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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

Three More Questions (Let me know if these move beyond Noob).

* Is there any way to easily see the National Wonders of all my cities, including those cities that still have open slots for NW's?

* What ratio--roughly--should one aim for between cities and workers/work boats? Am I right that having more workers will help stave off starvation (producing more food)?

* How do you keep control of a city you have conquered? I keep finding that either the enemy's culture ends up surrounding and isolating the city, or takes over half its resource tile, or the city out and out revolts.
Three More Questions (Let me know if these move beyond Noob).

* Is there any way to easily see the National Wonders of all my cities, including those cities that still have open slots for NW's?

* What ratio--roughly--should one aim for between cities and workers/work boats? Am I right that having more workers will help stave off starvation (producing more food)?

* How do you keep control of a city you have conquered? I keep finding that either the enemy's culture ends up surrounding and isolating the city, or takes over half its resource tile, or the city out and out revolts.

National Wonders: don't know that one

Work Boats get used up when you improve the water-borne resource, e.g.,
fish or crabs. One only needs to build enough work boats as you have
resource squares. If an enemy ship pillages the square, you will need to
build another work boat to rebuild the improvement.

Workers are not "used up"; there are different rules of thumb for the
number of workers to build. The smallest I've seen recommended is 1 / city,
and many experienced players recommend 1.5 or 2 / city. There are
periods where your need for tile improvements are greater than others --
in the early game, you need to build roads to link your cities, to build
resource improvements (e.g., farms, pastures, plantations), and to connect
these resources by roads. That need may diminish for a while, until you
have the ability to build railroads, when it will increase again.

Keep control: keeping troops stationed in a city will help suppress a revolt.
Building your own cultural improvements will help over time, and you may
need to switch to slavery and sacrifice population to build them quickly.
If you have a Great Artist lying around ;) , you can also send him/her to the
city and create a great work ... that works well, but is hard to do
  1. It looks like you need one more road, on the flood plain 1S 2E of Jerusalem. The tile 1W of it, with the road, is not technically a water tile, though it looks like the mod you're using, or worldbuilder, has made it look like it is.

What Mod? :confused: It looks like the normal graphics to me.
What Mod? :confused: It looks like the normal graphics to me.
He's playing as Israel, which is not one of the standard civs. Furthermore, I've never seen dye on desert/floodplains before. It's always on grasslands.
Hi all,

I'm trying to get past falling into the space race victory in every game. A while back, I was able to win a couple of domination victories, but that was before I had a clue as to what I was doing. A little knowlege is a dangerous thing. I also won a few diplo victories. One because I had about 60% of the population...

I'm trying to figure out a bit more about war... I can seem to knock off a tow or three early opponents, but that's when it gets tough. For example, in a recent game, I had taken out a couple of minor opponents, but wanted to take out the remaiing AIs on my continent. Fred and Isabella.

I had one corner where Isabella & I met and a longer border Fred & I shared. When I attacked Isabella, I had riflemen and she was just past musketmen. I really did not have a lot of trouble taking her out. Fred was in the NW corner, Isabella in the NE and I had the South. I had a one-city border with her, so I just massed my army there and swooped in. Byt the time I was done with her, Fred was fairly powerful and I had a LONG border with him.

So HOW do I protect it AND go after him?? I tried this, but he swooped in on my poorly protectred cities. So how do I get around that??

In another game, the continent was a big square. Draw a C in it on the east side. The opponent had the inner part of the C and I had a number of cities on my side of the C. I tried attacking, but he just took his army and went after a bunch of my other cities...

How do I protect a long border or what is tha best strategy to handle that situation??
I'm no expert, but I'd suggest :whipped: your cities to pump out more defensive units, and also some fast units (cavalry) to pre-damage the Stacks o' Doom. Use the large amount of Population in you capital (which you should have) to crank out units fast, then SEND them to your other cities.
More ...

* I can never get AI's to go to war. The choice is always in red. What am I missing?

* If A goes to war with B, but never asks me to join in, but I declare war on B independently, do I still get :) points from A?

* How are sea tiles that do not have a resource on them (but have bread/money) on them worked? does it just happen automatically?
Answers ...

* Hold your mouse over the choice for a few seconds, and it will tell you why the AI refuses to declare war.

* Yes.

* Double-click on the city that is nearest the water tiles. All tiles with a white circle are worked. To change wich tiles are worked, click on the ones you want worked. This will remove the circle from another tile, because your population determines how many tiles can be worked, so click on the one you want to remove first. For newbies I recommend leaving these alone, because if you leave it alone it is automatically selected. Click the Automate Citizens button at the bottom right to the left of the minimap to put them back on automation.

Hapi nu yeer!
I have the basic gameplay down, but what about choosing the leader? I've always just picked random people based on cultures I like in actual history, I don't really understand the leaders. I know they have their different traits, I just can't really pick and choose for what I truly prefer. Explaining the traits is worthless, since I know what they mean.

All I can really say is that while I'm not an aggressive person loving to go to war, I know that it has it's uses, and that I'll go to it if I have to. However, I try to be more peaceful with other empires. I have both the Warlords, and the Beyond the Sword expansions, so if someone could point me in the right direction as far as leaders to use goes I'd really appreciate it.

PS: Sorry if I made myself sound confusing, I do that a lot.
When does global warming start? After the first nuke or after a certain number?
When does global warming start? After the first nuke or after a certain number?
the first exploded nuke or nuclear meltdown starts it, every subsequent one increases the chance per turn for a tile to be affected...

Welcome to Civfanatics :newyear:
All I can really say is that while I'm not an aggressive person loving to go to war, I know that it has it's uses, and that I'll go to it if I have to. However, I try to be more peaceful with other empires. I have both the Warlords, and the Beyond the Sword expansions, so if someone could point me in the right direction as far as leaders to use goes I'd really appreciate it.

PS: Sorry if I made myself sound confusing, I do that a lot.
I suggest Gandhi. Since you're not a warmonger, you should choose a civ that has a UU that can benefit you the most. Those fast workers are amazing. Also, he is Spiritual and Industrious (in vanilla, anyway) so you can avoid anarchy, build more wonders, and usually get at least a couple religions. Gandhi is a great peaceful leader.
Three of us are playing mulitplayer. When one of us encounters another we can not intiate diplomacy. When we click on each others names we do not get a diplomacy screen
This may sound silly but my city border has grown big enough that I can't see the edges on the map in the middle of the city screen. Is there any way to zoom out the city screen map or scroll it around. Alternatively is there any way to get the workers to work squares that are near the edges (ie not in the bit I can see).
I suggest Gandhi. Since you're not a warmonger, you should choose a civ that has a UU that can benefit you the most. Those fast workers are amazing. Also, he is Spiritual and Industrious (in vanilla, anyway) so you can avoid anarchy, build more wonders, and usually get at least a couple religions. Gandhi is a great peaceful leader.

Thanks, I'll try him out. I've been reading up on tips, so I should be okay defensively as well.:goodjob:
This may sound silly but my city border has grown big enough that I can't see the edges on the map in the middle of the city screen. Is there any way to zoom out the city screen map or scroll it around. Alternatively is there any way to get the workers to work squares that are near the edges (ie not in the bit I can see).

You can only work the tiles in the city's so called fat cross, which you can see in the city screen, i.e. the twenty tiles surrounding the city tile (two tiles range horizontally and vertically, one tile diagonally). If the cultural border of the city grows beyond that, you still won't be able to work those extra tiles it now covers. They do however count for your land area, and you can connect resources located there.
Three of us are playing mulitplayer. When one of us encounters another we can not intiate diplomacy. When we click on each others names we do not get a diplomacy screen
You need to have your sound on. Here's an example:
A clicks on B's name, B hears a ringing sound and A's name flashes on B's screen, B clicks on A's name, then the trade table opens. You both have to click on each other's names.
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