sites.

Fortunately, there are at least two ways to get around this.

The first is to use a different browser. Internet Explorer, MS Edge or FireFox. None of these currently block the embed code. But I don't want to use a different browser, I like Google Chrome.

The second way to get around this problem is to disable XSS checking in Google Chrome by adding a bit of code to the Chrome program address.

To do this, find the Chrome icon on your computer. Then right click it, and from the drop-down list, choose 'properties'.

On the properties page, find the target line and add this to the end of the line: -disable-xss-auditor

When you add the above, the full target line will be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -disable-xss-auditor

Or if using the 64 bit version of Google Chrome: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -disable-xss-auditor
I have no idea how this could possibly have anything to do with malware. I'm just trying to help a fellow forum member through the basics of using BBCode for ordinary things like quoting and linking. I included a link to CFC's own page that has a list of the BBCodes available here.

Sorry about the browser confusion. Try previewing the PM in question again. The problem might have been temporary. If you still get an error, please post the exact text of the message. Thanks.
I had exactly the same problem within post 132 of my CCM2 thread. Google Chrome blocked me from adding more screenshots to that post by editing the post with the message that unusual code was detected in that post. So I had to do the next post (133) for showing screenshots about nuclear bombers in that mod. I don´t know, why CFC allows me to have a permalink to post 132 of that thread, but I cannot receive a permalink about post 133 of that thread. So you have to click yourself to post 133 of the CCM2 thread.
@Civinator - All of the IMG tags in post 122 contain the following text:


and the tags in post 123 contain:


Any idea what this does? The images are posted even if the above code is deleted. Does deleting this part of the tag solve your problem?
Petek, thank you very much for your quick reply. :)

I had the problem with posts 132 (and 133) of this thread and I hope the numbers in your answer (122 and 123) are only a typo. I have no idea about setting tags here. I simply uploaded the screenshots, clicked on the screenshots to receive the adress for inserting the image into the text of my post and inserted the uploaded image into the post. May be this procedure is setting the tags ?
Yes, that was a typo. I was looking at the correct posts. I can't figure our what's happening. You've apparently solved your problem by breaking up your post. I can alert Thunderfall or ainwood, who might have more insight into the matter, if you wish. However, I think this is a browser issue, not a CFC issue.
Actually, I'm seeing a similar issue when trying to go to "More Options" while editing a post. I'm using Chrome. The page fails to load and I get the exact some message as Valka, except Chrome.

Spoiler :
I use more options regularly in editing posts when uploading stuff for Game of the Month and have never seen that. Am using Firefox. :hmm:

Now I have probably jinxed myself. :hide:
However, I think this is a browser issue, not a CFC issue.

Yes, this is possible. All civers who reported problems here, including me, used the browser Google Chrome (edit) or Opera.
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