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Random Raves XLI: One More Trip Around the Sun!

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You said "the entire ridesharing industry" as well. If your problem is Uber's business practices, surely the industry itself is fine?
I just re-read a largish short story i wrote roughly two months ago, or something like that. It is very good, thankfully (should be, given it is the title piece of the next book). Read it on account of a friend and possible help to getting a better publisher, reading it now for the first time.

So the rave is that, at least, i am a very good writer. Not that this means i stand to be known before 2080 or whatever year there is an english/french/german translation :p Most of us will be long dead by then, myself included.
Or at least you write things that you enjoy reading afterwards. Which should be the real rave.
You said "the entire ridesharing industry" as well. If your problem is Uber's business practices, surely the industry itself is fine?
Everybody follows Uber's lead.
Well, yes, the Uber thing could have its own thread.
You said "the entire ridesharing industry" as well. If your problem is Uber's business practices, surely the industry itself is fine?

No, Lyft is just as bad as Uber. Uber just gets all the heat because they are the biggest kid on the block. The entire ridesharing industry as it currently exists, encourages nothing but the shadiest of business practices. And since there's no way to regulate it and still keep it in its current form (any regulation will essentially turn these ridesharing companies in to cab companies), it's better to just scrap the whole thing.
So, yesterday, when I shaved, I put in some more effort, because I wanted to reduce skin irritation, etc.
So I followed some advices I found online. I additionally used some skin scrub beforehand, and put on a conditioner (yes, for the beard; not a specific one, just normal conditioner). Then shaved, aftershave and a moisturizing cream on. Today I'm feeling the best shaved ever, with very little skin irritation. It's great :bounce:.

I also measured my body fat composition on Saturday, which was like 19% nearly, or 16kg. The fat % is a bit high, should maybe be below 15%.
But now I calculated. I wanted to go back to a normal BMI range at some point, or for this year at least down to 80kg.
With that amount of fat, I'd basically need to go down to 0% body fat to get into the normal BMI range, or <10% for 80kg.
I could lose like 5kg (of 15 necessary), then I'd be in the % range of an average healthy young man.
Sounds more like a rant than a rave?
No, because it also means that I'd need to lose 10kg muscles (additionally to the 5kg fat) to be a an average healthy young man.
Yeah well, eff that. I keep my muscles. I have 10kg more than average, I'll stay like that :D :bounce:.

(yes, that calculation isn't very accurate, and it's probably not 10kg, but anyways, doesn't matter, I feel happy :D)
Fur farming is finally getting the axe in Norway according to the new government. About time too, what a crappy industry! Will be a "controlled disassembly" over a period of six years or so. But I guess that's understandable. Anyway, that's worth a rave in my book.
Fur farming is finally getting the axe in Norway according to the new government. About time too, what a crappy industry! Will be a "controlled disassembly" over a period of six years or so. But I guess that's understandable. Anyway, that's worth a rave in my book.

Maybe all the displaced workers can get into fish mining.
Courtesy of Ryan North:
My mom laid an egg and then later on I PUNCHED MY WAY OUT!

(it broke the monotony of a relatively boring night - the type of night that happens when there's nothing new on TV and you've just almost completed a sweep for 100% completion in a game you've already won)
Vindicated :)

An athenian publisher had initially reacted with quite a bit of hostility when i asked that his editor's serious over-extension (literally altered the shape of every sentence of my translation...) should be re-examined. After a small - but brutal - Odyssey, the publisher gave the text to a very reputable editor - i am told the one regarded as the best in the market - who proceeded to claim that my text is of very high quality and needs very very few changes.

A small victory, i suppose. And vindication :)
There are some editors who try to establish their necessity by over-editing. It's the editorial equivalent of churn in the investment business.

On the other hand, your prose could suck and the second guy is just lazy.
There are some editors who try to establish their necessity by over-editing. It's the editorial equivalent of churn in the investment business.

On the other hand, your prose could suck and the second guy is just lazy.


While i didn't know him (i am not at all profession social circle aware in this respect), it appears he is widely regarded as the best editor in the country. Which would explain why the publisher did a 180degree turn after he got his opinion. Better late than never.
Fur farming is finally getting the axe in Norway according to the new government. About time too, what a crappy industry! Will be a "controlled disassembly" over a period of six years or so. But I guess that's understandable. Anyway, that's worth a rave in my book.

But what do we do now with all that Tundra land in our next games of Civ!??? :hammers:
But what do we do now with all that Tundra land in our next games of Civ!??? :hammers:
Well, I think that's fur trapping not fur farming, so I'll allow it. But once you've tech'ed mass production that should be unnecessary too. Bulldoze the camp and make a national park instead. :)
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